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Posts posted by Fred

  1. The difference is that BPB do it properly, I don't call sticking a massive TV screen over the entrance stylish.

    What signage are you expecting around the park? All coasters have their own logo, which is displayed on the signs.

    Yeah I agree with you - BPB do it properly.

    Signage - They use the logos on the main entrance. How about.. using the branding elsewhere like around the area?

    Only need to look at towers to see all signage in Forbidden Valley has hazard tape, all signs in X sector are the same background and text.. Katanga Canyon all have wooden backgrounds etc.. Whereas thorpe's is "ride sign" "generic theme park for everything else".

  2. Why should famous people be treated any different to us? It's unacceptable and they only released it on the day via social media. People who booked online or didn't follow the pages would be stuffed, then at £48pp that's very poor!

    Absolutely **** off using that excuse - winds the **** out of me. Noone, absolutely noone pays the absolute highest entrance fee. And anyway, who cares WHAT the entrance fee is - surely if you paid £20 to enter you should have the same experience?

    I highly dislike them filming from 3 when it would've been perfectly adequate (with 3hrs of sunlight still) to do it once the park shuts. But I don't go and use that stupid stupid moaning thing which makes everyone not listen to you regarding entrance pricing.

  3. They're turning the park into more and more of a styled park, more like Blackpool.

    Sure it looks.. clean.. and sleek.. but it's not theme park in any shape or form. It's exactly what BPB have been doing the past few years. I hate how every area looks the same due to this signage nowadays.

  4. Because they're all relatively young.. and they'll rip themselves to shreds eventually.

    Breakdance? That'd be awful.. they had one 10yrs ago. Like they're a good ride but that'd be the same as opening a Black Hole again.

  5. But the thing is, the majority of families won't know about CBeebies yet, unless the thoroughly research the park before visiting. It has only slightly featured on adverts once, it was barely shown off in that video anyway... I'm sure the influx of guests will massively increase when CBeebies opens, but it won't have decreased because it isn't open.

    Cbeebies Land is well known to be coming - it's on Twitter and Facebook with around 8000 followers/fans on each, it's all over P&G products AND it's everywhere in tesco and on tv adverts now.

    This count was made after Easter. That whole last week of the holidays they were completely smashing all of their gate figures and even started to advertise on the website and park entrance that they were shutting at 7pm for those last few days.

    That makes it understandable!

  6. This ERT for AP holders is great! Got on Swarm and Stealth in the 15 minutes provided today. I think if the park is to open at 9:30 (weekends and school holidays) ERT is at 9:15, for actual 10am opening days it is between 9:30/9:45. Still great to get in and go on any ride that is ready (all rides opened on full capacity today for the 9:15 ERT.

    Something I did find odd though, once the gates did open, lots of people ran to the Fastrack kiosk. Whilst I'm not against this as it keeps ride queues at a minimum for the first 30 minutes and it's at peoples free will, it just shows how the perception of Fastrack is. Those queueing could have gone to the ride/rides they were buying tickets for and done them in the first 30 minutes. And then buy Fastrack for when there really is a queue. I was there from 9:15-10:30 (to test my new car out really) and did Swarm, Stealth, Nemesis Inferno, Saw, Colossus, Rush, X, Detonator and Samurai. All the big coasters and 2 large flat rides done in just over an hour.


    This is how this part of the park looked at 9:45.


    You'd have thought it was a term time weekday to begin with!

    I went last week and that's what it looked like at 11am. It was weird.

    As for fastrack, yes. The amount of people who queue to buy fastrack when everything has 0min queues is absolutely insane. Buy them when there are queues, you numpties.

  7. I dunno, it just frustrates me. You have.. rocks. Lots of rocks, and not a really decent ride where the swinging seems to work against the actual track layout to make it bland.

    I don't understand why they can spend so so much money to create something as bland as that, when it probably cost the same amount to make everest.

  8. At least it's bloody running.

    They can close it and do a full stripdown to repair if you want, CoasterNegative Jamie? However I think everyone else would think you're a tit by saying that.

  9. Yay thanks for ruining peoples efforts.

    My favourite bit currently is how Bubbleworks photos now include the "smile for the camera" sign in the back of all photos due to its awful positioning. Nicely done.

    Other than that, I think they've done quite well with what they have there.. they've made it very dark so you can't see much of the rubbish anymore, and they've made it very colourful just as a dark ride should be. Happy on that front, apart from that all they need to do is just need to remove the entire ride and start again.

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