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Everything posted by 400400

  1. I found with saw alive that when the queue was advertised as 2 hours, with near the whole queue full we were only there for 30/40 mins
  2. In our bts yesterday our guide said the actors were told to tone it down a bit
  3. In big top go to the left of the table and go slow and u will be alone
  4. We did a bts of cabin and saw. We were aloud to film everything so expect a video of it in the coming days
  5. That's the only ride I went on I only did mazes yesterday. Should have been clearer
  6. Samaria had the director yesterday
  7. We had no chainsaw ending in the big top and the group in front were really slow [emoji20] but I still really enjoyed it What do people think they should change in there. Personally I think they should have clown costumes hanging down all over the dressing room. Because it seemed like the actors had no where to hide
  8. Thorpe park fright nights 2016 opening night review. Cabin in the woods: always a fun maze to do at Halloween. Solid as usual. I found that we ended up being part of a massive conga line for the last half of the maze. Over all 7/10 Saw Alive: it is roughly the same as it always is. Intense as normal over all I'd give it 7/10 The big top: This is a massive improvement on last year. Very disorienting. Great sound track. Over all a lot of fun. The scares are really good. Even though we had a conga line for the last half and no classical big top ending I still really enjoyed it. 8/10 Platform 15: I can't really properly judge this maze from my 1 run through it. We got stopped about half way through for about 15 minuets which kind of ruined the experience. The last half is .... Interesting and the finale was bad as well. Over all I'd give it 4/10. Blair witch. Also with p15 I can't really give this a proper review due to the fact that we had an interesting bunch near us in the queue who didn't really like my group to much. The actors in Blair witch were great as usual but I wasn't scared at any point. Over all I'd give it 6/10. I really did enjoy fright nights and the event as a whole is a positive. Gj Thorpe
  9. Big top has a serious lack of actors and a bit of a conga but I really like it
  10. http://www.24liveblog.com/live/1351789
  11. Lucky you. A review would be great. But remember any spoilers in tags
  12. Lucky you. A review would be great. But remember any spoilers in tags
  13. Lucky you. A review would be great. But remember any spoilers in tags
  14. I'm soooo mmmmmmooooiiiisssstttttttttttt
  15. I am going to Fright nights on opening night this year. Soooo I am thinking of doing a live blog with maze reviews and an audio walk through for each of the mazes.
  16. Has anyone here done a bts of cabin in the woods before. If so I remember on my booking email it says something about being able to take photos and videos inside at some points, how much are you aloud to capture
  17. If you're talking about summer nights none
  18. I noticed wind on the train in the vr section which I haven't had before
  19. Smiler and ghost train ..... Similar ????
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