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Everything posted by Cringle

  1. Cringle


    Happy 50th Birthday Barbie, not a wrinkle on you.
  2. Heres mine. Some rascal in my family decided to put the squeezy bottle of Lyons Golden Syrup by the sink, next to the fairy liquid. I mean, common people, the bottles are practically identical. Cringle just wanted a plate for his toast, goes to wash one up. Next thing I know I'm wrist deep in syrupy water because I've squeezed the wrong liquid into the sink, yes thats right golden syrup, not fairy. NOT COOL.
  3. Cringle

    News Desk

    Heey guys, its good to be back. If you have any issues don't be afraid to Pm me or email me on cringle[at]maniahub.com. Great to be apart of the team once again!
  4. yuh I know. Bare Lollerskates. But it's fit.

  5. Cringle


    I swear, who taught you this phill.anyone else thinking he's from an iTestTube?EDIT - just to be mean. isnt that an ipod touch with an iPhone back? =P Its still good though x
  6. Cringle


    Any bournemouth people here. go to GIGGIs!!! You know the guy with the bald head whos always standing outside the burlington arcade trying to get you to try his icecream. DO IT. ITS AMAZINGZ.
  7. Cringle


    Some people on this forum seriously need to grow up. Make the bullying and arguing and all the s**t stop. right here, right now.
  8. Ive been there, its in the woods so its hard to give actual directions. Its down a path somewhere by the chained oak but its actually like a 10 min walk from there. Just a local, thats what we did.Its pretty awsome though, worth a visit.
  9. Cringle


    I WANT IT!!!!
  10. Cringle


    I think those new platforms are so that morning checks can be made on that runaway part more often in the mornings. I guess the scaffolding was for building those then. Good times.
  11. Wow, inferno and stealth effects. There is a god. Or maybe someone read SP =PNice work thorpe/merlin - maybe I'm starting to regain just a little more faith. Whats happening to rumba's queueline then?
  12. Cringle


    Ugh. Topshop. Sale. Womean. =[ What time did you come in?Oh. 6.28, best be off to get the train to work! yay. :|
  13. Cringle


    I'll let someone else delete that =p
  14. Cringle


    I know it sounds harsh - but out store gets up to 20 CVs handed in each day - the pile in our mangers office is absolutely huge, and there is only like one position. They are kept but as you can imagine there is a million and one things we need to do on top of that. So I've got 3 pieces of advice - - Make your CV stand out; microsoft word eat your heart out. Make it a bit different and keep it short and to the point. - If your going to a clothes shop for example - go in wearing the brand, and look really enthusiastic about wanting to work there and strike up a conversation with the staff to make them remember you First impressions are everything, they cant interview everyone to see what you're like!- Pull in the favours, friends, family etc. work experience!
  15. ^ ValleyPark looks pretty awsome, might be worth a visit when ever I finally get the chance to visit the states. Whats the ValleyScare event like? I wish the stealth diner looked like this - 50's architecture ruled!
  16. there are some very narrow minded people out there - where apparently us gays are 'promiscuous' and 'spread aids' and 'molest little children'. I told that f**king bigot where to stick his twisted opinion with a few home truths. ****.On to the adopting children thing - I'm not against it, but personally I would never do it. And as for the parents finding out - I too am holding out for the illusion to never end. shucks.
  17. Cringle


    I'm thinking of you chelsea. My instructor is booking my test today :S
  18. Cringle


    Fit isnt it =]
  19. Cringle


    solutions inc., bournemouth high street yeah? I've heard they are a bit tight - I went all the way to Southampton for mine and I'm doing the same when I get my iphone. Some work mates have had awesome service from the s'oton apple store to the point where the replaced the top casing for free just cos it was dirty.
  20. Cringle


    yay for getting my iPod touch on the college internet. Wooop.
  21. Ahh yes the tidal wave rumble. In the arcade theres a certain jingle that always reminds me of thorpe too.
  22. Theres this like compressed air noise which often sounds gives a small bang noise which are used some some breaks on coasters which I love. The 'WOOOOOO' of the stealth breaks'. General chain lift noises. The alarm from samurai - one of bournemouth high streets traffic lights has that same alarm.
  23. Cringle


    Ive just cooked butterfly pasta and the tube pasta. Now I'm playing a game to see if I stab at my plate with my eyes closed, see how many of the same type of pasta I can get on my fork without getting the other type. So far ive managed 5.
  24. Cringle


    I bought a touch - never looked back (only looked forward, to an iphone, oneday). Its great to use, everyone is amazed its glossy lush touchable goodness, and ive got 16gb and I'm using less than a quater of it and I have quite a bit of music and 6 episodes of a TV program plus contact details and photos. You can get email on it which is sweet aswell so its all good in the hood rly. Go touch.
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