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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. I know right... of course I hope the park keeps on having guests and all but last time I went was busy summer time so was thinking of having a less busy visit now. We actually weighted Thursday vs Fright Nights, main aim to visit the rollercoasters, not fussed about the mazes... thinking Thursday will not be busy at all. Is this strike surprise news or have people seen it coming for days? People from further away might not be that eager to travel if short notice....

    GO Friday.

    It's quiet, ert and mazes!!!

    Besides the daytime will be quiet.

  2. I'd speak to the host at the entrance of the maze to be sure, but they do normally advise people with back issues not to go into these attractions

    there must be a guy in a wheelchair did it on crutches, so there must be another route to skip out the section.

    The director was great fun when we saw him walking around the park although not being very scary, camp and american but it was great being casted.

  3. Blair witch doesn't have fastrack...

    Cabin in the woods and saw alive broke down today. Strange how's mazes can break down!?

    They are constantly asylum last week broke down whilst I was in the queue and did again this week aswell as MBV but I guess a breakdown could be anything from an actor being assaulted to lighting failure.

    Could someone please explain to me how a scare zone gets an 60min+ queue?

  4. Rant time:

    Fasttrack is really poor this year for those of us who decide to queue in the normal line.

    So I was in the queue for MBV and it decides to break down or somebody had an accident etc, meaning we were in the queue for 30mins longer.

    So when the maze reopend again the groups were being batched with 8 people from fast track and then two from the standard queue surely this is not fair after waiting so long whilst these guys have waited 5mins.

    On the plus side whilst it had ceased operation the entire cast came out and interacted with the queue line.

  5. Going back to the POV'S of mazes I think it's a shame that TP don't do POV's officially if it's the last year that maze is going to be open. So that everyone can see and remember it. Having never been on 7 and Hellgate it would of been nice to see what they were like.

  6. Gonna go with my sister next week. She's never been to the park, really looking forward to the rollercoasters. We've been planning to go on Thursday 17th if the weather is half decent. Thinking it's probably not gonna be very busy so we'd get to ride each rollercoaster at least a couple of times. However now I began thinking about Sunday 20th, as I saw some comments about Fright Night not being that busy on Sundays. Not that interested in the mazes really, but would love to see the park in the dark, plus the extended opening hours. Reckon Thursday would still be the best then to get most out of the rollercoasters or does Fright Night atmosphere/darkness make it worth it even if there's longer queues? Would they be significantly longer?

    Sunday 19th would have short queues especially on the the rides at night as demand becomes higher for the mazes. Maze queue would still be short aswell. For the best of the best go on the Friday.

  7. That's correct, the spinning doll door doesn't open, that was confirmed to us by Megan (head of ents I believe). That room represents the basement as it has loads of different items on the walls, we got stuffed in there by the pumpkin head people and were stuck for a few minutes before going out the way we came in.

    On a different note, I watched a walkthrough of Universal's version of Cabin, and while it is undeniable that their maze looks 100 times better than Thorpes in terms of sets and themeing, it doesn't look anywhere near as fun as Thorpes, just a normal walkthrough, with the actors just popping out here and there to scare you. It really makes you appreciate Thorpe allowing the actors to make physical contact with you, it makes it so much more immersive.

    Yep I totally agree with the whole touching thing.

    It's a shame that we have not seen some of the characters from the film though.

    Also that room did not symbolise to me as being a basement but I though it was one of the best rooms.

  8. Basement room, I assume you mean the one with the doll in the end of it, I've tried that door, and since I was in the 2nd batch of the season for the maze, and the first one had got out of the maze well before us the door can't open

    Is that the only with the spinning doll at the end with no other doors to go through so you have to go back on yourself?

    Out of interest what were the scare ratings on the map for each maze?

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