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  1. Looking at arranging a trip to Alton Towers opening day as it is expected to see Nemesis reopening at the start of the season now the retrack is complete. I'll be getting a Merlin Annual Pass in the next sale for the "24 Season. *Update* Towers After Dark will be open until 8pm on opening Saturday. My current plan is to travel to a hotel around Derby on friday evening (15th Mar). Premier Inn looks like the best option currently. Then travel to the park to arrive at the corkscrew entrance plaza for 9:30 - 10:00. Plans may be subject to change but now's a good time to get a date in the calendar. Opening day has not been officially announced however it can be found through the Towers hotel booking site; Thorpe looks like it will be opening on the following weekend on Sunday 24th Mar
  2. Good Afternoon all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Alton Towers & Waterpark TPM Meet 2016! The date of the event is the weekend of Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th June 2016 but as usual you decide the date! As you can see it's the whole weekend! Which gives you a choice - come on the Saturday, come on the Sunday or stay the whole weekend! Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, as for the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event.. We will however like to see you during the day at the park. Also this meet the Tower Nerds/ Street community are more than welcome to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. This event will also be introducing a new game for the meets called 'Knockout.' I believe it will be in the same league as Spooning & Empire which have proved extremely popular. (Yes I said it, I'm comparing it to that standard - shoot me ) There are also a number of activities we will be doing too over the weekend so vote of your intentions on what you wish to partake in The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: Meet by the frog jumping fountains at 09:00 am just inside the entrance if you wish to take advantage of the park's ERT. We will hover for 5 minutes whilst everyone gets together but then going off for ERT, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements/ Cannot participate in ERT or just plain lateness you can phone or text so we can arrange to meet you. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Alton Towers. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting up a separate post on possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If your staying for the night.) If however you know where your going already by all means book it up when we confirm the dates this time next week. I know for example I will be staying at a Travelodge in Newcastle half hour away as it has some good night life around there Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending (0)
  3. until
    Good Afternoon all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Alton Towers & Waterpark TPM Meet 2016! The date of the event is the weekend of Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th June 2016 as voted for by you! As you can see it's the whole weekend, which gives you a choice - come on the Saturday, come on the Sunday or stay the whole weekend! Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event; however we will like to see you during the day at the park. Also for this meet the Tower Nerds/Street community are more than likely to join us. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. This event will also be introducing a new game for the meets called 'Knockout.' I believe it will be in the same league as Spooning & Empire which have proved extremely popular. (Yes I said it, I'm comparing it to that standard - shoot me ) There are also a number of activities we will be doing too over the weekend so vote of your intentions on what you wish to partake in The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: Meet by the frog jumping fountains at 09:00 am just inside the entrance if you wish to take advantage of the park's ERT. We will hover for 5 minutes whilst everyone gets together but then going off for ERT, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements/ Cannot participate in ERT or just plain lateness you can phone or text so we can arrange to meet you. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Alton Towers. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve wracking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting in the meet's thread about possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If you're staying for the night). If however you know where you're going already by all means book it up! I know for example I will be staying at a Travelodge in Newcastle half hour away as it has some good night life around there Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post in the meet topic, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Hope to see you there! Peaj
  4. "Twas on a warm summer night in 2015...when the thunder of suitcase wheels signalled the return of the (not-so) wealthy CoasterDude back to his getaway - Alton Towers. As the journey neared its end, a mysterious force was suddenly present in the road. CoasterDude impatiently demanded at the heavens why his journey had been interrupted. With a menacing demeanor, a thought reminded CoasterDude of work and college. CoasterDude cruelly dismissed his troubles and instructed his family to head back to the Towers. Scorned, the force screamed a curse; "For every branch of the Old Oak Tree that fell, a random turn of events will occur..."" Friday 3rd July was to be no normal trip to Alton Towers. Not for a day, but for a whole weekend! At around 2:10pm we set off and by 4:30pm we were outside Splash Landings... ...complete with its own mine shaft!!! After checking in we made a break for our rooms...but not before I was distracted by the sight of the hotel's main attraction - the waterpark (which I would later find out that it had far less than my expectations). "Later that very same night, a ferocious storm raged...and then one mighty bolt of lightning SEVERED a single branch from the Old Oak Tree..." "...and true to the mysterious thought's prophecy, a random turn of events will eventually occur..." Day 1: Following the first night (complete with a pretty impressive thunderstorm), a lift ride to the hotel lobby was made accompanied by the theme tune to none other than Captain Pugwash and we were to cover the few miles to arrive at The Towers...but not on foot. The solution? MONORAIL! *cue the famous song from The Simpsons* Upon entering the park, there was the beautiful sight before us. Over 150 miles had been covered to get here...and we had made it! With no reason to take the A route into X-Sector as usual, the B route through Mutiny Bay/Katanga Canyon/Gloomy Wood was taken with one destination in mind - the Forbidden Valley...and its main antagonist - Nemesis. After two decent runs on this beast (which now apparently permanently bleeds clear blood), I felt the urge to fly away... Suddenly an unknown force dragged me mid-flight to the north of the park and I plunged into the terror of the Dark Forest! Apparently a certain number has caused mysterious disturbances within an ancient crypt... I sensed there must be evil afoot. I unwittingly journeyed into The Towers to find out... ...but my findings only brought me to an unexpected occurrence! I found myself falling into the dark pits of Oblivion... I had to break myself free of this curse! And the only thing for it was to be shaken out of it...literally. "But the story didn't end there..." Day 2: "Legend has it that CoasterDude became so obsessed with the events of the previous day that he returned to the park the following morning..." ...and so I did! My first guess that the curse had been triggered by me missing out on a few rides...including the likes of... But then it dawned on me. I had to use the powers of the ride that perfectly demonstrates an intense experience. The ride that was actually heavily themed. The ride...that at 21 years old would always be the top attraction. That ride was... "Then, CoasterDude became locked into a furious battle...of Nemesis versus the supernatural. Conducting its awesome forces in a desperate attempt to finally banish the evil power of the curse...forever." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Day 1: Nemesis: x2 Air: x1 Oblivion: x2 (walk-on both times ) Hex: x1 TH13TEEN: x4 (3x consecutive rides via single rider while waiting for family to get off Rita ) Sonic Spinball: x1 Skyride: x1 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: x1 (total waste of time) Pros: - Consecutive rides on TH13TEEN were nice. (The single rider queue was literally empty) - Hex's new effects were cool. - Starting the day on Nemesis was great. - Oblivion's queue was walk-on Cons: - Sub-Terra wasn't open this weekend. - The Smiler was a rather sorry sight...although it'll always look amazing as just a twisted torrent of track. - Air opened later than usual due to some apparent fallen trees in one of the ride areas. - CatCF's existence Report of Day 2: Nemesis: x4 Air: x2 Oblivion: x1 Hex: x1 TH13TEEN: x1 Runaway Mine Train: x1 Duel: x1 Skyride: x2 Pros: - Nemesis was as good as ever. - Queues were very short again (highest queue time being 20 minutes) . Cons: - Duel was far too dark in places. - Having to leave at the resort at the end of the day (all in all this weekend went far too quickly! ). Hotel Experience: - Rooms were in good condition (apart from the first one which my parents were in. They were moved to a different room due to the first one smelling of vomit). - Food was okay. - Waterpark was far more dull than I hoped. - Lifts weren't quite what the Alton Towers Hotel have ("Mysterious Lifts")...but the Splash Landings ones having the Captain Pugwash theme tune playing was very amusing. - General mood of the hotel was pleasant (especially out the front of the hotel), thanks to the heavy Caribbean theming. Merch Purchases: - Nemesis ORP - NEME21S shirt - Oblivion bag
  5. Good Morning all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Official Alton Towers & Drayton Manor Meet 2015! The date of the event is the Weekend of Saturday 20th (Alton Towers) - Sunday 21st (Drayton Manor) June 2015! A date you managed to change it too due to your votes. As you can see it's the whole weekend! Which gives you a choice - come on the Saturday, come on the Sunday or stay the whole weekend! Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, as for the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event.. We will however like to see you during the day at the park. Also this meet Towers Nerds & Tower Street are more than welcome to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: Alton Towers Day Meet by the frog jumping fountains at 09:00 am just inside the entrance if you wish to take advantage of the park's ERT. We will hover for 5 minutes whilst everyone gets together but then going off for ERT, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements/ Cannot participate in ERT or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little we will get to the Nemesis Egg outside Sub-Terra in Forbidden Valley, so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 10:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Alton Towers. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the day and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. Drayton Manor Day Meet by the Drayon Manor hotel at 09:30 am jso we can sort ourselves out for when the rides open at half 10 and we can explore the park to start off with. If by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements, or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little we will get to Thomas the Tank Engine Train Station, so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 12:30 pm if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Drayton Manor. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the day and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting up a separate post on possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If your staying for the night.) If however you know where your going already by all means book it up when we confirm the dates this time next week. I know for example I will be staying at a Travelodge in Newcastle half hour away as it has some good night life around there Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attended (16) DeanGaryCox EC! J.S217 JoshC LG95 Mer Mr. Fish Peaj Phill Pritchard RobF +1 Sawyer ScaryCoasterBoy Shinequa Stretchy Toofpikk
  6. It has got to that time of year again! Same as ever: +1 and -1 each turn you must wait three turns or 24hrs before your next go, whichever is the sooner ride removed on 0 and all others reset to 5 List is the rides that are advertised on the Alton Towers Website to avoid over lengthy un-fun voting Will be interesting this year with the new addition of Cbeebies Land & the removal of Submission from this year's line up! Will Nemesis keep it's Title of the 2013 Best Ride at Alton Towers? To start us off I will be doing: +1 Th13teen -1 Frog Hopper On your Marks, Get Set, Go!!! Air (5) Battle Galleons (5) CBebbies Land (5) Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (5) Congo River Rapids (5) Driving School (5) Duel (5) Enterprise (5) Frog Hopper (4) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Ice Age The 4D Experience (5) Marauders Mayhem (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub-Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (5) Rita (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) Twirling Toadstool (5) The Blade (5) The Flume (5) The Smiler (5) Th13teen (6) Sonic Spinball (5) Skyride (5)
  7. Good Afternoon all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Alton Towers & Waterpark TPM Meet 2014! The date of the event is the weekend of Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th June 2014 as voted by 85% of you so a strong win! As you can see it's the whole weekend! Which gives you a choice - come on the Saturday, come on the Sunday or stay the whole weekend! Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, as for the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event.. We will however like to see you during the day at the park Also this meet Towers Nerds are more than welcome to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: Meet by the frog jumping fountains at 09:00 am just inside the entrance if you wish to take advantage of the park's ERT. We will hover for 5 minutes whilst everyone gets together but then going off for ERT, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements/ Cannot participate in ERT or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little we will get to the Nemesis Egg outside Sub-Terra in Forbidden Valley, so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 10:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Alton Towers. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting up a separate post on possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If your staying for the night.) If however you know where your going already by all means book it up when we confirm the dates this time next week. I know for example I will be staying at a Travelodge in Newcastle half hour away as it has some good night life around there Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending (16) Alpengeist Coaster Crazy from Tower Nerds J.S217 Londoner Marc Matt From Tower Nerds Matt Creek Mer Mr. Fish Myk Peaj Ryan ScaryCoasterBoy Stretchy Styles TopsyTurvy15
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