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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. Phantasialand are surely one of the most creative and imaginative parks out there when it comes to building new attractions and areas.


    The amount of redevelopment they’ve covered over the last 10-15 years is stunning. Ripping out dated attractions such as old flumes and simulators, to replace them with state of the art attractions such as Chiapas and Taron.


    All they need now is a substantial new state of the art dark ride. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Mark9 said:


    So what you are saying is Thorpe needs some work.

    It seems so. I clearly didn’t mention this enough. 

    Could be said for lots of the UK parks to be fair. Paultons have been smashing it this season though!

  3. Honestly, Thorpe has been a mixed bag this year from my five visits this year. 

    Operations have been generally good, especially on rides such as Inferno and Stealth. Though some still need work. 

    I like how they have continued to push for more events besides Fright Nights. They need some work, but it’s something and entices more visits perhaps. 

    That said, the park appearance wise needs a lot of work. The TLC they have done to the Dome and Tidal Wave have helped, but there are so many more areas that need work doing. If 2022 marks the end of old town, we shall have to see!


    Chessington operationally seemed much worse this year IMO. 

  4. Well if the rumours I heard actually came to fruition, we would’ve seen a Transformers “themed” Swarm, Slammer replaced by Ramesis Revenge and Walking Dead’s entrance on the other side. Yeah right!


    we shall have to see what happens. Thorpe is largely overdue substantial investment and this could be somewhat welcoming to say the least should it happen.


    It would be quite the shame if Rocky Express did go, especially being one of the few remaining classics. However at 32, maybe it’s had a good run.

  5. Ah, this time of year again. Time for a game I play nearly as bad as Uno. It begins. 

    Amity Beach (3)

    Angry Birds 4D Experience (5)

    Black Mirror Labyrinth (5)

    Colossus (5)

    Depth Charge (5)

    Detonator: Bomb's Away (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)

    Lumber Jump (5)

    Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (6)

    Quantum (6)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    Saw - The Ride (5)

    Stealth (5)

    Storm in a Teacup (5)

    Storm Surge (5)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    Timber Tug Boat (5)

    Vortex (5)

    Zodiac (5)


    Amity Beach-

  6. I thought Trailers was honestly great. Some excellent references to previous mazes with a very reasonable length too. Not necessarily the scariest maze, but still lots of fun. Glad to see them using this area for mazes again. Definitely got some Stranger Things type vibes here.


    Creek Freak Massacre I found to be very enjoyable as always. Missed this maze a lot last year so it’s nice to have it back, especially since it’s based on me turning into some hillbilly!


    Platform was perhaps the weakest last night, but yet still performed to what was perhaps it’s strongest level since opening. The actors really set the scene and I loved the animatronics at the start, which looked great and not like something you’d find in Asda!


    I strongly enjoyed the Crows walkthrough which was different and the parkwide soundtrack is decent enough. 

    My only major gripes during yesterday’s event was the entrance process wasn’t greatly organised and there were few food options open. Even KFC and both BKs were shut, with Infinity only serving hotel guests and some outlets closed despite being advertised as open.

  7. It’s been over a year in the making, but I finally visited Energylandia this week. Here’s some of my thoughts:

    • Park is massive (humongous maybe), clean and features tonnes of attractions (does need more transport rides)
    • Zadra is marvellous and easily my European number 1
    • Hyperion is surprisingly excellent and a great park headliner 
    • Abyssus just shows how much Vekoma (and EL) have improved 
    • The quality of newer to older areas is definitely noticeable
    • Park presentation and landscaping were better than expected 
    • Operations generally good but queue jumping awful, excellent food
    • Largely buzzing park atmosphere, especially on Magic Nights evening

    Whilst some things need sorting, I honestly enjoyed this park much more than I was expecting and it is definitely becoming a key player in Europe (or even the world). There’s a vast quantity of attractions, but in time also quality. Surprisingly I missed a fair number of Creds, but I’ll mop those up should I return. 

  8. *Sometime later* (double post)


    Time to polish the list up!



    1/ Steel Vengeance 

    2/ Zadra 

    3/ Taron 

    4/ Oziris

    5/ Hyperion 

    6/ Shambhala 

    7/ Millenium Force

    8/ Helix

    9/ Nemesis 

    10/ Wodan 



    1/ Europa Park

    2/ Cedar Point 

    3/ Phantasialand 

    4/ Efteling 

    5/ Disneyland Paris 

    6/ Energylandia 

    7/ Liseberg 

    8/ Parc Asterix 


    10/ Alton Towers


    I’m not gonna write a bucket park list given things are still tricky, plus most of it is still Orlando parks. 

  9. Recently visited Legendia in Katowice Poland, just some thoughts. 

    Park has pretty enough landscaping, particularly around the entrance but there is room for improvement.


    Lech coaster is phenomenal and honestly worth visiting the alone for. The dark ride is quirky yet charming and the water rides random to say the least.


    Rest of the park is alright but not much to write home about. Numerous older rides which have been nicely enough styled/themed  feel like they are on their last legs. The royal ballroom ride for example was hilariously operated! 

    Operations weren’t great although it wasn’t super busy. Several attractions were closed on the day of visiting. This doesn’t include the removed flats or SBNO Scary Toys coaster. I only got one Cred, but did experience an evac on Diabelska (formerly Iron Wolf/Twin Looper).


    Overall ok park, but maybe not great. This place has the potential to be on the level of other city parks such as Tivoli Gardens & Liseberg. It’s a fair way behind that currently but we shall have to see what happens. 

  10. 2021 has been a surprising year indeed.


    Finally visited Legendia & Energylandia in a last minute trip. Parks were fun but travel planning even more of a faff, so make sure you know what you are doing is my advice there.


    On another note, the complexity of covid travel means I probably won’t hit other overseas park until 2022. 


  11. Been to the exact same attraction, although that was just before Covid.


    The War Of The World’s Experience is certainly a unique yet immersive attraction and thought not (super) cheap does perhaps hold up it’s charging price (which varies depending on peak/low peak times).


    I’ve always been on a fence with VR headsets, but unlike some attractions I think the usage here works to an excellent standard and far better implemented. 

    This one is very much a combination of immersive theatre and effects really, which could be easily enjoyed by both theme park and theatre fans in this context.

  12. 13 hours ago, Benin said:

    Maybe someone went to Walibi Holland and thought "well it's called the Dutch Thorpe Park anyway"?

    Pity they haven’t also decided to add a modest RMC and bizarre yet interesting Mack coaster to their line up though. 

    Thorpe’s recent decisions have been truly bizarre. Then again, I guess they have for some time now. 

  13. I managed to ride Flight Of The Skylion yesterday.

    It’s certainly a truly unique attraction to the park and the U.K, a bit like a cross between a simulator and a 4D movie but I guess that’s what a flying theatre is. 

    The pre-show was simple but funny enough, mostly explaining the process. The actual ride however was surprisingly impressive and the setting works out remarkably well. The ceiling was the only potential setback, but I personally consider this one of the best additions at the park to date.


    One could say it’s Lego’s take on Flight Of Passage, but I personally think it works. Volatarium is probably still my favourite type of these for now though.


    Rest of the area looks surprisingly great . The new drop towers were fun and the “rethemed” Hydras Challenge (formerly Squid Surfer) looks much better! Only complaint was the service and food quality at the Hungry Troll could’ve been better.

  14. Zeus’s renovations are fascinating. 

    I must confess touring my 2019 visit, the attraction was enjoyable and pleasant enough but was certainly missing that “wow” factor somewhere, compared to say Troy or Wodan. I haven’t done a proper GG woodie yet, but this all looks promising.


    The concept art for Toutatis looks splendid and should hopefully match the greatness of other lovely additions in the park.

  15. So despite being in no major rush to return after my first visit, five years later and I went back! 

    Apocalypse was great aside from only 2/5 towers working. Will be criminal if this gets removed!


    Adventure Cove area looks great and should be even better when everything there has opened. 

    Park very busy and did have some kind of atmosphere for certain. 

    Not sure when I’ll be back but it was a very mixed one. 


  16. I’m so glad they are finally getting their “long awaited” expansion. 

    Efteling is one of my favourite European parks and hopefully they can broaden the lineup whilst retaining their charm and character that’s been largely prominent in their 69 years of existence.

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