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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Yes Sheepie! And welcome to the forums, Jack! :DI really want something that's a cross-over between Gothic choruses and industrial, mechanistic ambience. That 'Hanging' from the Misfits score would be perfect station music!
  2. Cold weather conditions, first wheels and it being the first (if not, one of the first) ever test runs will mean that there's still quite some tweaking with the ride speed to get done. Give it a few weeks and The Swarm will be run nice and smoothly, offering one helluva ride.
  3. What I love about the position of the queue and the tower is that, in that narrow little corridor all you'll be able to hear every 90 seconds is the low rumble of a B&M sex beast and then the screams of 28 people getting louder and louder before the train literally SHOOTS round the corner from nowhere and straight over your head! Ahhh
  4. http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/17-01-2012/New-Swarm-VideoINLINE TWIST. It's... "slow", you say? Keep in mind - we queue underneath this!Credit to us because we're awesome.
  5. Double post but I HAS NOOS.The wild eagle has arrived!As have the train pieces! This is very similar to how they would've appeared at Thorpe, hence why the trains took so long to be shown - they were still being constructed!Train bodyGeek's wheel shotBlack bin bags look so much cooler on coasters.
  6. Actually, I'm quite surprised no-one picked this up from the previous few pages: where's the helicopter?The Developer's Diary appear to say that this video is of the first ever testing, and no-one knows quite when testing actually started (the trains were on site back at the beginning of January probably in the last stages of décor assembly, á la Raptor), so it's possible this video was recorded before the helicopter was placed, is it not?Ah well, I' moff over to CF to wade through pages and pages of sludgy coaster nerds slagging each other off. Wish I luck.
  7. No competition! At least Thorpe know what a theme is. Continuity, however... GAH SIX FLAGS.
  8. I am astonished at people saying it's slow? Just look at the way it tears through that inclined loop-helix combo! Just wow! And to be perfectly honest, a slow zero-G roll is exactly what you want from a roller-coaster is it not? Slower rolls have more weightlessness. I hate to have to quote him, but Robb Alvey doesn't call Dragon Khan's lightning-fast zero-G transition a "bitch-slap roll" for no reason. ;)It's speedy in the parts that count, and beautifully drawn out during the inversions. Why are we complaining about the speed?! :lol:Besides, as Luke said on the previous page - the wheel (the yellow polyurethane wheels) in the pictures of the train released last week will be swapped and changed about to make sure the ride runs smoothly and as fast as is possible without compromising B&M's signature comfort. We also don't know if the trim is being used yet, so it's possible the Zero-G gets taken far quicker than what we can see now!
  9. I suppose this could be considered a fairly reliable representation of Shambhala's layout. I must confess, I genuinely didn't know that Shambhala's lift would actually crest directly OVER Dragon Khan's? I just thought it was next to it? Hmm...Credit to the PA Community.
  10. Sidders


    R.I.P. my furry little guardian, Gobnet. 1989 - 2012. We'll never forget you, not even O'Reilly. :'(She was always so camera shy
  11. The rotorblades are guaranteed to be stationery. Both practically and plot-wise it'd be an impossible piece of themeing to create and continue. I very much doubt the wind will affect the water jets; we've already had confirmation of the jets being put in place mid-December, so there's no need to worry about that effect.
  12. I told you someone would prove me wrong! :lol:Odd thing is, I knew that! I remember learning about a goat and a certain length of rope and calculating how much grass he could eat... Don't you just love AQA exam scenarios?"Wamjeeta has 16a2 and Sven has 12b2..."But yes as Adam said - friction tests and speed calculations was be rectified if needed so the way it looks now could be completely different to March. Who knows? They may even require the trim!
  13. A locus? I thought you'd know! It's the centre-point that a body of mass rotates around.And Iron Irishman, I'm confused by your post too. Please revisit it and clarify what exactly you mean.
  14. Agreed with Sheepie. Take the Zero-G roll for example - notice how long and drawn out the rotation is? You might say that makes it look slow and forceless, but that's because of the force exerted on the wider trains. To cram a 6.5m wide train through a Zero-G like this... ... would mean the seats would rotate so fast around their locus that the transition would become painful and it'd damage the trains after extensive use. On B&M's narrower trains (never thought I'd call a B&M train 'narrow') for their Sit-Downs like Dragon Khan, Kumba, etc., the inversion can be taken far more quickly as the riders are situated closer to the locus of rotation. But because, on Wing-Riders, the riders are positioned further away from the locus, they cannot do this. This doesn't compromise much force - we will feel it, most certainly, as the acceleration (in terms of velocity and directional change) will be greater the further from the locus you get (the locus being the very centre of the rotation).*So there'll be elegant, graceful movement and fast-paced moments as well - that corkscrew still looks absolutely awesome! I just know it'll ride like nothing else (except Raptor of course!).*Waiting for Engineer Benin to come and pick apart my Physics...
  15. No, no, no, you're getting it all wrong. There's no mystery to Saw at all. Sure, there may be different methods but since Saw's inception there has been absolutely no variant in the Endgame: you die. With The Swarm, they're mysterious aliens arriving on Earth to without unknown plans and a propensity for destruction, and no-one really knows what they are, why they're here, where they are, or where they're going to strike next. Stop thinking so literally about the ride itself and think about what informs the ride - you'll find theme parks much more exciting that way. No-one goes up to Nemesis and thinks "This is a B&M rollercoaster built in 1994 with 4 inversions and G-Force in excess of 5Gs", they think "Wow! Look at that monster! I wonder how it got there and where it came from?".**Please forgive the crude examples.
  16. I disagree - I'd say the threat of an alien invasion that government propaganda has kept quiet would be quite a surprise to most of the country. So I would stick my neck out and say that The Swarm is quite the surprise really, but as a coaster it might appear less so. And the comment made about Saw is just silly Everyone knows what happens in Saw!
  17. It also helps that The Swarm actually looks substantial even from a distance, whereas Saw's messy tri-track often resembled the twigs itself.
  18. Aye, the corkscrew is enormous! It's about 60ft up isn't it? Majoosive! It'll be so long and drawn-out and lurrvely and smooth to ride. As much as I adore Colossus' corkscrews for their rampant drunken roll-over, the wider locus of rotation, the bigger size and most of all, the much smoother ride will make The Swarm's so much better. I can tell already!
  19. It must be somewhere in the helix! :lol:Wow, it just looks so awesome in that first picture!
  20. OMG.Courtesy of TPM ourselves!
  21. If you have a problem, don't moan on the forums to members who'd rather not suffer it. You have a problem; you talk to the Senior Team. We'd be happy to point out all the insufficiencies in your posts. The posts are never deleted. They go in the trash, so we can look at them whenever someone complains about our actions and then re-evaluate if the recipient finds themselves unjustly treated. So why not take advantage of the new group PM feature and start a conference with the whole of the Senior Team and we can answer your questions individually whilst referencing your deleted content?As for the comment you are complaining about: it made no constructive contribution to the topic. It's obvious you love The Swarm and as such there is no necessity that you voice this opinion by an overindulgent chevron fetish. The post was reported by two members, so we could hardly ignore it.Now, as you were, Mr. Parks, Rides and Coaster News topic...
  22. It'll fly up (no pun intended). All B&M's do. Should be up by the end of January.
  23. I love how, in these zoomed photos, the track makes the fire engine and the helicopter look like Tonka toys... The Swarm is just so BIG.
  24. I've been saying from the start, I just love the Wing-Riders trains for the sheer amount of space they have between rows! But then again, you'd expect that from a 15m long beast like that, wouldn't you?
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