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Theme Park Fanatic

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Everything posted by Theme Park Fanatic

  1. Talking about things returning wouldn’t it be awesome if Rocky Express is rethemed into a Circus Train. Thorpe could create a new Land themed around a Circus. This area could be a retheme of Angry Birds Land. Furthermore The Big Top could be located in this area. A Family Maze could be constructed within. Come October the Family Maze could be transformed into a Horror attraction for Fright Nights.
  2. @coasterverse are you trying to say that Rocky Express and Samurai will probably be at the tip,by this time next year?
  3. @Hethetheth your information is incorrect. Pirate Adventure closed in 2015. This was within the past decade. Europa Park didn’t totally rebuild Piraten In Batavia. A few of the scenes and animatronics featured in the original are still used. The claim that Europa Park is Europe’s biggest Theme Park is incorrect. Disneyland Paris is Europe’s biggest Theme Park.
  4. @Hethetheth thease props were sold under the ownership of the Bryan Family. Now the Looping Group own Drayton Manor, they could install state of the art animatronics etc. Europa Park practically refurbished Piraten In Batavia from the ground up. The Bryan’s weren’t going to reopen and refurbish the Rapids. This made me think could next years new attraction be a reimagined Pirate Adventure.
  5. I wonder if The Looping Group will reopen Pirate Adventure? Drayton Manor seems to be refurbishing and reopening, many of their classic attractions. I’ve heard that maintenance people have been in and out of The Pirate Adventure building,so who knows? Personally I think Pirate Adventure will reopen in a similar format to Piraten In Batavia at Europa Park. Not only would the return of Pirate Adventure be a boost to Drayton Manor but also the U.K.
  6. Hi,I’m sorry to sound like a stuck record. Are there any updates on the future or Rocky Express? We’re now almost 3 Months into the 22 season,and I am still none the wiser about the fate of Rocky Express. The last I heard Rocky Express was dormant but in the same condition as last season. The only difference was a construction fence,around the perimeter of the ride. My assumption is that the construction fence has been implemented, to protect Rocky Express from the demolition of the rest of Old Town. I think Rocky could easily be relocated to another area of Thorpe Park, for instance the site of the SBNO Slammer. Alternatively Thorpe could relocate Rocky Express to the Samurai area. I say this as I predict this ride is on borrowed time. Much like,the removed,Ramasis Ravenge at Chessington,Samurai is incredibly unreliable and ageing.Another possibly is that Angry Birds Land could be changed and Rocky Express could slot in here.
  7. Who would like to see some Props put on Trawler Trouble? I would like a Seagull to be placed on the roof and the reinstallation of the rope that Timber Tug Boat at Thorpe Park had.
  8. @coasterverse it’s devastating that Rocky Express is going to be torn to pieces. I truly wish that Rocky Express could have the same fate as Timber Tug Boat (Trawler Trouble) or Lumber Jump (High Stricker). I think Project Exodus is the best thing that’s happened to Timber Tug Boat and Lumber Jump. Since the respective rides have been rethemed and relocated to Chessington and Amity they look a whole lot better. I would say that both rides are in the locations they were destined for. While in Old Town the rides looked cheaply out of place. I think they were rammed into Old Town so Thorpe could advertise new rides for 2017. Ironically the most popular and aptly themed ride in Old Town,is the one that will soon be history. I hope Thorpe has a change of heart and relocates Rocky Express to the former location of Wet Wet Wet.
  9. Timber Tug Boat has now docked into Chessington. It’s going to imminently be renamed Trawler Trouble. The Ship with its new name and livery is expected to sail again within the next month. Trawler Trouble looks extremely immersive and follows Disney Standards. It’s hard to believe only 6 months ago it was a ride that resembled that of a Traveling Funfair. I knew that Timber Tug Boat was in for a full scale refit rather than a rename to Trawler Trouble. Chessington is the best Themed Park in England. I have always said that Chessington reminds me of the Disney Parks.
  10. Timber Tug Boat has now docked into Chessington. It’s going to imminently be renamed Trawler Trouble. The Ship with its new name and livery is expected to sail again within the next month. Trawler Trouble looks extremely immersive and follows Disney Standards. It’s hard to believe only 6 months ago it was a ride that resembled that of a Traveling Funfair. I knew that Timber Tug Boat was in for a full scale refit rather than a rename to Trawler Trouble. Chessington is the best Themed Park in England. I have always said that Chessington reminds me of the Disney Parks. Image from Chessington Buzz
  11. Hi are there any updates on the future of Rocky Express?
  12. Does anyone apart from myself hope the current entrance to Sea Storm In removed,prior to the opening of Shipwreck Coast.In the place of the former entrance and que line,I would like to see a richly themed entrance portal. It’s been all but confirmed that Sea Storms entrance has been relocated to Shipwreck Coast. I’m glad that Pirates Cove (Shipwreck Coast) is receiving this overhaul. Pirates Cove was always an under-utilised,underated and weird mish mash. I say this as Pirates Cove had loads of dead space where rides could’ve been. The main problem for me was that half of Pirates Cove was in Adventure Point. With the addition of 2 new rides and the relocation I think Shipwreck Coast will be a nice contained area. I cannot wait for the newly refurbished and rethemed Timber Tug Boat (Trawler Trouble) and Bobbing Barrels (Zamperla Watermania) to arrive. I hope Timber Tug Boat has received a radical overhaul. In Old Town at Thorpe Park the ride was really out of place and would’ve fitted in better at a travelling Fair. I’m confident the ride has been totally refurbished as Chessington are brilliant at theming their rides. Personally I think that out of all of the Merlin Parks Chessington has the best theming.
  13. Chessington has wholly improved over the past 6 years. The Dragon Falls retheme to Tiger Rock,Hocus Pocus Hall retheme to Room On The Broom,Bubbleworks retheme to The Gruffalo,Mexicana refresh,(Market Square)Adventure Point refresh, Africa retheme to The Rainforest and new Wild Asia refresh are all vast improvements. I’m visiting Chessington in July for the first time since 2016 and expect Chessington to feel like a different place. The retheme of Pirates Cove to Shipwreck Coast even makes my mouth drool. Before I (hopefully) visit Chessington next year I’m going to buy the Jumanji board game and film so I understand Project Amazon more.
  14. This POV has ramped up my Hype for Project Amazon!! I cannot wait for Chessington to get their version of Jumanji. I’m wondering if the Rollercoaster will have a Dark Ride section like Crush’s Coaster at Disneyland Paris. Project Amazon will be the most immersive land at Chessington. I see this video as a tour of Project Amazon. The shop at the end of the Dark Ride looks supreme. I hope Project Amazon contains a Jumanji Shop. I can guarantee Jumanji will be the best use of space and IP Sponsorship that Chessington has EVER had.
  15. @Inferno for your information Derren Brown is very much current!! I went to see his new Show named The Showman last year. Brown is a very talented Man. Even when deceased he will be a classic like Walt Disney.
  16. As the Thorpe Park season progresses has their been any word on the future of Rocky Express? TBH I think leaving it SBNO is a shame. I’ve heard that Rocky Express has been sold too another Theme Park,but that lead has gone stagnant. Could someone confirm or deny if Rocky has been sold. Apparently another Theme Park fan saw Rocky Express listed on a second hand ride selling website.
  17. what do you think will become of the Pyramid when The Walking Dead sponsorship ends? Do you think it will be reverted to the Family Freindly X Rollercoaster themed to a nightclub. Could you foresee the return of X No Way Out?
  18. Chessington Buzz have posted that Shipwreck Coast (refurbished Pirates Cove) will house Goats. Am I the only person who doesn’t understand how Goats are related to Pirates,Fishermen or the navy. Apparently the overall Theme will be a Sea Side town. I live in Plymouth Britain’s Ocean City (A Sea Side Town)and never see Goats roaming the streets. Furthermore I cannot think of a location within the current Pirates Cove which could house Goats. The only proper building is an Amusement Arcade. According to the planning application the Arcade will remain. I’m overjoyed to hear that Timber Tug Boat is away being overhauled,before it’s return to the Seas as Trawler Trouble. At Thorpe Park Timber Tug Boat was hideous it resembled a travelling Fair ride in a fairly richly themed area. When Thorpe has Amity I don’t understand why Timber Tug was bugged into Canada Creek. A Canadian Themed Area. I think Charlotte from Theme Park Worldwide,will have mixed feelings about Shipwreck Coast,she hates waterides as Bobbing Barrels will be but adores Goats. Charlotte has even created her own melody called Goats Wearing Coats.
  19. Who else is exited about Pirates Cove’s transformation into Shipwreck Coast? https://chessingtonbuzz.com/projects/project-anchor/shipwreck-coast-is-full-steam-ahead/ With the relocation of Sea Storm’s que,hopefully a themed entrance can be built leading into Shipwreck Coast. The placing of Sea Storm half in Market Square/Adventure Point always seemed ludicrous to me. I wonder if the Sweet Shop in between Adventure Point and Pirates Cove, will in Shipwreck Coast following this refurbishment? It’s positive to hear that Timber Tug Boat has had an extensive scenic refurbishment,as the ride looked hideous in Old Town. I cannot wait to see Shipwreck Coast.
  20. Now that the Thorpe Park 2022 season is in full swing,could someone please ask about Rocky Express’s future?
  21. Hi all is the fate of Rocky Express 100% known yet? All of the other Old Town rides have had their fates sealed. I would be full of gratitude if someone could aid me to complete the Old Town puzzle,by telling me the fate of the area’s oldest and best loved ride.
  22. I have just seen on YouTube that the Seal roundabout has just been sold & relocated to Clarence Pier in Hampshire. Can someone please inform me of the fate of the Mini Ferris Wheel ( Swinging Sea Shells. Swinging Sea Shells is the last piece of my Weymouth Sea Life Centre puzzle. I know that Lumber Jump is at Thorpe Park,Timber Tug Boat and River Rafts are at Chessington and the Seal roundabout is now at Clarence Pier. Judging by the status of all of the other rides I presume Swinging Sea Shells is operating at another English Theme Park.
  23. @jom222 Weymouth sent their rides elsewhere at the end of 2016.
  24. Can anyone tell me if the new Water ride,can operate as a standard Tea Cup ride in poor weather? If the answer Is yes can the speed of the ride be turned up,when the water isn’t running? I’m very hyped as Chessington are lacking a Tea Cup style attraction. In addition the Theme Park are low on the ground in regards to Water rides. The only true Water Rides are Tiger Rock and River Rafts. I say true as some may class The Gruffalo River Ride Adventure,technically this ride is a Dark ride as Water is the means of transport and not the rides primarily intention.
  25. With Timber Tug Boat moving to Chessington,could I please ask which other rides were at Weymouth? Obviously there was Timber Tug Boat,River Rafts and Lumber Jump. What were the other rides and where are they located now?
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