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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. It really has been a mixed bag of news at Drayton recently. 

    The new additions in the Adventure and Viking areas. Adding and renovating current attractions and the rumours of new ones. Including a potential coaster. 

    The apocalypse removal is honestly a massive blow for both the park and the UK. But perhaps also not a surprising one given the ride’s reliability issues and potential direction of the park. 

  2. I honestly don’t think there’s a definite answer here. As others have mentioned it all depends on preference. 

    If your someone who loves awesome thrilling roller coasters and white knuckle attractions, Cedar point will win. 

    If you adore themed areas, random attractions/dark rides, Europa will win. 

    I honestly adore both places, but I guess Europa has it for me, but only just. 

  3. The way forward for this new attraction definitely looks the best one the park could opt for. 

    By opening an attraction which works on the strengths  character of the original, whilst utilising the advancements in technology. This seems an excellent decision IMO. 

    It’s pretty clear the original attraction is on it’s last legs and needs a renovation now. And given development hiccups and it’s low KPI, a modernised replacement seemed imminent. 

    The original was very dark indeed, with demons, religious figures and even a hanging corpse. That’s Spookslot!

  4. So yesterday I went to Chessington for the first trip of the season. Opinions are mixed and maybe more on the negative side. 

    Park was very busy, which was to be expected, however how the park somewhat coped with this is more the problem. 

    Ride reliability was poor park-wide with next to every ride either having a major breakdown, opening late or closed all day. Witnessed a breakdown on Falls and got stuck on Gruffalo as it broke down. 

    Amazon (Jumangi) Land couldn’t have come at a better time, given most of the park is on its last legs and it seems more of the middle aged stuff too. 

    On the plus note, staff were friendly enough and presentation in most areas seemed better. But they really need to focus on improving ride hardware and infrastructure and it feels like the place cannot cope anymore with crowds above moderate. 


  5. Back in the day of full and proper operations, Falls could’ve easily achieved a throughout of at least 1000 PPH. 

    Given the lack of boats we saw yesterday(half at best), it probably doesn’t get more than 500. And that’s before taking RAP and fastrack into consideration. 

  6. On Friday, visited the park for opening day. There were vibes I guess?


    Security process was long with many taking over an hour to get in. 

    Some areas looked fresher, such as the new mural & (yet to open) Highstriker and others less-so. Banana looks naff without it’s theming. 

    Amity seems to be a hive of activity with the new stage. I like that the park has more entertainment, but unsure how I feel about the location. 

    Operations were a mixed bag. Stealth had the best, Inferno didn’t open until the afternoon. Colossus ran one train. Saw was squirting loads of water on the in-line. Still painful!


    Old Town is (basically) dead! Events/advertisements dominate the new white fence surrounding the former area. The toilets, BK etc. are likely now just part of the jungle. Wet Wet Wet gone (no real loss) and a new (random playground). 

    Tried Vibes Kitchen. It’s alright, but basically Infinity with a new name and random menu IMO. The Cod goujon baguette meal was adequate. 

    Overall a fun day, helped by the weather. As much I’m excited for Exodus, I feel most of the park is looking rundown and tired. Especially The jungle. Not to mention audio was messy. 



  7. I literally had to stop watching the video halfway through.


    This is just horrifying. Like how was this even possible to happen? This shouldn’t have been able to happen! Be it through ride safety, training etc. 


    Thoughts go to the boy’s family and friends. 

  8. Calling the playground, the playground? Erm, least people will know what it is I guess?


    Wet Wet Wet won’t really be missed, apart from the name. I’m glad Inferno’s lift has been added, but they could’ve really done more to the queue line, which is looking rather dilapidated now? More so.


    It looks like they’ve added a fence to where Old Town was according to the video. I feel mixed emotions. 

    Overall some nice improvements here, but some that do make you wonder if such approach was necessary.

  9. Following on, I would like to express my experiences of Face It Alone, during its years of existence. 


    After hearing the strange and interesting stories of the event’s first year I decided to try out Face It Alone. I managed to experience it on not one, but three mazes. 

    Before each maze, there would be a gathering at the then Calypso BBQ, where several actors and  staff/management would be. The rest of us were given champagne, whilst we waited for our maze with anticipation. The usual waiver applied. 

    Cabin In The Woods/ 

    This was my first ever face it alone (FIA). I went in somewhere towards the middle, the actors shouted and screamed at me (ofc). They made me lick the wolf, one pushed me along the route whilst another did a piggy back. From what I remember it was a very rough, rocky and intense experience. 

    Studio 13

    My second one seemed more favourable and was at the end of the then TPM Fright Nights meet. At least one actor pulled me through the set pieces like an over aggressive acting agent, whilst others screamed in my presence. Several female actors threw makeup materials all around my face whilst laughing and squeezing. 

    Saw Alive/

    My third and final FIA of 2014, which happened by accident due to last minute changed plans. 

    In the first room I was asked to go against the wall whilst an actor shouted at me. In the second room, two female actors screamed at me to go into the bath. Later one, there was a half-naked woman in scene four or five. 

    Before beginning l, I was asked for my name, which was used by actors screaming it at me several times during the experience. 


    I managed one FIA this year, with the new concept. I preferred the old concept with champagne and maze choice, but it was ok. 

    There was a ceremony towards the start, where we would have hoods on our heads, before actors confirmed which made it would be. This would be. 

    The Big Top

    The order we all went in would be completely different, as would the length and experience, as some would get through sooner than others. There was no poncho either. 

    Things would include being asked to crawl on the floor, crawl under a clown and escape a chainsaw. I also had a pie of shaving foam thrown in my face. 

    This FIA basically saw a TPM takeover of the event and would also be where I first met @Martin Doyle.



    Last and least. The same ceremony system commenced. 

    Saw Alive

    whilst not necessarily terrible, this was my weakest run-through. 

    The actors put my head in the toilet, taunted and got close to you as you went around the experience. 

    And after this point, it all ended. 

    There were some crazy and intense experiences, which I won’t forget. 

  10. Hard to know right now, but Blackpool I’ve done. 

    Merlin lot, Paultons and a return to Blackpool should be on the cards along with other uk parks maybe. 

    Abroad wise, fingers crossed for Orlando in October and Disneyland Paris in May/June time. 

    Would like to get to Plopsa for their new ride and maybe some other European perks. Would like to get back to Europa, Efteling and Phantasialand for sure. 

  11. Well I’m glad that’s not one ride less, shall have to see what it looks like come opening.


    Can maybe see Timber Tug getting a new home elsewhere in the resort, but maybe not Rocky which is a shame, but has maybe had a good run. 

    Think we may have an interesting season ahead of us, especially with the new events and potential construction beginnings.

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