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Everything posted by Gggggggg

  1. Please can people post the pictures again as would really love to see them!
  2. Gggggggg


    I'm really liking London Grammar right now. Also like Ke$ha's new song.
  3. Always wondered this myself. Anyone have any ideas? Any employees on here? I would also like to see pictures of the refurb.
  4. Where did you go to get the pic of the swans by Swarm?? I didn't know public could go anywhere around there! Neither did I know public could go around the Sunken Gardens.
  5. Just two random and pointless questions that came to me yesterday. Is the water just filtered water from the lakes, and, is there a maintenance depot to maintain the boats? If so, where is it? I've never seen it.
  6. Gggggggg

    Ride teams

    I find it strange that the smaller rides like SIAT is operated by the same people that operate the bigger rides like Stealth
  7. After reading this properly, I would like to mention some things which maybe of interest. It seems they have been playing that film in the 3D cinema for ages as I saw it in July 2012. When you say CitiEurope was closed, was the huge shop closed as well???? When I went, everything (bar Le Triops) was open. Quite annoying that we had to haul those heavy barges to the top of the water boat slide thing. :/ I really enjoyed the day though. I keep bugging my mum to take me, but she refuses to take me to France just to go to a theme park.
  8. I LOVE this park!! Went with my old school last year but Le Triops was closed!! Quite funny when I had to go on the spinning mouse ride with 2 friends and my 60 something teacher. On the Bag Express (when we went the water channel had water flowing into it) we returned to the station, ready to disembark and the operator says something in French. Everyone screams and we went round again. I was strangely confused. It was our favourite ride!
  9. I thought it meant shutters like this
  10. If they replace Vortex, I wouldn't mind them installing a Move It ride. They are very fun! Always make me giggle! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=move+it+ride&espvd=210&es_sm=93&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=RoNIUuiJBaT17Aafq4HoBg#facrc=_&imgrc=8HyF83fmCVoKMM%3A%3B72uOosABD-mvIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.corlustmeccanoclub.co.uk%252Fimages%252Ffuture_models%252F1_The_Move_it_32_in_full_swing_one_of_the_models_that_is_in_the_process_of_being_built_by_a_club_memeber_pic2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.corlustmeccanoclub.co.uk%252Ffuture_models.html%3B640%3B480
  11. Gggggggg


    I never got to ride XNWO. Upsets me really...
  12. IMO, the last barrel roll is the best
  13. Is it me, or does the last barrel roll seem faster than all the others??
  14. The thing is it was about 5 o clock and we had other rides to do as yet that day. Free fast track for another day is no good as I live in Suffolk and it's way too far away to just drop in whenever I want. Also, being only thirteen years old, I have to work it around school, and my parents schedule, as I can't drive.
  15. Got really annoyed with Saw yesterday. Got right towards the front of the queue, and it broke down about 8 times! Queued for over an hour for I ride I never rode!
  16. I baught a one shot for the swarm as the queue was ma-hoo-sive. Other than that, haven't used ut
  17. I didn't even know X had 4 trains! lol
  18. Just me being really picnicity, but Pleasurewood Hills is in Suffolk
  19. Despite what you may have seen in a video, the ride actually spins very fast. Unlike most spinning coasters, this coaster doesn't stop spinning. There is no lock on the cars to stop them spinning. They are held in place by operators on boarding/disembarking. I went last month. It's good fun It's a real shame they let the south end of the park end up the way it did. Although, they are getting a huge casino down there
  20. This is mostly aimed at people that have worked at TP in Rides & Attractions. What are the best bits/worst bits about the job? Is it fun? Got any pictures? I'd like to see some pics of control panels. I know there's already a post for this, but most of the pics are unavailable. Thanks
  21. Ian, can you possibly re-post these pics, as I cannot see them Thanks
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