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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Maybe they want some time to build a WC16 style fence/wall around it to keep prying eyes out (is that even possible given it's location?) so that the rest of the area can operate as normal once the park re-opens.
  2. ^ The reason I asked about a cctv blind spot was because on one of the video's you see a staff member come out the grey building, stop, look and then go running back in, but I'll freely admit I have no idea whether that's an entrance, servicing or whatever. When we were at Cheesy they shut down Dragon Falls because the CCTV went down, so I know they're strict on it.
  3. I wasn't ranting at you I just really dislike The Daily Fail that's all lol. I too hope they've just made an assumption based on the info and though bugger let's run with it, we can just delete it later if it's wrong, but given the shape of them cars and lack of frontal protection it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were right.
  4. They probaably just want some peace and quiet to tidy up and get the trains off the track without 2000 people watching them.
  5. I stopped reading the Mail article at the point where they said they were left hanging upside down 25 foot off the ground, plus they are the only news outlet not to censor the photo of the lad in the front left seat (that I've seen anyway), now I'm a strong believer in not censoring events, but at least give the poor kid some dignity. The Mail is pond scum gutter press obsessed with clickbaiting, they're worse than the Sunday Sport were. Even if they are guessing, they are probably right over the injuries, but they've just have such a **** way of going about things they should really be ashamed.
  6. Don't bother, it's not the full interview, just a snippet, sky tend to loop their news overnight though, so they may repeat it, the interview was during the press preview segment, I think this segment is repeated at 11.30 If not I.'m sure it'll end up on their website sometime soon.
  7. I think it's just being replayed, if you quickly search YouTube sky news live you might catch it.
  8. Yeah I caught it just as he said that, he seemed genuinely shocked and the guy in the studio afterwards basically said most lawyers would advise against what he did and he should be commended for doing it.
  9. Thorpefreak, believe what you want but as Josh says, take things on social media with a pinch of salt unless you know the person personally and have done so for a long time. Several years ago a friend of mine was involved in an accident and according to Twitter, had died of his injuries, you can imagine my surprise when he turned up at my office the next day looking a bit beaten, but otherwise very much alive, around then I stopped taking any notice of social media in these situations as it's mainly full of assumptions and guess work. Doesn't surprise me unfortunately, they were up there a long time crushed in.
  10. Any compensation settlements would likely involve non-disclosure clauses and about 50 thousand other clauses, they will get a bundle, but I don't think they'd have got something sorted this quick.
  11. Yup, at least 6 months I'd say, H&S will decide when the ride can reopen, not Alton.
  12. No suprise but Sky just said the ride will remain closed until the results of any investigations are known, presumably they're talking both internal and Health and Safety Executive.
  13. Already seen it but there is no need to apologise for posting it, everybody can decide whether to watch it or not themselves.
  14. They need to establish the cause first, but in this era I wouldn't be surprised if they shut it down as a precautionary measure anyway.
  15. 'Reports' = one atention whore on twitter posting **** he heard from his brothers friends boyfriends dog. It could be true, but I really wish Sky and Beeb would stop taking every little tweet they see as gospel and giving it the label of a 'report'.
  16. Ricky, as sad as it is for those involved, it's not going to make a jot of difference to their wellbeing if we sit here watching the rampant speculation on the TV in silence, or whether we come onto the forum and talk about it, honestly the last thing on their minds is going to be what we're saying, at least we're not running around asking for gory details or posting 'blood and gore' videos all over twitter. For the record, the second car appeared to be sat 4/5th of the way up the lift hill on the pull side of the crest, it wasn't hanging over the edge ala Oblivion.
  17. I know what you're saying but if the e-stop was engaged, how was the second train dispatched from the top of the lift hill?
  18. Just thinking aloud here but I wonder if the stationary car was in a blind spot and someone thought the computer was being an arse and over-rode the e-stop manually, I don't even know if that's possible but something majorly went wrong somewhere in the system.
  19. I don't think they realised what the cause was at first, and according to people interviewed, they (Alton) seemed more interested in clearing the area than anything else.
  20. Not a go at you cos you're just the messenger but I'd have thought getting the people off the ride is the priority rather than calling the after sales warranty support hotline...
  21. The occupants are still trapped, BBC have gone to Kennedy but Sky are still running with live helicopter shots, looks like the two carriages are fused or jammed together, earlier it did look like they were setting up jaws of life to cut the two carriages apart.
  22. The occupants are still trapped, BBC have gone to Kennedy but Sky are still running with live helicopter shots, looks like the two carriages are fused or jammed together, earlier it did look like they were setting up jaws of life to cut the two carriages apart.
  23. If what 'Thomas' has just said on the BBC is even 50% right, this is one major **** up of epic proportions, or a massive system failure. Also for a 14 year old, he seemed much more composed and coherent than anybody else interviewed so far. Basically what he said was the empty car stalled out and was sitting in the dip, the second (loaded) car was being held at the top of the first lift hill, another guy said 15 minutes but 'Thomas' didn't quote a time but said it was a long time and they were expecting the second carriage to be evac'd when suddenly it was dispatched.
  24. It's naturally to try and brace yourself or stick your legs out in that situation (like when you put your hands out to brake a fall) but it's unfortunately the absolute worst thing you can do. Hope they're all OK.
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