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Very very delayed Day 5 - 11th AprilThis was our trip to Magic Kingdom. Now that we had a car we didn't have to rely on the hotel shuttles even though they weren't that bad. Parked up and then got the tram to the Monorail station. It was annoying that you ended up parked so far from the actual park though the monorail wasn't that bad.We have our bags checked by security before wandering into the park.Posted ImageThe first view of Cinderella's castle. Now I don't know whether this is just because I've seen Sleeping Beauty's castle at Paris but for some reason this seemed to be lacking for me.Posted ImageSince it was still early we decided to head for Big Thunder Mountain so it was off to FrontierlandPosted ImageWe grabbed a fastpass before joining the normal queue. It was walk on. We had the added surprise of when we pulled into the station at the end as long as no one was waiting for your row you could go round again. This was the first time that has ever happened to me. After two times round we decided to move onto other attractions while they had little queue. Next up was Splash Mountain. All I thought of this was that it seemed to go on forever. It just lacked something. The drops were good but the inside bits seemed to go on and on. This may be because I wasn't familiar with the source material. I finally worked up the courage to go on Haunted Mansion. This may sound stupid but I really struggle with dark rides and rides that are meant to be scary. For example it's only recently that I have managed to get on Duel. With the help of my Dad as a hand to cling onto, I managed to get on it with my eyes open. I was determined not to get home and regret not going on it. It wasn't as scary as I was expecting apart from the odd jumpy moment that made me swear under my breath. After HM it was our FP time for Thunder Mountain. They use one station for the normal queue and the other for FP which was great when you had the FP. Overall, Thunder Mountain was good but I still preferred Paris's version because of the scenery that goes with it.Posted ImagePirates next and it was so good. Jack Sparrow's model was so life-like if you didn't know better you would have definitely thought it was Johnny Depp in the ride, especially at the end.Jungle Cruise next since we walked past it. The queue was out of the actual line for it but it was only because they hadn't opened the switchbacks.Posted ImageThere was loads of little injokes in the queue line if you took the time to read them. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImageWe reached the front of the queue and our boat turned up. Bomokandi BerthaPosted ImageI wish that I was younger and could be taken in whole heartedly by the journey as there is always part of you thinking that this is corny but it just takes time to get into it. We then crossed the park to the opposite side to get to Space Mountain but not before a picture of me in front of the castle...well to the side.Posted ImageWe grabbed a FP before joining the normal standby queue. It barely took any time to get through it so we walked past all the interactive games that would take part every few minutes like with Soarin' at Epcot. We ended up on the Alpha side not that it makes much difference. I enjoyed it even though it does take it out of you as you can't predict which direction you need to go in to stop yourself from being jolted. The seats are a bit awkward to get out of and I feel sorry for any who is quite large as it would be quite difficult since they are really low down. You don't realise how far away from the entrance you actually are until you have to get on a travelator to get back to the entrance. Having always had a fond spot in my heart for monorails (I spent too much time on the monorail at Blackpool when I was younger) we went on the people mover. Posted ImageIt slows down as it goes round the station but is really deceptive at how fast it actually is. We had our carriage to ourselvesPosted ImageTime for a picture of my Dad.Posted ImageIt goes into the Space Mountain building but this time the lights weren't on inside so you couldn't see much other than hearing the odd screams as you went past it.Posted ImageSince Stitch is one of my favourite characters we decided on that show next. I was really disappointed with it and just felt uncomfortable. I can imagine how scary it would be for any children and there was definitely a few kids crying. It just seemed to overstep a level that children are comfortable with. The over the shoulder harnesses don't help and prolonged periods of darkness.Buzz Lightyear was next and Dad beat me on this. It just seems like I am only good at Toy Story Midway Mania. It was a good ride with a lot of UV colours.We popped back to Space Mountain for our FP time and watched a mother and child in front of us was measured and was just on the height line that it was too close for the cast member to call. She warned that the child might be stopped before they got on the ride and that when he stands up he needs to think tall but not stand on his tiptoes. Every cast member we encountered measured him and he got through just each time.It was now time to brave Fantasyland, which would better be described as Strollerland. It doesn't help that it is slightly smaller due to the construction work but it is just so crowded. We decided to get It's a Small World out of the way first. I haven't been on the one at Paris and while I have heard the song I have never really found it that annoying up until going on the ride. It really didn't help that we ended up stacked in the final room so it was just going round and round. How can a song be just so annoying?!!Seeing the queue for Peter Pan's Flight meant that was avoided but I was expecting that. We grabbed fastpass for Winnie the Pooh and got a "surprise" fastpass for Philamagic at the same time. We had resorted to bringing our own sandwiches for lunch but then grabbing a desserty snack so I tried my first funnel cake today. It was weirdly awesome, especially with the amount of cinnamon and sugar on it. It was bigger than the plastic plate it came on and bigger than my head. There is definitely a saying about eating something that is bigger than your own head. I didn't manage to eat all of it before I was stuffed. Sorry for the lack of photos here I just seemed to forget I had a camera all together even though it was sat in my pocket. We used our "surprise" fastpass for Philamagic which was basically just a way to get people to go onto it. I was amazed at how good it was. I was so engrossed in it I missed when the curtains moved and the whole screen expanded. It just showed how good the music is from Disney and how easily it is recognisable. Snow White and Winnie the Pooh were next. They are pretty much the same ride apart from Winnie the Pooh bounces for quite a lot of the time which is a weird experience. Since we had FP we didn't get to experience the normal queue line but we could hear it. They have installed games and small play areas for the kids who are queueing which do generate a lot of noise. I guess it is better than listening to them crying because they are bored. By this point we were getting tired and it was getting warm and busy. We decided to head for Monsters Inc Laugh Floor before heading back to the hotel. This was done really well with so much audience participation. It blends seamlessly with the pre-recorded bits with Mike. We had a family from Leeds which lead to a very large cheer from quite a few people. They pick on one guy continually who gets a sticker at the end of it.
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continuedAs we made our way out of the park, we found that the parade was starting meaning it was very difficult for us to get out. We found a spot and watched it go past.Posted ImageJust seeing the sign now has the song stuck in my head already.It felt a bit short but did have some cool moments.Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImageGot to see my favourite princess Belle though I prefer the solid yellow dress.Posted ImageAnd at the back of the Princess float the newest Prince and PrincessPosted ImageOnce the parade had moved on we could start to head towards the exit but we were still going against the crowd. We decided to get the ferry back to the transportation centre as we didn't fancy the huge slope up to the monorail station.Posted ImageBy this point my feet had had it after the day at Epcot so I had to be unstylish and wear socks with my sandals. I could face the shame so that my feet weren't in that much pain.Posted ImageWe crashed out at our hotel for a while before heading to Downtown Disney for tea. We chose House of Blues and quickly had our burgers which were again really too big to be eaten. I really wanted to eat dessert but there was never room for it. We had an early night as we were going to Tampa the next day.
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