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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Yeah I know who he is. Tit.
  2. Dan9


    With Joes photos, you can never tell its him. Its grey. Bundy? If he came on again, he wouldnt even know who I was. Seb is right. I dont even see him on southparks.
  3. Yes we were there sunday seb . Were you there friday? I was there aswell.Yeah, that was a long tr, but no one can beat my one which was only for one day . Cba to do thursday and friday ones. Thats pretty cool seb, 5 times at thorpe in 5 days. Sorry about Monday.
  4. Dan9


    Well nothing is wrong with it anymore, I mean, Rush is open, so their is nothing wrong with it. The restraints may have been sent to america to S&S. I dont think that Rush has new restraints, but no one can be sure unless you own the park or work for S&S, as the restraints look entirely the same. Alex, it might look as if sebs trying to be supierior over speedjunkie, but I dont think he is, seb may just know abit more (no offense), but it doesnt mean he is being superior over the newer members. We were all newer members at some point.Anyway, back on Rush...
  5. Dan9


    I officially cannot wait for the 7th may to come! . Only 33 days people! (I think?)
  6. On Loggers, I noticed some bears which I hadnt seen before.
  7. Dan9


    Yeah Rush will be. It was testing from about lunchtime until 6 yesterday. I asked that memeber of staff who was always standing by the gate. He said it will be open for the start of "be discovered". Seemed ok. Nothing went wrong. And.. ....it was testing 2 swings.
  8. I was at the park today and believe me, it was one of the best times ive had at thorpe on a long time.Park opened: 9:30amPark closed: 6:00pmI saw a few people there: Joe, james, mr sheeps and seb (a funny story about him later)It was really good weather there today and the queues were good. Highest queue I saw was for nemesis which was 35 minutes at 1 point but only for about 5 minutes. Now as for the first time ever, my mum wanted to go to find out what its like there, and my younger brother went, along with his friend. Also there was someone we knew whos in year 8. As my brother is only 7 and so is his friend, I was forced onto the fish (duuuude), for the first ride of the day. They loved at wanted to do it again so we did. Next up was stealth. Got it twice, first time at the very back and then at the front. Walk through at that time of the day. (about 10am). It woke me up at least. Next was rumba. Got more wet than usuall on it. And actually, guess who was in the boast infront of me on rumba?......Marc and dann. Never got to shout hi. Then I went back to stealth to meet james and joe and seb and sheepie at 11. Only to find them in the queue. I saw them, looked at them, shouted hi at last. They stared. Especially seb very blankly . Watched them on stealth front row and stuff and said hi and stuff.Anyway next up was Nemesis. Was a walk through then. Got 2 rides on it straight in a row. Then it was time for samurai. A 10 minute queue but moving quite fast. Good ride on samurai and reminded myself of the music.Anyway, then it was Vortex. Again..a walk through. Average ride swinging on the sides mainly.Then it was lunch. Mmmmm foooood. After that it was back to stealth for a ride at the front again. You will soon learn that 5 out of the 6 times I got on stealth today were in the front row. ;)Anyway, next was rocky randomy, and then loggers. I came off loggers bone dry. . Rocky=walk on, loggers=30 min queue.Next was a ride on x whitch was a walk on all day. My firned who was having his first time at thorpe loved it.It was about 2.30 when I went to Colossus. It was posted as a 20 min queue but it was a walk on. A ride at the back which was smooth, and a ride more near the front which was ver rough. Then there was more eating to be done. Then my brother wanted the fish again and he said he wanted me to go on it too so I did just for the heck of it. The it was back for more stealth. 3 rides at the front . Always a 10 min queue then.The it was time for tidal as it was quite warm then. Was a walk through as usuall.Was about 3.30 now. Back for more nemesis which now had a 25 minute queue. Then depth charge which had a 15 minute queue. It was now about 4.30. Btw, an intresting thing happend now. I was on the tidal wave wooden boradwalk thing around the exit, when seb came off. I was walking down to the exit as I had left something with the ride ops. I stoped and saw seb. And he just kinda walked past me, without noticing me, even though I was right next to him and he just muttered the word "<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>weet</span>..." Thats was quite a funnt moment.I went and got another ride on x which had now a 20 minute queue and then we had go home at about 5.30. After having a ride on quantum of course.Ride count..Stealth 6 (5 in the front row)Colossus 2Nemesis Inf 3Samurai 1Vortex 1quantum 1Fish...duuude 3Tidal 1Loggers 1Rumba 1X:\WTF 2Rocky 1Depth Charge 1EDIT: Oh dear at everything I wrote from 2007. *facepalm*
  9. Dan9

    Your Setup

    Well usually, the usb cable will come with the camera.
  10. Dan9

    Your Setup

    ^You use a usb cable and put one end of it on the camera and the other in the computer and go from there. Its quite simple once you get the hang of it. I had no idea when I got my camera but now I'm okay with it.
  11. Erm, Happy Birthday Mr.x and phill!
  12. Id expect Slammer to open either next weekend, but that sounds unlikely, or maybe sometime the week after that.
  13. Dan9


    I'm seeing it tomorrow. How was it?
  14. Dan9


    Mr Bean is pure class. Yuh uh it is a random topic. For Randomness. Like most of my msn convos .
  15. Sorry for double posting but I was at a Very Good and Dead thorpe today and will be again tomorrow, and even on sunday. Anyway I will do a big tr on sunday of all my 3 trips in these 4 days but I will give you ride count....Stealth-10Tidal Wave-6 (just for a laugh)Colossus-3Vortex-3Nemesis Inf-2X:|WTF?-2Samurai-1Rumba Rap.-1quantum-1Great day!
  16. I'm hoping it will, but I'm not really sure. Remeber james it does only take about 20 seconds or less for them to take covers of restraints . But I cant help you on that one.
  17. :o:o. Only once? What were the queues like?
  18. I recentley randomly got a turtle, and hes called......Mr Turtle?
  19. Dan9


    Well dont you only really fill seats wihen your in the single rider queue? I mean there could be no empty seats for ages and you could just be standing there still in the queue....with a fastrack. And the point of fastrack is...to skip the queueing.
  20. Dan9

    Member Addys

    PICTURE ALSO COMING SOON. (I'm not putting that shi**y one on my myspace, I actually have done better ones now but will put them on sometime soon)Msn address: dalexander100@hotmail.co.uk (feel free to add me)Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/tplover (feel free to add me as a friend as I cant seem to add anyone, something wrong with email thing on myspace so you have to add me or nothing will happen.)
  21. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    Merlins. or are tussauds still at the park sorting things out?
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