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  1. Seeing as I've booked Sun Saver tickets for the 25th months in advance, will they change the date? This closure was not announced at the time of booking. (Edited for grammar typo)
  2. I know that. I'm saying that Towers made it sound like it wasn't a big deal. But, the damage is evidently extensive.
  3. Towers' statement made it appear that the damage was superficial, emphasising that fire-treated wood was used in construction. I think people were expecting it to only be shut for a few days.
  4. It's obviously done some significant damage for the ride to be shut this long.
  5. The ERT was supposes to start at 7pm. They opened the queue and let us in, but we waited until 7:20 whilst they took a train off and ran test cycles. First riders got on just after 7:20. Queue was promptly closed at 8pm on the dot. On one train, yes we were queuing 20-25 minutes.
  6. For what was paid per head, it definitely was not worth it. And they only ran the ERT for 40 minutes and not the hour we were sold. Ended up with only two rides on the ERT. If the organisers didn't know, then I think they've, and by extension the members, have been a bit ripped off.
  7. Indeed. Went down quite often though, and the operations weren't the best.
  8. Yesterday was my first time on it as well, though the less said about Thorpe's handling of the "event" the better, which is a whole other topic (I left afterwards with a bit of a bitter taste in all fairness). Hyperia is an excellent coaster and is probably my favourite in the UK, but only just. However, when compared to other coasters in Europe, it probably doesn't crack the top 15.
  9. B&M coasters are certainly not the reliable rides their reputation makes them out to be.
  10. Staff saying potentially down for the day today. I'm on the RCCGB event which is supposed to have an ERS.
  11. I'm on park today and it quite evidently isn't.
  12. Detty may be 115' but it's still a better drop tower than most in Europe. (Scream at Heide Park is my fav - the drop seems to go on forever).
  13. It's been down for an awfully long time with no communication from the park besides being closed for maintenance, suggesting some sort of urgent fix. I hope they get it open soon, as it is the best drop tower in the UK.
  14. Any news on how many trains it's on today? App is reporting 180min queue.
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