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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Damnit your in france can we ever see them 476 pics or 600 and something pics I aint seen them yet . *sighs*
  2. ROFL haha . The original cove yeah?
  3. Happy Birthday Cringle! Enjoy the day . Like this topic mr sheeps .
  4. ooooh, 20 minutes at the top of ms detto, that must hav been hell .
  5. Dan9


    Meh, I live in Bromley(yes, really ). Theyre actually doing okay this season. :( :(
  6. Dan9


    Take that back!! Lol I'm kidding everyones intitled to their own opinion. Dont agree though, actually it sounded like sarcasm when you it goes round the track backwards in the dark .
  7. Thats a positive!?More Pics! w00t!!Thanks you seb.
  8. As you all might know I go on slammer too much. I have been stuck 90 degrees upside down on slammer for 20 minutes. Yes, upside down for 20 minutes.
  9. Dan9

    Thorpe Farm

    Well as thorpe are doing a lot of infilling, I think it should count as one of the islands or new pieces of land for thorpe. Big amount of space there too .
  10. Yeah youtube but y'know that thorpe flyover thing which was a reacration, I cant seem to load it. I mean the black screen comes up says its loading and it doesnt. At all!! Dont say wait I have for ages believe me, no point in doing it too long.
  12. This is why I'm not going in february. Wait until march I never thought it would be great in february anyway so I'm going a lot in march. We need pics seb .
  13. Dan9


    I'm NOT taking german.
  14. Dan9


    Ohh no german. It haunts me my whole life.
  15. Dan9


    Snow is up to my knees in my road. Phill and Seb:
  16. I getting one tomorow!! yellow rofl.
  17. Drama . Mainly cos you get to do stuff and be loud without being told off. We also have a quality teacher. . Its the best, and fun!
  18. It has actually its the topic named other tussauds attractions e.g. chessington. But I will let you off as its hard to spot. Dont worry ash I'm not annoyed .
  19. God I'm missing rumba this year. I really want to ride it like very day, its so annoying. I would also like to say a crazy fact tnat I have been on rumba every single time I have been to thorpe . Odd dont you think<<?
  20. Dan9


    ummm, does anyone have any suggestions for this? msn seems to have logged me out automatically and every time I try to get back on It wont log me on.
  21. Dan9


    Ohh errmm, I'm sorry . I dont know what to do about that errmm......turn it off?
  22. Dan9


    I'm bored and tired . What does do when they are bored and tired?
  23. Dan9


    :( :( God that was a bad day at the shop!!
  24. Dan9


    The Air one is good as it shows how a Flyer could fit in the Canada Creek area but err, I dont want another air . I think I can even see a reflection in the water. Good work.Phills yours were great! . I would have got it. Well, its Slammer.
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