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Posts posted by Fred

  1. From Oakwood rides teams themselves it's a nightmare, because their rides aren't designed to cope with them. Putting them on via the exit slows everything down anyway.

    But guests seem to expect and want this crap, the amount of people who go mental because the parks refuse to sell fastrack on a dead day with 0min queues because the guest themselves are idiots. Yeah.

  2. I remember the old days with really good staff. Even with only two staff they can proper get that ride going if they want to.

    Lazy attractions staff seems to happen everywhere nowadays, how did they get all the energy and oomph they used to and what's changed?!

  3. It's weird they provide ponchos, towers just run up to just 3 rows per train for a day whilst its raining, and then it is all fine beyond then.

    Sure, irritating, but at least you dont have to wear an awful poncho and still don't get rust on you. Plus dispatch times shouldn't be affected so maybe the queue might move quicker than forcing everyone to wear them.

  4. Bloody fastrack system. Not like they really need it either. Heard it was because their spanish investors enjoyed using fastrack at Alton Towers. Wonderful.

    Sounds good if it is an actual restaurant.. that'll be miles ahead of any of their current catering facilities. If it's even remotely near the same quality as their current food I'd stay well away.

    Interesting though, may have to make myself a visit in the summer again, 3rd year in a row.

  5. Nah Thirteens is automated but it's worked out at dispatch.

    If the train is full (as they need to run with minimum 18 riders) the trims set on, if the train is empty it turns the trims off.

  6. I believe they disappeared the same time Abdab appeared outside. They must've emptied that cupboard unfortunately.

    There's an exciting couple of areas in the tomb queueline for your enjoyment though. Fire exit, then go right for 5th dimension themed wall. To the right of the steps inside (by the tv) is a locked cupboard. Climb over the fake wall, and enjoy many trapped chairs.


  7. The issue with the ride is that you'd literally need about 400 staff members like it had originally to get any sort of decent throughput.

    The 200 or so it got an hour in the last few years are likely to be what it'll forever remain with.

  8. I love how she's confused as they pull away. Maybe that's why they introduced bar locking.

    Miss those days though, is it seriously that much of a big deal that guests are still walking off as the ride moves? You know how to stop the ride if they suddenly decide to lurch for the train etc.

  9. I seem to recall talking to someone about this effect - it's literally that it gets clogged with **** and the system needs flushing every now and then to keep it working fine. Thorpe, being Thorpe, don't do this. So it clogs to death and dies.

    Just do routine maintenance and it'll be fine. They've got an ace record on this so we all know everything will be broken again in a month due to a lack of care.

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