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Thorpe Park Informer


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Hi everyone. I'll get straight down to the point: I have made my own little site, obviously known as Thorpe Park Informer (TPI for short). Why? Well, I was slightly bored and I just said "Hey, let's make a website." :D I decided to make one using webs.com; I felt it was the best one. Some may slate me for making a Thorpe Park fansite when I'm a member of this forum and SouthParks, but hey, it's only a small thing on webs.com. I added a forum for some reason, obviously because it will be the best site ever :D. Seriously, just added it for the sake of adding to be honest. I know that at the moment it is a bit bare, but hey, it's a start. Photos, links, etc. will follow sooner or later. http://thorpeparkinformer.webs.com/I'd love to hear all thoughts, comments, criticisms, etc. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

A bit of a bump really, but oh well.Over the past couple of weeks, I've put in loads of info about the most of the rides. Bare in mind that I'm doing this in my spare time (which I don't have a lot of at the moment with GCSEs :(), so I can't get it all done at once. I've got photos in the pipeline - however, if anyone has any photos they would be willing to donate, it would be greatly appreciated (of course, you'll get credit and all that). http://thorpeparkinformer.webs.com/Any comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome and greatly appreciated. :(

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The way I see it Josh, it doesn't matter whether you use free hosting or paid, it's the content that counts.Yeah there are a hundred Thorpe Park sites out there, so it is how you tackle the job. From what I see so far it looks fine :(It is the work that you put in in the coming months that will tell whether it is worth it or not.Good Luck with it though Josh :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Cheers AeRo. :lol:Been quite a lot of updating on the site now. The 'Park Informer' section now features all of the rides an attractions, separated into: 'Coasters', 'Flats', 'Water Rides', 'Other Rides / Attractions' and 'Fright Night Attractions'. In light of the MTDP being added, I have added a page about that, talking through all the possibilities of what might be added in the coming years. The 'Park News' section is updated whenever news comes in. Now that I have got the majority of the information up, I'm going to be working more on the look and the design of the site - it is quite plain and boring at the moment, as you can tell. I've got photos in the pipeline, but as I only have a small selection of decent photos to choose from at the moment, I'm going to wait till open season to get more photos and then upload them all at once.Link to the site is above. As usual, all comments are greatly appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all, just got a quick update for anyone who is interested about how the site's been coming along.Basically, due to GCSEs and commitments over on Ride Guide, the project is on hold. I just haven't got enough time to sort any of it out. However, once all my exams are over in mid-June, I'l have plenty of time on my hands, so will work on the site over the summer holidays.For the 'relaunch', I'll have plenty of photos and hopefully a couple of videos for the site. A logo and site layout and colour scheme are planned out and will be sorted as well. Thanks to all those who have checked the site out. Of course, any suggestions and ideas are greatly appreciated. :P

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  • 1 month later...

I have an update for everyone. I am confirming an OFFICIAL 'relaunch' date! By 'relaunch', the site isn't disappearing, but by this date, everything I want added shall be added by then and the site will be updated on a regular basis. And the 'relaunch' date is... 31st July 2010!!I know it's a while away, but I'm only going to be really working on everything during July. :PAlso, I'm on the look-out for a couple of people to help me with the site. By help, I mean become an 'admin' as such, help with photos and - hopefully - videos, as well as updating the site and such. If you wish to be involved, please drop a PM. :PAlso, a Saw Alive layout! Okay, it's not perfect (only done in Paint after all). Red lines are curtain dividers and the thicker lines are props. This is one of the interesting things I hope TPI will provide that other sites won't. So, here is the preliminary edition...Posted Image

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