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  1. iEddiez


    Had my first Reborn rides this weekend. Whilst the area is fantastic, the new queue line is a nice addition and the station is incredible, I can't help but be disappointed with the ride experience. We rode Train 1 twice on Saturday, Row 5/6 and both my friend and I noticed a rattle on certain parts of the ride. I can never remember the OG riding like that, enough for us to not re-ride quickly. It got worse as the day went on, assuming as the ride warms up, it runs a little quicker. Sunday we rode Train 2 Row 6, better but still rattly. For a ride that's <3months old I am amazed how rattly it felt. The area is amazing, the ride still slaps, but I do worry for the quality of the ride over the next few years.
  2. Morning all, Had my first rides on Curse this weekend and I have to say I was blown away. Such a great addition to the park. Some areas could do with a bit of a rethink, the pitch black corners with rumbling for example. The skull screen which I actually found online a few years ago for a Planet Coaster ride felt a bit of a cop out. The finale also felt a bit of a let down as it's so light in there. Could do with blocking off that room with bang doors or something to really keep the light out. Saying that though as soon as we exited, we went straight back around for another go!
  3. I give it a season. Maybe a second for good measure. £40m flop.
  4. Could not think of anything worse on that ride tbh.
  5. https://www.thorpepark.com/plan-your-visit/before-you-visit/accessibility-information/theme-park-accessibility/ride-access-pass/
  6. Some minor spoilers I don't even know where to start. Granted, the removal of VR now makes the story far more palatable. The preshows were done very well and set up what could have been an excellent experience. But it didn't deliver... I kept expecting this big scare moment and it never arrived. I am very suprised the fakeout shop remains but I guess that was a pricey addition to the last round of fixes? My only positive from it was the retheme of the loading platform was well done. Oh and I was out of the sun for an hour.
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