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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    I hate trains. LOL.
  2. Pickles


    Tried that some people are really bad at paying you. That and I've lost the looks for it.
  3. Pickles


    Guess whos been a member on here for a year and really needs to get a hobby?......... Thats right me! Any suggestions for a hobby?
  4. Pickles

    This Or That

    SamsungMore friends that are girls or boys?
  5. Only 25 days to go until I'm 16. Fun fun fun.
  6. Pickles

    This Or That

    BlueAge of Empires 2 or 3?
  7. 1. Depends what type of friends you have. Trust me.Who is actually gay, bi or straight because I'm just confused.
  8. Pickles


    I don't get why the sky is blue? Can anyone explain it to me? I really don't get it.
  9. Can I be switched the the maybe list? a. I kinda have no one to go with me on the train b. I may be confined to my bed if my cold gets any worse than it is atm
  10. Yes because thats not sexist at all.
  11. Besides have you seen the weather lately? Would be way to cold to go on Tidal Wave tbh.
  12. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Herr Ruddy.In other words happy birthday. xXx
  13. And I am walking a thin line atm with trips etc I shall tell you closer to the time if I'm definatley coming. I keep getting in trouble so my Dads in a bit of a piss with me.
  14. Lol I remember last fight nights.Mate 1: I just saw a midget in a kiltMate 2: Are you sure thats not Holly messing around?Holly: Yes because I'm just obviously going to pull a kilt out of my Jacket.
  15. Pickles

    This Or That

    MacYes I meant emo Joe. Toast or Bread?
  16. Pickles

    This Or That

    ChavComputer or Laptop?
  17. Pickles

    This Or That

    End of 2006, start of 2007.I will get you for the emo thing. UrmmmRunning or Walking?
  18. I'm going to go on the train by myself.
  19. Pickles

    This Or That

    LCDWalking into a pole or a person?
  20. Pickles

    This Or That

    NinfernoPepsi or Coke?
  21. Why? Am I hollkins? I sound like hobit. And I'll meet you in east-side staines massive territory (a.k.a staines station)
  22. I may be coming either with a mate or by myself. If its by myself can I meet someone outside the park?
  23. I <3 dressing up as a slaggish fairy. Tis funneh. But Phill dress up would be fun to see yooo dressed up as a chav or something.
  24. Add me onto the def list. Ill be there in my little fairy outfit. Gothic fairy that is
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