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Everything posted by Roodie

  1. Just a little thought that popped in to my head. Would people prefer to get free food vouchers instead of priority passes. The reason I ask as trying to feed a family of four on park can be very expensive. Personally I would rather save the money on food.
  2. I wouldn't take what other people say about results seriously. As long as you pass is all that matters. As part of my accountancy exams you need to get 50% to pass, I quickly learnt that aiming for 100% was a waste of time and effort as all that isn't needed to pass. With regards to your teacher they might be thinking that it might motivate those with lower results to try a bit harder, however it might not work out that way.
  3. I think you are being a little harsh on Thorpe/Merlin Jamie. Delays are unfortunate and not welcome by anyone, no doubt Thorpe themselves. However I'm sure they are not the only ones who have had delays opening attractions. It is sad it won't be open for when they originally advertised. But they are doing it for the right reasons, as it can't be cost cutting. What is good is that they are going to be issuing refunds to people, surely that is a god thing? Right?
  4. That was most likely the best option in hindsight.
  5. Is anyone going to the preview weekend?
  6. Roodie

    News Desk

    The blue button works from the new content and the sub-forum lists. If I click on the last topic from a forum on the main page it still takes me to the last post. I'm using firefox if that makes a difference
  7. Roodie

    News Desk

    I click on the blue dot next to the topic and it takes me to my last post I have read. I am using the desktop version.
  8. I took mine on the Saturday, as going to struggle to fit everything into the year. I'm not sure it is going to be crazy busy, just thinking busy lol. As on the play store the app shows 1 thousand downloads, so that is giving me a rough idea of potential numbers. But the main reason to go is my boy is desperate to see the dinosaur roller coasters
  9. Just got my e-mail confirmation. Really looking forward to seeing this expansion.
  10. I have just had confirmation from Paultons that the prize winners of their Lost Kingdom App will have a choice of one day which is either the 14th or 15th May. However they are still arranging the preview days, so that is all I can say. However I'm looking forward to it, as it looks very well themed.
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