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Everything posted by Gggggggg

  1. Ok so it obviously wasn't that difficult. Yes, it was a Sky Drop from Gt Yarmouth Pleasure Beach! How could you tell? Here's a very difficult one for you. Name the park too. That's the heard part, the ride is quite common. I'll give a zoomed out version at 3:00pm if no one has it.
  2. Here is (what I think is) a very difficult one: If no one gets it by the end of Friday, I'll upload a zoomed out version
  3. Gggggggg


    I'm not observant! Besides, I don't wear my glasses when I go to theme parks out of fear of losing them
  4. Gggggggg


    Never knew it was there...
  5. Gggggggg


    Pole? What pole? There's so much I don't know about this ride. Pictures?
  6. Gggggggg


    The glow would be very subtle, possibly even unnoticeable due to all the lights in the pyramid. It's a great idea though. I think it could have worked when it was X:/NWO
  7. Gggggggg


    I too think the music could be louder. Turn it up to the max! I think the lights are just fine, but I know someone who went in the front row and said it wasn't as good as further back as he could see the track, whereas I couldn't.
  8. Discovery? Or a Disk'o? Power Surge? Super Spin? They are the only Zamperla rides I can think of...
  9. I'd love to be evacuated from a ride. Possible lift hill walk, possibly see the inside of X or see other bits you don't usually get to see! Then exit passes!
  10. Here's one last one from me 1) I have vertigo 2) I am listening to Absolute 80s right now 3) There are 2384 songs on my iPod
  11. I quite enjoyed it. Especially the wild mouse coaster and the train one that I can't remember the name of
  12. Nope I was in fact the student head of IT in my middle school. I was the very first student head, and got a card of thanks from everyone in the IT group. I did fly to Ibiza with Thomas Cook in August last year However, I wear FCUK glasses, not Ted Baker glasses Little insight into my life for you
  13. I'm gonna revive this. I've never been had a breakdown, but one at Pleasure Beach Great Yarmouth I got stuck in the Twister as the bar wouldn't open and they didn't have a key in the ride cabin. Also been in the SAW: The Ride queue for an hour and a half with continuous breakdowns. Gave up eventually..
  14. I couldn't find a topic about Parc Bagatelle, a small theme park in North France. Anyone ever been? What are your views? I went there a few years ago. I loved it, but their main ride, Le Triops, an inverted boomerang was closed EDIT: Changed the location from West to North
  15. Here's another one from me: 1) I wear 'Ted Baker' glasses 2) I flew with Thomas Cook to Ibiza 3) I was the student head of IT in my middle school Which is the lie?..
  16. But when I do a huge project and it never gets returned to me, even asking for it back. Twice.
  17. Another rant from me: When teachers set homework but don't collect it in/mark it.
  18. I hated Evolution at Pleasure Beach Great Yarmouth. Didn't mind it when the seats were tilted back, and went upside down. When they went into an upright position, upside down, is when I started to hate it. See if you can make sense of that...
  19. *mumbles* I don't like this game anymore....
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