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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Hershey Park is getting on with SkyRush! KeyStoneThrills has an extensive selection of photos now that the first drop is being erected.85 degree drop, indeed...Exiting the first drop and high-speed curve, into the to-be-finished Stengel dive.Shteep!Hershey Park have always been very good with their garish coaster colours...With thanks to CoasterForce and KeyStoneThrills for the photos.Full set here
  2. Double post but...Wodan's lift hill structure is completed.Themeing has begun construction.Sexy turn!Gotta love a good trench, especially this one and the way the visitors will get great views of the rider's faces!How artsy...And a hop over Atlantica ^_^Much appreciated credit to GCI's Facebook, TPR and Europa Park for the photos.
  3. Good God imagine a free-for-all at Thorpe! The images in my head of the typical GP aren't worth the trouble - I think I'd rather the exclusively Front-Seat queue myself, although I'd rather there be no Fastrack option for it, á la Stealth.
  4. It was always going to be either Osiris or Ra. I like both so it's win-win for me. I hope it's not actually Oz'Iris though; that just looks gimmicky.
  5. Sidders


    Urgh, I can't stand that banshee. Just my opinion!
  6. Thorpe have an amazing taste in music.And damn, that bass tone just gets sexier and sexier.
  7. Sidders


    Moi? Je ne sais pas ce que vous parler de...
  8. This. There's nothing worse than people who are two-faced and don't even notice it. Surely the proverb "Practise what you preach" should be called into play here. It leaks into my social life too. I quoth: "Just purchased a new pair of christian louboutin shoes! £460's worth. Eeeeeeeeeek! Money well spent. (Google them if you don't believe me )", and then I get this charming little nugget of wisdom popping up by the same person: "People have forgotten what christmas is all about! It's not just about being spoilt. Erugh BRATS!". Someone is flouting their own lesson there...Of course, there are other circumstances - observe the same individual: "I hate judgemental people. Just because you don't know me doesn't give you the rihgt to put me down!!", and then this, not an hour later: "No Mohammed Laàbous I will not be your friend on facebook.". Tbh, I'm sure Mohammed was a genuinely chirpy fellow; no need for the put-down.Funny thing is, you also get these very same people quoting some inspirational bible of confidence-building techniques and then all their plasticky friends swarm around it, practically tripping over each other in their desperate attempts to show their appreciation for their orange-coated friend momentarily assuming the ill-fitting position and some sort of wise old sage. Anyone can quote a self-help guide, and it makes you no wiser than reading Shakespeare makes you a literary genius. So again, I call to use the phrase I stated earlier, and affix my own twist: "Practise what you preach, and stop being such a bloody hypocrite".Also, people who complain about life being boring. What's that all about? Life's always going to have it's uneventful stints but so far you've managed to survive such trying trepidation... Get off the computer and stop updating your status about how nice your lunch is a breathe in some air you poor, sheltered creatures.
  9. Please, SAW looks like a Tonka-toy compared to The Swarm and I saw no-one proclaiming it to be the "best" coaster. They definitely praised it, but it could only gaze up at that lofty accolade.
  10. Sidders


    You can hand out detentions as head boy? My, how things have changed... In my day we only told people to straighten their ties. And even then we were laughed at. God I hate small children.
  11. Sidders


    Keep your head up Jack, and remember: Pro-JECT.
  12. Oh god. Seriously. Where is your rep? People need to rep this post!
  13. Few spots of interest:The train clearance model is vair close to the plane in this one...Would love to see what it would look like from the left side of the track.Pipes?
  14. Haha! I get the ankle clicking when I walk too But as with Fred there's not much pain in those parts.I do have a really bad habit of 'cracking' my neck though - that's what really creeps my friends out. I know I shouldn't, but my neck goes really stiff sometimes. I swear these bone-related clickings are induced further by cold weather as well...
  15. Oh god, there was me thinking I was alone. I blame it down to the crash diet to lose weight I had been the ages of 14-16, where I stopped eating dairy products, among most other things with a distinct taste.Every time I sit down my right thigh bone slips out of it's hip joint, and both my knees slide out of place. So I look stupid trying to click them back into place - I look like I'm pulling some retarded Michael Jackson move trying to put my knees in place. As for my thigh... well, if you ever see me thrust forward, it's not for the reason you think.
  16. Sidders


    In the meantime, Ian can get to work on his own radio station for TPM.
  17. One week left guys! Anyone can vote! Like, now!OKAY GO.
  18. *sigh*There's something very saddening about watching Sherlock Holmes... I genuinely think it's a brilliant film but it's so hard to watch because of it's more... subliminal themes. The ones that are less explored and leave many a question mark over the possibility and plausibility of them. When reflected in my own life it's just a little saddening, tis all. Makes me wonder if I'll ever have affinity like Holmes and Watson's...Edit: I meant to post this yesterday, but had difficulties posting. What a co-incidence Sarah! Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows has an awful lot to live up to; the first film was flawless and so well done.
  19. Sidders


    Garlic bread, eh?There's a joke in there somewhere... When I find it I'll get back to you.
  20. Sidders


    I must admit, the prospect of Michael Bublé's music is far more enticing that the man himself (some of it, at least). I actually adore his cover of 'Cry Me A River'. :DHe's just too easy to hate sometimes.
  21. Sidders


    Idea for a new dart-board?
  22. Yes Valentez! God if only I'd known where to find an image like that... I don't really do sci-fi horror films but that alien is exactly how I see the trains - scary/ugly but all the more exciting for just that reason!
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