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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    Its J so I don't need anyonem, besides if anyone in my school hits me then my mate would do something about it. I think I'll leave it for a while.
  2. Pickles


    Argh I have no idea what to do. Someones been very two-faced to me and I don't know if I should confront her about it or just leave it. I hate these type of things makes me very stressed.
  3. Pickles


    You left Beth off.
  4. Pickles


    In other news I'm hopefully going to do well in school.Yeah right.
  5. Pickles


    Need. Sleep. I just had a GCSE exam. HATE EXAMS WOMANS!
  6. Pickles


    Yeah.... And you know why I'm pissed off You, my little bunny, my sexy muffin and my ickle emo are like the only people who aren't two-faced (excludes outside of school people).
  7. Pickles

    Songs And Lyrics

    Whats rare is a Amy Winehouse fan. Just no seriously no she needs to stop making albums.
  8. Pickles


    I'm fed up of people in my school tbh. Creepy thing is its my friends that I mostly are fed up. They are so two-faced and accusative. Just GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I'm done ranting about them.
  9. Pickles

    Songs And Lyrics

    Avril Lavigne - When you're goneWhen you're goneThe pieces of my heart are missing youWhen you're goneThe face I came to know is missing tooWhen you're goneAll the words I need to hear to always get me through the dayAnd make it OKI miss youAwwww <3
  10. Like I said on MSN and Myspace:HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARC xx
  11. Pickles


    I have a few k'nex things, diggers etc the best thing is the pirate ship with goes over teh top. I lost the instuctions though so I can't make it anymore. Does anyone remember what those little octagonal shapes which you could slot together? If you do what was its name?
  12. Anyways I shall be at my grandparents tomorrow so I won't be able to wish you a Happy Birthday Marc, so Happy Birthday for tomorrow xxx
  13. I really wanna go on Dragons Fury, but outside of the UK I think it would be Space Mountain in Disneyland California, Hong Kong and Japan.
  14. Pickles


    I just helped my Dad do some wallpapering. I think I got more paste on me then I did the wallpaper.
  15. Pickles


    That would be rather entertaining tbh
  16. Pickles


    I was the only one with a pass and my school made sure someone kept an eye on me.
  17. Pickles


    I don't need school trips! I have school instead!!!!!!!
  18. Pickles


    Year 8s in my school go to Thorpe for a day and today I really did LOL when they said ''I wanna go to the farm for lunch''.
  19. Pickles


    Yeah which kinda sucks aswell.Ohh and I maybe getting them off the start of September.
  20. Pickles


    Hahaha I have a orthodontist appointment soon Stupid braces! Not long till I get them off.
  21. Pickles


    Teehee this is just basically spam.
  22. Pickles


    It shall never beat mine eh Seb?
  23. Pickles


    -dances- Spam Spam Spam. <3 Spam and eggs.Must dash xxxx
  24. Pickles


    That just proves that Seb bullys me.
  25. Pickles


    I wish it didn't have sound tbh.
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