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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. All the time people accept standing in a queue for 90 minutes as normal nothing will change. On the plus side, my wife finally lost her rollercoaster virginity today on Vampires, she's 45....
  2. The place was packed today, and Vampire broke down twice, I'd have hated to have been in the queue for 90 minutes only to be told sorry we have a technical problem and don't know how long it'll take to fix, poor sods were stuck on the lift hill for 20 minutes the first time.
  3. Never mind the rest of the portfolio, they got to finish Colossus first....
  4. FYI the rail strike is off according to the BBC.
  5. Ian-S


    I wonder why Thorpe never bought the other one from Six Flags when they discontinued it, would be a good source for spare parts.
  6. 20 min queue as I type, so obviously running if queue-times is to be believed.
  7. Ian-S


    Never knew about this either. Sadly we live in a post-Saville era now where any adult loitering near kids on their own is labelled without any shred of common sense being used. They are probably more concerned about the 40+ age group than late teens though.
  8. Don't adults collect them? On AP day I saw tons of adults waking round with badges on their laynard things.
  9. My son's 11 and he's been on Stealth more times than Colossus lol, he prefers the trophy's though instead of the badges. The smallest girl in our group on Friday was 140.5 when measured, and she turns 11 in a month or so, kids these days are a lot taller and braver than they look (we found the more lippy the more scared they were, and the quiet shy ones front of the queue every time lol).
  10. Fatboy seats in the middle with the red straps?
  11. I don't know about Thorpe, but it wasn't too bad at Chessington yesterday, there was around 8 or 9 schools there in total and the longest we queued for anything was 20 minutes*, we're local so got there at 9.45 and left at 3, we had about 140 kids with us, *Vampires was on one train and had a queue of 60 (more like 90) mins most of the day, but our little group only had 2 theme park rookies in and they didn't want to go on it so we skipped it and took them on Fury instead. It was disappointing to see Chesington running only one train on Vamp's since they knew in advance there would be over a thousand school kids there yesterday.
  12. Are you talking back to 2 trains in 2015, or back to 2 trains this week? It was running two trains the last bank holiday weekend.
  13. I'm sorry but they'll have to do more than paint Colossus to make up for I'm a celeb. /sarcasm
  14. Paint doesn't like being applied in the cold of winter.
  15. I think it's a typo, on the eventbrite site it says 'enjoy three hours', if the park closes at 10pm, then that makes the event starting at from 7. It maybe that you can enter at 4, but quiet how they tell the difference between everyday Joe bloggs and an evening guest if they take the eventbrite ticket off you at the gate, is beyond me....
  16. For five grand I'd want the whole park to myself.
  17. Should be something done on only one train, if it has to be done at all, or just saved for special events. I often wonder what nemesis or stealth would be like going backwards.
  18. Varney shared a similar view at the recent nemesis 21st meet and greet, basically said Swarm's performance was disappointing overall (I.e. didn't bring in enough money) and Merlin were unlikely to build anymore wing coasters as a result. Wardley also said that swapping the rear seats smacked of a cheap gimmick and desperation, or words to that effect.
  19. Some people will always re-offend, as a law abiding citizen then, I assume you reported this to the authorities so that his license could be revoked and he be returned to prison? I didn't say that, what I said was his appointment would make no difference to how someone is released on license or how much time is served, as this is laid down in Law in various forms since 1948, he cannot simply say, you've been jailed for 10 years, so will serve it, which is what you implied would happen. Even if he were to present a new bill for reading immediately that Parliament returned that would fix this for you, it's highly unlikely to be retrospective. Some would call that backdoor privatisation. Nobody claimed it was. Again nobody said they were. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would disagree with you. I could list a raft of details about how the Conservatives have, and continue, to targeting the most vulnerable and needy in society whilst not applying the same principles to big business, but as you yourself have already stated you "dont value any argument which states otherwise" with your view I don't see that there is much point, other than to say your view is very dictatorial and not unlike most politicians when asked awkward questions they don't want to answer, are you studying Politics by any chance? Or perhaps the Conservatives did a better sales job on the nation by going off on one about the SNP that most people were too blinded by this to think rationally. Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious, it feels me with confidence, but I don't think anybody here disagreed with this view. First off, where have I lied? I responded directly to your post about sentencing and how you felt that putting Gove in as department head was suddenly going to make a difference, when in reality it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference, because the very system you were moaning about, has been in the statute books since 1948. Gove was a fleet street hack, he worked for The Times before he joined the Conservatives, there was no lie there. Priti Patel's views on capital punishment are easy to find on Youtube, they were broadcast on the BBC in 2011, so there's not really any denying it. Finally, now you want to wait 5 years.... Isn't that what I already suggested we do?
  20. Another myth perpetrated by the Mail, people do not 'serve 3 years of a 10 year sentence', they serve the full 10 years, a certain percentage spent in custody, and the remainder on license, it's been like that since 1948. Putting a washed up journalist in charge of the Justice Dept won't change that.
  21. Why don't you ask him instead of assuming, I'm sure he'll give you a straight yes or no. Besides, the new DWP Minister said the same a few yeas ago, she'll fit in well with IDS and his sadistic views, oh too many sick people about? No problem sir we'll just hang them.
  22. Like that's going to be easy LOL.
  23. A member of my family has a similar view, there is no point trying to reason, even when that reasoning involves reminding them that the unemployment benefit and rent rebate (as it was called back then) they want cut was the only thing that stopped them being homeless 30 years ago. We should reconvene in 5 years and share stories of life under Tory rule.
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