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Posts posted by Rich

  1. It can very per ride. There is normally a set area on the ride that it will hit the top, but sometimes the ride (edge included) will do something odd as in not go over the hill when it should of, and go back the other way, if that is the case the set of seats might be COMPLETELY different when it goes to the other side!

  2. Cobra* Mark! :o And also the Griffins Galleon type ride is called Kontiki and is set to spin at I believe 15rpm! Although there are different settings for different spin speeds it normally runs program cycle 1 which is the 15rpm one! :)

  3. Pfft! Can't have people saying wrong stuff about my park!!! :)Also if anyone is interested, taken from Coasterforce website:

    As a thank you for enthusiasts support over the recent years, particularly during the planning permission problems, Paultons Park are holding an Enthusiasts Day on Saturday 11th September!Invitations have been sent to CoasterForce and the RCCGB. I requested that the invite is extended to all enthusiast groups as we all enjoy days like these. Those present at the Corkscrew final day will probably agree that when we all get together for a special event, it's a memorable occasion!What's happening?08:15: Arrival and entry to the park.08:30 - 09:00: Opportunity to photograph Edge and Cobra from areas not normally accessible to the the public.09:00 - 10:00: ERT on both Edge and Cobra.10:15 - 10:30: Peppa Pig World presentation by Stephen Lorton in the Cedar Room.10:30 - 11:00: Guided tour of the Peppa Pig World building site.11:00 - 13:00: Co-ordinates Competition. A treasure hunt style game where people can win park/coaster related stuff.13:00: Presentation to the winners on the Cobra patio.13:15- close: Enjoy the rest of the park.There is also an optional meal, £6.55 for a 12oz drink, beans, chips and sausage-or-nuggets-or-veggie alternative.How much?£14.50 - the standard group rate! It's undecided how this will work, it may be pay-on-the-day or booked in advance. I'll keep you posted.How do I sign up?CoasterForce members: Usual form stuff I'm afraid. See below.RCCGB members: See the Trips section on the RCCGB website.Other groups: Please ask your leader who will advise you.Other group members (excluding the RCCGB) may sign up using the CoasterForce form (don't worry if you're not a member) and I'll deal with the admin and payment. If you do this, please let your group leader know so our numbers tally.SIGN-UP FORM: http://www.coasterforce.com/Paultons_Park_Enthusiasts_DayThis should be a great day out and a great opportunity to meet like-minded people, geeks and park staff! It's also a week after my birthday, there's no better way to help me celebrate my 30th! RazzI hope to see you all on the 11th!For directions and other information, please see the Paultons Park website: www.paultonspark.co.uk

    Coasterforce link can be found here!
  4. Yes, Jumping Bean is awesome although at the moment it is having a mechnical issue and is currently unavaliable!! And yes Paultons Family Theme Park have NEVER changed their log flume. It's the EXACT same one they had since they got it in 1999!! It may look newish but it is getting on a bit now for a travelling fair ground ride! It gets repainted every year and the boats all go off one at a time throughout the year for their yearly saftey checks and get a repaint at the same time!

  5. Had an amazing time at Alton with Ricky on Wednesday and Thursday, was fairy busy both days though!Annoyingly the monorail failed to open when we wanted to go on it both days but did open later when the ice had gone off the track.First day started off walking to Oblivion and passed Spinball which was closed/testing, so went to Oblivion which was freeeeezing, but cool! Then went to do Hex for the first time in years which was alright. We then went past Duel which was closed, went down to Air and Nemesis which were very busy so gave them a miss, we then went to have lunch at Pizza Pasta <3 We then went back to Spinball which was heaving so thought bugger that, went back to Oblivion which had a 5 min queue (they were being really slow on Wednesday). The car had hit the brake run and stopped and yet the car in the station was still being loaded and checked. We then went back over to Duel to see if it was open, it wasn't but we Saw Harry and James by the Duel shop so talked for a bit and after a while Duel finally opened, (around 1ish I think). I did fairy well on this despite having eye and hand co-ordination problems with these sort of things, I did beat Ricky this time.... but he was sure to get me back later on! Next it was time for the Runaway Mine Train which made me laugh because the operator wasn't very good at parking it, we had the standard 2 laps it was doing that day, she then slowed it down too late and we crawled along the station for a bit and then picked up speed and had another lap when she realised she left it too late, I was not complaining!! We then did River Bank Eye Spy because we are cool :P and messed about with the audio buttons. Then we went to Hex again and called it a day there. My god the Water Park water was cold! We couldn't get used to it properly so gave up after a while in there. Had all you can eat dinner in splash landings, the burgers were nice!Next day we started off with a greasy all you can eat breakfast, the sausages were not very nice at all and made us feel a bit sick.So Deja Vu hit us as we walked instead of waiting for the bus service they were using instead of the monorail as the queue was too long. Went straight to Nemesis to start with this time as we hadn't done it on Wednesday. It's an ok ride but I much prefer Inferno. Quite annoying they haven't even built the 2nd train yet and the queues for it got rather long on both days. Went to air next which didn't have too much of a queue and was working ok as far as we could tell. Then went to Duel, I can't remember who won this one. We then went via Haunted Hollow as my leg was really hurting and I couldn't be bothered to go up the hill. We headed for Hex and did it for the last time, was a lot busier in there this time compared to yesterday, The projector really annoyed me being dull and key stoned completely wrong. We then saw that the towers were open so spent 30 or so minutes walking about in there, it's very interesting and I enjoyed it very much, then suddenly I noticed a corridor which seemed awfully familiar! Ricky went down to the bottom to investigate and it was the exit corridor to Terror of the Towers! We then looked at the chicken wire room and I couldn't believe how small it was! We then backtracked and walked as much of it was we could but got to a grey area that we couldn't work out, was very cool though. Also went to the top of the West Wing near Oblivion and got some amazing views of Alton and beyond! After we done all this we then had a go on Oblivion, well 2 as it was walk on and the ride was running much better with a car on the lift hill nearly all the time which certainly speeded things up! Then went to Spinball and it was so busy that we both thought stuff it, it's the same ride and I couldn't be bothered to go on it. Got some pictures of the ride etc, the supports are a much nicer colour now, Just wish the track blue as well or something as it would look nicer. Then went to the "Free Cash Machine" which I get annoyed about because it's a lie! :P Then headed back to Pizza Pasta <3 By this time it was around 3pm. Went straight back to Duel which I felt I had a good score... Until I saw Rickys.. :D I am sure he will post the ORP proof as well but he got 64000 and I got 42600. Then went to have a last ride on Nemesis before heading out of the park, the ride had a shutdown but was resolved 10 minutes later. We had the back row :DThat really is it, 15 min queue for the Monorail but I was happy to queue as my leg by this point was hurting so much. The drive home was interesting with heave snow, then nothing, then like light rain then heavy snow again, places we passed down the M1 showed how much snow they got again with the outside line not gritted.Anyway was a good 2 days, busyish but it's about being at the right ride and the right time! Air and Nemesis reached 50 minutes which is what Spinball also hit I believe. The longest queue for Oblivion was 10 or so minutes.Can't wait to go back to try Th13teen, I still don't believe there are that many rides at Alton even if it is main season and all rides are open, I do believe even though Alton Towers is a nice day out, it's over-hyped and I fail to feel any magic.Also had my 2nd ever ride on a coaster in the snow, Oblivion. My first was Cobra a couple of years back. Oblivion was Ricky's first coaster in the snow and it was cool! :P

  6. Mine still hasn't changed! People always say they don't like something new, it's just a case of give it a few days and you will probably think the old one was a heap of junk! :)

  7. I still have XP and I still haven't had any problems with it after 5/6 years or so, in which case I'm still not upgrading yet as I have no reason to.

    I fully agree you with Dan, I have not had any problems with XP either, I will upgrade one day but for now I am still happy with it!
  8. Lol steve is one of the only people I know still using Windows XP :)

    I still use XP nothing wrong with it really, I will eventually get round to upgrading to 7! I did not want Vista at all, hence why I still have XP :)
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