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Posts posted by Fred

  1. From a rides point of view, if you compare it to Disney we're talking about theme parks that feature numerous rides that cost a fair bit to build, and in return cost a fair bit in maintenance costs for wheels and things (referring to things like the B&Ms which will have expensive wheels) - unlike Disney where most of what they have are budget rides, made either in-house or by Vekoma. Granted they now have a few Intamin's but nothing on the same kind of cost and maintenance levels that Merlin have to comprehend with.

    You're forgetting that we can compare rides almost like for like. One Colossus ride vs Thunder Mountain which has something like 6 trains. They'll have very comparable maintenance costs (and I expect Disney has higher costs).

    The difference between disney and merlin is that disney have massive maintenance budgets and almost anything is acceptable, Merlin you have to capex it and therefore less is likely to be permitted. So, it is merlin really.

  2. I believe they did. But, admittedly I can't remember the exact date; a new legislation has come into force stating that anything that 'wets' a rider more than a spray and is added after a certain has to be chlorinated water. Rumba and Loggers get used to it due to their age, but for example if a new water feature was added, or a new water ride for that matter it would have to use chlorinated water, or so I've been told.

    New legislation came in around 96 - all the water they pour on people from Rumba will more than likely be straight from tap. None of the water features on rumba are straight from the lake, so you've been misinformed here.

  3. I don't understand where all these ride reliability has come from?

    Smiler was fine until around 4pm on saturday and then been it's usual self since. Thirteen had ridiculous queues due to reduced capacity.. that was about it in terms of reliability?!

    Sure, everyone hones into the whole smiler down all the time thing cos of last year so a 2min shutdown would be advertised to the world.. but I can't see it being any better or worse than ever before, apart from the fact people are looking for these issues.

  4. ^ The new bag drop is actually the old bag drop! The original!

    This bag drop thing is so confusing. The original is actually a tiny place next to where the photos used to be. Then they built one at the entrance. Then they moved back encorporating the photos. Now they're... back at the entrance?

  5. Yeah, if 2 cycles are running then that's the maintenance suggestion out the window.

    Ripsaw has a cycle longer, more intense and involves all of what Rameses includes and is in almost constant use, so I never understand this Ripsaw bashing. Having ridden both, countless times, I know my favourite.

  6. 32a from Hanley Bus station.

    Every bus going from the train station side of the road goes to the bus station, there's one every 5mins or so apart from Sundays when they're less frequent. If you get on a First bus they're £5 for unlimited travel that day.

    It's just timings for the 32a you need to worry about. First do an X39 over summer and hopefully other holidays this year also though.

  7. Samurai is to do with weighting as you say - 15 people allow it to move under it's own weight to the platform to allow evac should there be complete failure.

    Rameses is completely different. It had absolutely nothing to do with weight or ride running, I've got many years experience working with top spins, so know it's not to do with that.

  8. The Imperial Leather Sponsorship ended several years ago, but they seemed to just peel off the Imperial Leather logos and leave the rest of the ride alone!

    I think he was pointing out that more Imperial Leather branding has gone. The ride was still literally littered with it last year (no matter how much fanboys somehow claim it wasn't - it was.)

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