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  1. ^^^^^ what's wrong with theme park collective?
  2. Ok interesting trailer and concept. Very confused by the train carriage suspended in the air. I presume the experience will be 2 large train carriages that will alternate to allow people to move through the ride fairly quickly. I presume it is simply a motion simulator with VR Headsets and live effects on the train or close surrounding area. I don't think this technology is explicitly sold yet by any company that we know of, but I think it is essentially a static motion simulator.
  3. You guys would have to be deluded to think that Derron has such power in this. Merlin would not give him £30 million pounds to play with. Derron brown is the creative consultant meaning he comes up with the idea, the back story, ideas for the ride but is in no way given a large amount of input. You have to remember Merlin is a public company and I doubt many share holders would allow them to give £30 million to an illusionist/ mentalist when the idea is to be profitable and to be cost efficient. Merlin will have a large team of people coming up with the details of the ride and Derron would have come up with the initial idea while then driving this idea to the public as an influential figure
  4. I have corrected the post. I am sorry for the amount of speculative posts that admins have been doing recently. I am not too sure why some are posting information that is either unconfirmed or plainly not true, but in the future I assure all of you that TPC will be more informative. (None of the posts have been by me haha)
  5. What do you think these "fears" will be? Like how do you think the experience will be strucutred in such a small space?
  6. I don't see how they will have enough room to create the old layout. They will have to strip back the length a lot to fit it in such a small space.
  7. I have been thinking... The immersive tunnel section that we can see currently has no curve to the front of the screen which I think is weird. I thought an immersive tunnel had a curved front as well otherwise the effect is ruined. What if they were to construct a roller coaster (obviously very small) inside the immersive tunnel where projection mapping is used throughout which could be what messes with your mind, etc. They could even construct a bigger version of the structure we can currently see for the main building where the ride system will be and it could actually create a very cool effect if done correctly. I am probably wrong but just wanted to come up with other ideas instead of everyone slamming every aspect of this ride and not even suggesting what else could be there.
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