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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. TBH the longer it stays closed the more it's going to work against them, because people will start asking why it's closed and they'll start to assume that perhaps 'these German rides are faulty'. I put that in quotes because it's essentially what someone asked me today.
  2. Yeah she or someone at her employer has something on someone somewhere, it's so blatantly obvious she is a golden girl that can do no wrong, I do wonder what exactly she would have to do before they take action. Great that oblivion and spinball are open again.
  3. Out of interest is Paultons and other parks like Drayton Manner and that one in Yorkshire available?
  4. LOL, oh my give someone a bit of power......
  5. Oh right, I thought the merge point for fast track and main queue was at the bottom of the stairs.
  6. Hang on, was that a reserve and ride user, or 'Thorpe employee who scans the RNR barcode'? (Not really sure of their job title). Are you seriously telling us a park employee wondered onto a live track?
  7. He wasn't complaining about the park (that's not how I read it anyway), he was complaining about bystanders filming them instead of using their phones to call for help and one girl who he was able to shout at to do that, simply stopped filming and walked off. It usually doesn't matter how many people call 999 over an incident, the 999 service is able to collate and organise things so that 50 ambulances don't turn up.
  8. He has some valid points and they're not being overly egg'd up by the media ATM. I think it would really piss me off if some bystander was more interested in filming me on their phone rather than using it for what it is primarily designed for, but I can understand the other side, you always think someone else will be making 'that' call, and never think to do it yourself as a bystander. His hands don't look as bad as they've been made out to be though.
  9. I'd rather do loggers leap lol
  10. Gotta be on one train hasn't it? (Unless they're giving priority to RNR which is backing up the standby queue).
  11. Yup rnr is 57 mins for Colossus too, think I'll stay at home and watch LeMans instead...
  12. It was struggling on annual pass day, and there were a few of us actively praying in the station for a rollback which amused the ride ops, but sadly, no dice in the end.
  13. Is that marmalade sandwiches Mr Brown?
  14. Yes I agree with that, but once/if he get's convicted, we still won't know his name.
  15. Yup slightly warped that the law says you cannot name the 14 year old who broke the law, but it's OK to name a crash victim and show their blood soaked face on TV over and over. Mind you I can understand the reporting restrictions on the child all the time he has not been convicted, but I think these reporting restrictions should be lifted once a guilty verdict has come back, it's very rare that they are though. So I guess this is the first day this week, Alton Towers hasn't been on the news round here.
  16. Take the original along, just in case. When I went with a friend to collect one, they were only asked for the order reference number (but they had uploaded the photo to the site themselves, so quiet easy to tell if person collecting card is legit).
  17. About as rare as rocking horse sh*t. Not seen it happen this year, but it might have, not saying it hasn't.
  18. LOL oh yes, don't forget to apply for planning consent next time Mr Paultons otherwise Mr Rhinoceros will not be pleased at having to tear down his work, oink.
  19. They need at least one or two more rides that goes up-side-down, something like Colossus or Inferno, in addition to what they're planning. From what I remember on our trip there last year, they have about five what I'd call 'adult' rides, something that is like Kobra at Chessington, a drop tower, their 'Cobra' which although great is little more than Rattlesnake on steroids, a small water ride similar to loggers leap but on a much smaller footprint, and a Thorpe style depth charge water slide. Other then that, the remainder of the site is dedicated to children's rides, don't get me wrong it's a great park, but they could do with one or two 'extreme' rides just to make it the full package.
  20. Modern thinking is never make parts that last too long past their warranty window, otherwise you won't make any money from replacement parts... The original bits were probably made to last, the replacement made to a budget.... Could someone pass me my coat please, it's the one with 'cynical old fart' on the nametag...
  21. 'Incorrect' not 'false', false implies the events didn't happen, that the story is a lie, we all know the rides did shut down, just not for very long, so the story is not false, but incorrect, or misleading, but it's not false. It might be splitting hairs to you, but in a Court and to a blood thirsty media amped up on the hysteria of leg chopping rides, there is a massive difference and accusing them of lying about something which most know to be an everyday occurrence (even if you mean to say incorrect but false is a shorter word to use), is not going to do them any favours if this same blood thirsty media pick up on it, imagine the headlines ' Alton Towers covering up daily death trap ride failures'. Merlin have done a great job of media containment up to date, it would be a shame to see them take a major beating over a simple slip of the tounge by one of the web team.
  22. Alton should have said "The articles are incorrect, the rides are open, they were closed temporarily earlier in the day for routine inspections, which happens at some point on most days, and has always done so since the rides were built". People are so dumb they don't realise that the news outlets just copy each others stories, so once one breaks a story about a rollercoaster being evacuated, all the others just copy of them instead of checking the facts first, hence why the dumb**** saying it must be true because ITV reported it, well no **** Sherlock, ITV just copied it from somewhere else, ever thought of that?
  23. It's already all over facecrap.
  24. Yeah was just going to post that sh*t is hitting the fan on the wife's Facebook over these rides closing for a while. My eyes were so far rolled back in their sockets that I walked into the wall.
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