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Everything posted by iCharlie

  1. iCharlie

    This Or That

    pizza.bestfriend or girlfriend?
  2. iCharlie

    This Or That

    its gonna be crap, we all know it - but you cant not go and see it [;ermm, ps3 or xbox360.
  3. iCharlie

    This Or That

    MP4Morning or Night?
  4. iCharlie

    This Or That

    Water!ipod or mobile? ;]
  5. iCharlie

    This Or That

    I cant really say, merlin havent done anything yet.Samsung Or Sony?
  6. iCharlie


    I'm glad they havent got rid of it.. they dont nead to. the whole ride itself is a great ride to reflact back on.
  7. iCharlie

    This Or That

    Houses.Firefox or IE?
  8. iCharlie


    I'm not too sure myself, seems like the area is being cleared to make way for detty I think?
  9. iCharlie


    Thorpe park on google earth snapshot had tidal wave perfectly timed on a full splash, looks amazing form above. Also, it shows no detty, the construction of Colossus and the farm, amongst other things. I recommend you check it out ;D!
  10. Plus, if you only go once or twice a year, you wont really notice much but the rides. You'll think the rides are fantastic & tell your friends. However I do totally 100% understand that it makes the day magical and whatever, but if people are happy, why waste or invest money in something your not going to get anything out of?
  11. Well, firstly. We notice theming more then the so called 'average' visitor to the park, they come for the rides basically. However, as much as the theming would make it more magical, thorpe dont need to invest in it if people are already satisfied with the state of the park do they?We only notice & care more because we tend to go a lot more.
  12. I havent been to alton yet this year, but then again this whole thing about 'wasting' money on theming they dont need to please everyone in the park will soon arise /;
  13. iCharlie


    I didnt think I needed to put anything with it, since I've gotten on well with her - she should know damn well it dosent mean anything, also - she states she dosent care about what I say other then TP related posts, therefore anything I say to her shouldnt even be taken into account.Even I know this argument is 'Silly' however holly needs to see that too. I was simply showing this. I too do not mind the odd private joke or too, but to bring conversations into it is simply uncalled for.She does feel the need to defend her & I understand that. However she really didnt have anything to defend her from, as it was aimed at them both, she felt the need to become defensive to someone other then herself for no reason other then to either show off a friendship, or to make herself look good for a friend, because there was simply no need for it. On the other hand, I feel the need to question the admins knowledge on what is spam and what isnt, as its obvious that spam is on the increse, I too have my fair share however - this is out of hand now.If they feel the need to get upset, simply dont react, or log off. Theres no need to escilate it into such an argument as this - I'm simply pointing out faults on her statements towards me & show, how (as said to sheepie) pointless it was picking up on it, who really cares?
  14. Same, I know what you mean.Go to america & thats all your magic lost - really makes thorpe look bad. [;
  15. iCharlie


    I'm glad we have something in common.
  16. iCharlie


    Sorry, but if you cant face the truth your not going to get anywhere in life.Also, if were all entitled to an opinion, who are YOU to be telling me what I can and cant say? Especially after I have proof and more back up then your ever going to have?Truth hurts.
  17. iCharlie


    Ok, you've forced me into gathering evidence to proove my point.Firstly, you were having private conversations about people from real life on the forums, did you know that the advance in online technology actually allows you to have thse private conversations off forums? Yes, its true, we know this as MSNAs for your evidence:http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/forum/ind...376entry11376http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/forum/ind...428entry11428http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/forum/ind...449entry11449& many more, thats my reason. I'd like to see you reason for having the nerve to confront me on what was originally was intended to be a little joke about, as it was true. However I have no problem with your spam. Its inevitable though, you do spam and with this evidence you BOTH can no longer deny it. I would like you to withdraw your previous statement accusing me of being wrong.Thanks in advance [;
  18. iCharlie


    1. I dont need to know your background to pick up on your statements.2. I'm glad you get pissed off easliy by people like me, it means you have no proper reason for your actions or statements and are unable to back them up, therefore leaving you in fustration.3. Great, I'm glad you are.
  19. iCharlie


    You dont know me, yet you continue to flame me for saying something that YOU took upon yourself in the wrong way?Your one to talk, I dont care if shes your friend or not really, because all I see you doing is trying to show off 'shes my best mate, I'm trying to protect her' when you quite clearly have nothing to protect her from. In my eyes its just an excuse to 'show off' your friendship between one another. Also, if you get pissed off easily I recommended you log off instead of bringing it onto the forum, I dont really want to hear it either.
  20. iCharlie


    Pft, protect her?from what? also, you state you dont care what I say unless its about thorpe park, so you shouldnt care about what I've just said then should you? see, yet again your piking an argument. with false statements. you have nothing to protect her against, it wasnt even offensive, its petty? you dont even mean what you say, seriously its a load of crap since you have nothing to protect her from..'oh no, he called my best mate a spammer! worlds over tbh'
  21. iCharlie


    Hence why I have the authority to question other peoples posts towards me, as I have enough knowledge & intelligence to know what I'm talking about and back up my statements. People that wish to start with me annoy me since I have caused nothing in the first place, I'm all for fun & games on this forum and dont tend to take things so seriously - however in cases like this where someone CLEARLY in the wrong have the nerve to pick up on something I've said that was NOT intended to cause offense in any way, shouldnt expect me not to say anything.Also, anyone wishing to challenge me is more then welcome, just make sure you have a reason to point a finger at me. I'm sure you wont be disappointed.Edit: How can you use an example like that, it not even close to anything relevant I've said?Also, looks to me that your looking for a fight really, why would you really care about what someone has to say about someone else - its petty. what I said never really ment anything anyway, clearly calling someone something that is TRUE shouldnt make such a fuss as this, you really are making things up. why do you take such offense to what I said? "oh no, he said something about my friend that I o so dearly love!" no. I can understand if it was something really offensive but this is pathetic, if you think that makes you so upset, you need to seek help. seriously, if this is the future generation I dont think we have much hope really. Care to continue?
  22. iCharlie


    what, so I made one comment & you slate me for it already?who said I was to mean it offensively?
  23. iCharlie


    well, good. if the world didnt turn we'd all be dead.
  24. iCharlie


    I did what, wait. is that good?
  25. Er, you do know the story of david & goliath right?
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