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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Well the paint has worn away where the wheels have run over it, what would you call it, skid marks?
  2. Yesterday afternoon Swarm was saying 15 minutes but it was more like 45 thanks to it being single train operation. Having Mr Magoo at the merge point with a severe adversion to speaking in favour of just waving his hands at people led to more confusion as people either walked past him thinking he was being polite or trying to hi five him only made it worse, shoeing them backwards like a heard of sheep wasn't helping either.
  3. I agree 100%, but in my defence it's a keyfob camera attached to my keys which were clipped to my belt clip and no bigger than an average house key, I simply pointed it in the right direction and clicked the button, it presents no more danger than anybody else on the ride that still has their shoes on, keys clipped to their belt or their annual pass on it's laynard round their neck. I'm certainly not mad enough to try and take a photo with my phone if that's what you though lol.
  4. I wondered whether it was test patches too, too see how long it lasted. The big section painted is quiet worn already.
  5. You get a better view from slammer but I was too busy trying to act my age to take a photo lol.
  6. Sorry for the massive size, snapped this this afternoon while on the Inferno lift hill:
  7. Yes that's true, it seems everyone under 15 that I know (that's not meant to sound creepy lol, my son is 11) have them. However the rnr site doesn't work on my phone (it hangs on the home page), but works fin on the Mrs one fine.
  8. I only became a smartphone user earlier this year, my dad last month (he's 74 so struggles to turn it on let alone send a text), I'm sure we're not the only ones late to the party, lots of people I know still have non-smartphone phones too.
  9. I do hope they haven't employed a certain person I know, he was one of these new apprenticeship kids, came with a book thick full of paper qualifications, but lastest less than a week in my mates garage after putting the brake pads in a car the wrong way round. I don't know about changing the fuse, I wouldn't trust him to remove the plug from the socket....
  10. I didn't think they had a 'team' based on the number of engineer vacancies on their site. I even considered applying for one myself until I saw the qualifications needed, alas experience didn't seem to be of any meaning compared to certificates.
  11. If they want to stop the buildup of the reserve'n'ride queue (presumably this was the fast track queue last year), then the person doing the scanning needs to be at the entrance not the merge point, then the only people in the queue, are the ones who are supposed to be there.
  12. LOL I hope they fix the rnr site since it doesn't work on my phone. I wonder if they'll make you scan each individual ticket into the system to register, or just the 'group leader' scans their ticket in then selects 4 or 5 people. Cos if it's the latter, that's open to serious abuse. Plus you always find tickets laying about on the floor around the dome, I can see some potential loopholes already.... lol.
  13. Were they actually complaining though? When we went Monday most people in the queue were picking up Ride Access Passes.
  14. They blew their budget on IAC, so it is their fault, should have bought a few less palm trees and invested that money into maintenance instead. /sarcasm, probably.
  15. Running one train is better for the environment or some crap like that. Don't shoot the messenger, it was just something I heard (here I think) not sure if it was a serious comment though. This is the point I was making about Chessington, a lot of people are satisfied to sit in a queue for 2 hours, it's beyond me why anybody would, but if Chessington on Monday was anything to go by, there are far more people willing to do it than not, and what's worse is they go back, day after day to rinse and repeat (some people I know who were there Monday have gone back today too, paying full price to get in, crazy!). All the time the crazies are prepared to pay full price to sit in a queue and not complain, nothing will change operation-wise.
  16. Yeah I can confirm it was two train on Monday.
  17. Operational profits were projected to be north of £400Million for 2014 last I heard, so yeah, a grain of sand on a beach comparison overall.
  18. The council are idiots, they put traffic lights in a quarter of a mile down the road at a cross roads rather than a roundabout (I can't remember if the lights were there before, but generally traffic lights = long queues, roundabouts = steady flow). We've come out the park before at 5pm on a regular off peak day, and it's taken us an hour to get to the M25, so when the council start saying no to expansion because of traffic flow problems, I'll be the first in the queue (excuse the pun) telling them they are talking out their arse. Infact it took us less time Monday to get home than it usually does just to the M25.
  19. Don't kid yourself about the green belt being an issue, down here (10 miles as the crow flies), the government reclassified a large plot of green belt land as brownfield then built 500 houses on it, despite everybody (including the local authority) objecting. It's only a controlling factor at the moment because if Merlin were to develop it, they would benefit. When the government decides they need the land for housing, it won't be an issue for them.
  20. Ian-S

    swarm evacuation

    Or perhaps someone has been taken ill and they want to give them some dignity.
  21. Merlin should offer to redevelop the road outside the attraction, that usually works for most councils.
  22. Funny that we were all saying the same about Thorpe a few months ago
  23. Ian-S


    Keyrings are eight quid on their own iirc (without map discount).
  24. Yeah I just told the wife she broke Vampires yesterday, it was so shocked she went on it went into meltdown and now won't let anybody on until she returns to show it some love. I'm not a popular bunny today haha
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