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Everything posted by Will

  1. I already asked Marc, he said he might be going to Jack Dann's night before. I might see you on train if you come.
  2. The following is a holiday on a cruise ship that we went on from Feb 18th-March 3rdWe (Mum, Dad, Sister, Sister's best friend and I) decided that we were going to go on a relaxing cruise that will go to different destinations across the world and each ship has its own course that it follows. We went with the world-renowned Royal Caribbean International who have a massive amount of cruise ships, the ship we went on, was the fourth largest class of ships, Radiance: Jewel. The destinations were in South America and we went to Miami, Haiti, Columbia, Costa Rica, Panama Canal and Grand Cayman, which were very hot, exotic and beautiful.Arrived at airport Heathrow (FTW) Terminal 4 (Also FTW) and got the day flight and arrived in Miami around 5pm. The flight was good, I watched Madagascar 2, Eagle Eye, House Bunny (Total LOL) and some of the HULK. The food was better than last time. We checked into this hotel on South Beach and let's just say, it wasn't the best hotel I've been too and that being 4 stars :)Miami: Went to Aventura Mall, where I spent 3 hours shopping, which was sooo long that the 3 females got really bored and agitated . I bought some nice clothes which were surprisingly on sale, since they are big brands. Hundreds of dollars got spent on Taxis which they charge for one person and you can bring as many that can fitThe Ship: Went to the ship, which was sooo immensely amazing and huge for being the 4th biggest in RCI. We checked in fast, I was sharing a room with my parents since you have to be 21+ to have your own room :@ which isn't that nice when you have two parents who won't shut up. Also I found out that you have to be 21+ to drink alcohol which is total BS because you have swipe cards with your photo on them. "You're not 21" said a server and I said "Probably a malfunction" to which the server said "How stupid do you think I am?" smiling at me. We were at sea and I explored the ship: Nice gym, nice pool, two outside Jacuzzis and one inside in the SOLARIUM. They even had a climbing wall, a crazy golf and a nice water slide (which I only went on once). Labadee, Haiti - At these ports of calls, you can either explore the beach area, town or do an excursion (activity). I did Dragon's Breath which is a 500-ft zip line and lasts about 2 minutes - was immense. We had a buffet, which had my type of good quality BBQ food, which went so quickly, I had no time for seconds. The port was very nice, very well landscaped and for 2010, they are getting a MOUNTAIN COASTER via the jungle especially for RCI guests.Columbia: We had only a short amount of time (3 hours) because the next port is very far away. We saw the old city (poor part) which was very nice but there were people who had lost legs and wanted money. We were told not to give them money as if you give one person money, others would want money too and also that you'd get robbed. The new city (rich part) was very nice and vibrant but we only had about 30 minutes to see this part.Panama Canal was a highlight as this is how many ships do trading across these waters and is a big trading route. Some businesses have to reserve a space a year in advance. We went through the canal locks at 5:30am but it was too early for me but it looked really nice. We went on an eco-cruise through the 3 developed towns and onto a river boat where we saw sloths (James Hepburn) and Howling Monkeys (they howl so loud that you can hear them as if they were on top of your roof but in fact being 3-5 miles away).Costa Rica was my highlight because I did something that you guys probably haven't done. Forget Congo River Rapids or Rumba Rapids, I did WHITEWATER RAFTING, which was sooo amazing. So thrilling and wet and I didn't care, because I was having so much fun. We had a typical South American buffet with black beans n rice, yucca (sweet potato like), plantains (sweet banana) and chicken with onions and peppers inc Jalapeno.George Town, Grand Cayman was the eagerly-awaited port of call for their 7-mile golden beach which was really relaxing. I did Snuba Diving not Scuba Diving. The difference is instead of the air coming from tanks strapped to the diver's back, it comes through a long hose from tanks on pontoon rafts on the surface and two people are connected to one another. My sister didn't do it because she felt claustrophobic and that she isn't used to breathing via her mouth. I struggled because I wasn't used to breathing via my mouth and I had several panic attacks when I was about to go under the water and when I was actually under the water. Also due to the fact, that your ears pop a lot and it takes some time to get used to using your swim fins.Monday Morning: We spent the morning at the Everglades Nature Park, where we went on an airboat ride (very thrilling) and we saw crocs and alligators. I also had the nicest burger OMG it was sooo unbelievably tasty. My new Facebook photo is me holding up an alligator and in another, me kissing it The afternoon was spent on a couple's sailboat, which was really something - a new experience.The food was really nice and we were allowed to try as many deserts as we liked - some that were soo amazing that they melted in your mouth and didn't make you feel sick like other desserts do. The steak was soo tasty and it was sirloin (My favourite) or fillet that was cooked to perfection. The shows were fantastic and one night was had the fastest Salsa dancing possible. One night, which I unfortunately missed was the best comedy show of Marty Allen and his singing wife Karon Kate Blackwell who both got standing ovations.I spent a lot of time (3 days total at sea) in the Jacuzzi and I met some amazing people. I met this French couple (40's) and they introduced me to their sons (18 and 21) because I told them I was finding it hard to keep myself occupied - I keep in touch via Facebook. I met this rich American Jewish couple who after spending about 2 hrs talking, came to our (family & friend) table at dinner that evening and paid a massive compliment to my parents about myself, saying how they really liked me. They gave me their business card and told me stay in touch via email/mobile.*They were rich because they said they lived in Miami, South Beach which is where the big houses are B)The people we sat next to were the two most amazing American couples, I'd ever come across and we keep in contact via email/mobile. This second Jewish couple (first couple on table) live near the Kennedy Space Centre and were giving all these advice about education and careers, really inspiring me. They invited us to visit them and join them at the space centre when we go to Orlando next year. The second couple (not Jewish) really loved us that they invited us to spend the summer at their home. We invited them to visit us this year in June, we also spent Monday afternoon on the sailboat which was something amazing.*I recommend this cruise for anything who want a very relaxing 5, 7, 10 day cruise but be prepared you might find yourself bored especially if your an only child or if there's no-one young to hang around with (if you go when kids are in school). It’s an amazing experience exploring the islands and seeing the different cultures, wildlife, etc. It doesn't cost a lot seeing as a 5-7 day cruise can cost about £300 with flights at £300-500 Virgin Economy which is crap.Tell me what you think and ask me any questions
  3. Can we just try and forget (apologies to ones who deserve them) this argument and focus on the great weekend we are going to have on Saturday/Sunday (well both for Hols)?My Rant:So I'm studying Business at College and we had just finished a unit on Marketing Research. The thing is that all assignments completed by students are IV'd (by HOD/Head of Depart) where they are internally verified, which is a process where assignments are checked that the work meets the requirements. The work after being successfully IV'd is EV'd where it is Externally Verified by somewhere like Edxcel or AQA.The problem is that we got this new IV person and she wants to "make her mark" in the college and has decided that the work submitted (2 assignments) for Marketing Research is not upto the HIGH-LEVEL that the Marketing Research lecturer and HOD's (Head of Depart) have set. We have been asked to produce a PowerPoint Presentation which is basically a whole big piece of work even though, we have work from the two other teachers we have and new Marketing assignments (Marketing and Marketing Research are two different units) from a new unit (Marketing) from this lecturer.I can understand, that this IV person is only trying to help but its the fact that we had a really strict deadline and we had to come into college during half-term...except me, who was on holiday.
  4. He kinda got you with the "I got a job and you haven't" but yes, definately for EXTREME TICKLING of Mr Skunkalot hehe. If you guys want some good info, SouthPark have got some nice spoilers. According to some members, the effects should be working for Saturday *crosses fingers*. This is my first coaster-watch and I am soooo unbelievably excited :DI will be getting the train up too - might see you on there
  5. OMG I have to ride SAW, I'd feel so gutted if for some reason, we weren't able to ride SAW - I can imagine myself not being able to sleep come Friday night because of the anticipitation.
  6. I will do TIDAL WAVE (it can't be said in lower-case only caps) and will bring a change of clothes. I can't get my trainers wet, so I'll bring some flip flops, a spare t-shirt and... a pair of shorts especially for TIDAL WAVE and obviously, wear my jeans for all the other rides. I'll be bringing my bag, which you guys can stow some things in there like glasses (Holly/Mark) if you want to, if I'm around with you.I'm talking like tomorrow is the Saturday meet-up it's sooo close - 2 years and 364 days on March 14th. Sunday March 15th will be 3 years exactly since the last major coaster opened.
  7. WOW I am very excitied on Saturday - I am counting the days literally. I'll be there for 09:45 so, yeh if you see a Chinese-looking fellow with glasses (Will) that's me! Come say Hi!If it helps, I'll be wearing a dark-brown coloured hoody with white trainers (Hope that's not too hard). The reason why I want to find people before I enter the park, is that I don't want to wandering the park for nearly 2 hrs like I did last time :)Frite Nites, I was wandering for some time before I found Jadey & Craig (Cringle) - you have no idea how embarrasing it is - when everyone is in the entrance queue and your (me) just waiting outside - quite unnerving.
  8. You guys get to ride it before me (Saturday) which I am not too happy about (that I didn't win the TPM competition), so shut up and stop bloody complaining! This ride looks absolutely amazing and I can't wait to ride SAW on Saturday NOT Thursday.
  9. Animated?I think we might see some moving themeing
  10. It's a shame I didn't win - I'm not at college on Thursdays and I could have gone.It would help if it was asked when people are free, then it would be given to people who can actually make it.
  11. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    I deleted my recent post, because I wanted to refine it:I'm quite determine to have a better plan:2009 - SAW Coaster, Themeing for Rush/Slammer and infilling has finished on the 3 islands.2010 - Disk'O for MHFS and Rapids are refurbished and are extended with great effects. Quantum is relocated to CWoA and Samurai leaves the park to go to some German Fair. XNWO and its pyramid is demolished and the 3 islands are finished awaiting expansion.2011 - 1st island: Horror-Egyptian themed 1001 Nights/Rainbow and a pyramid containing a pre-show, a mad house and (with a mummy chasing you) scary maze finale. I got this idea when people run out of Asylum.2012: 1st land: Flyer Coaster debuts at 115ft with 3-inversions inc. Pretzel, Zero-G, Corkscrew and a HorseShoe Turn. Work begins on XNWO's space.2013: The arena is replaced with 2nd drop tower with stand-up seating. 2 launch towers (130ft) are installed in XNWO's space themed to being blast out of ruined towers.2014: 2nd island: Horror-gothic area with a World's First Topscan park model and Witches' Revenge (dark-family ride)2015: 2nd island: Well-themed family-thrill Water Coaster with a nice dark section, including family-thrilling coaster sections.2016: Logger's Leap is replaced with a new Mack Flume and a Bobsled ride debuts around it. Both rides intertwine to save space.
  12. I am very interested about the themeing because it will have been the best-themed coaster at Thorpe Park or at Merlin. It would be a big thing for Saw enthusiasts.
  13. True Neil then CWoA also needs to cater for thrill-seekers as the family at Chessie might not have the money to go to the thrill-seeker's park "just-down-the-road".I think both parks need to cater for thrills and families:Thorpe Park should be 2/3's thrill and 1/3's families.Chessington should be 1/3's thrill and 2/3's families.
  14. No.The MTDP (Mid-Term Development Plan) lasts from 2004-2008/09. Which expires this year and we should get a new plan this year, so the council can have time to read and approve it before 2010 season begins.The LTDP (Long-Term Development Plan) finishes at 2016/2017 - but that plan will probably change due to the amount of new things that never got built.I am personally expecting a MTDP around summer/autumn 2009. Jan/Feb 2010 is too late because Thorpe will want new attractions for 2010 and they need to have approval before they can start building. They will submit their new MTDP and forms for any new attractions, then the council will review the new mtdp and approve (if yes/no). ------Back on topic, I personally think, what is the point in building family rides when CWoA is just down the road but if anything...a family-thrill ride would be nice. MSHF is a strip of land, and a dark ride would be too big whereas a Disk'O would be satisfactory. Otherwise, a picnic area would be good too.*There should be a thank-you button for good posts
  15. Will

    This Or That

    No it's supposed to, but I decided to throw in another choiceChineseSweet n Sour Pork or Roast Dinner?
  16. Will

    This Or That

    CrunchyPussycat Dolls or Saturdays or Girl's Aloud?
  17. I love Holly! I think we need an updated list for Saturday?Well I'm going on SATURDAY since there are more people going Saturday.
  18. Click on the pictures link
  19. Will

    This Or That

    Grudge is soo funny but SAW is more scarierSimon Cowell or Cheryl Cole?
  20. Where's the seperate topic for the sunday meet-up? It would be nice, if it was a day when loads of people can go.
  21. Does anyone have a picture of SAW coming out of the Zero-G part/section/hole-in-the-wall?
  22. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    A SAW room? this room is not suitable for people under 12
  23. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    "But Flying Coasters can't do Immelman Turns, Loops, Dive Loops, or Norwegian Loops, because of G-Force exertion on the restraints."Flyers can do inversions:MANTA, The Superman Flyer and Tatsu can do Pretzel Loops and Zero-G Rolls. If the Flyer can do Pretzel, they can Dive/Immelman Loops and Immelman Turns.Can someone more credible explain to me, what Mr Hicks is on about?
  24. Will


    Oh yeah! My one year birthday too, which was about 3 weeks ago. Happy TPM Birthday Chris!
  25. I am going - but people who are going, will need to msn me their mob numbers. Except from Marc & James, whose numbers I have because I don't want to be wandering around for ages until 12:00 since I'll be there at 10:00.Anyone going early, I ask to contact me on msn - so we can arrange somewhere to meet up before 12:00 (SAW) meeting place. Maybe at the entrance?
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