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Everything posted by Gggggggg

  1. You may recognise mine... EDIT: I just love the woman at the side that I couldn't be bothered to crop out... I'm also going to point out that I'm on the far left, just to clear up any confusion!
  2. My grandad does it and he's from London...
  3. I've got Swarm pen, Swarm t-shirt, Swarm mug, Stealth picture, Swarm key rings and general TP key rings. Nothing fancy, but oh well...
  4. Gggggggg


    Well, good luck Also, seeing this makes me feel... recognised.
  5. Correct. I've never been to America!! *mumbles* I want to though...
  6. Gggggggg


    Wow, I bet that's difficult. I am now working towards grade five. skipping grade four.
  7. Nope, that's not a lie! I think you know it now!
  8. I'm reviving this!! I can Titanium by David Guetta on trombone I met Jennifer Aniston when I went to America I am allergic to horses Which is the lie?
  9. Gggggggg


    Got grade 3 trombone in September! Pass mark: 80 My score: 80
  10. When people say something like "three year ago". They use the singular word 'year' when they are referring to more than one! It's a plural!! "Three YEARS ago" not "three year ago"!!!! Rant over
  11. Does anyone know what this logo symbolises? I have it on a Swarm pen and mug, but have no idea what it's about!! http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj157/Luke_Antony_Wearn/picture069_zpsa3c5a4c6.jpg Sorry about the poor quality.
  12. Has anyone got/seen any pictures of the X control cabin?
  13. I can't actually see the first drop. Am I just not observant?
  14. Can someone please put up a link of Treasure Islands location, I've always wandered (is that the right word?!) about it. It's before my time!
  15. East coast or west coast, south or north?
  16. Banned for posting at quarter to five on a Saturday
  17. I vaguely remember seeing a picture of RR boats down a footpath. I'm not sure if this was Monk's Walk, but it must have been the footpath at the back as that's where Rumba is. Why would they drag them some place else? I'm just hoping that someone will have pics. It would be interesting to see. Unfortunately, I couldn't have taken pictures as I would've been 2 when NI was built!
  18. I don't know if this is in the right place but, Does anyone no anything about Monk's Walk footpath at the back of TP? Any pictures? Thanks
  19. I thought the cars spun from the very start
  20. What is the "swing to and fro 15% 40% 100%"?
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