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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Best guess is The Swarm put it there. Same as they must've done away with the pilot of the plane and the helicopter etc., etc.
  2. Sidders


    Guys, guys, make way for the sound of 2012... Shove some dubstep beats on that and it'll be phat wid a ph innit!
  3. Ooh hello SkyRush's Deadly Sexy Turns part 2:Exhibit A: The second-to-last turn after a delightfully tight air-time hill. The train is going to be screaming through here.Credit to All American Thrills.
  4. Ooft... right where it hurts. :oI have to agree Jack, but maybe that's just the perspective of the photo? And I do hope the finished bridge looks less metallic, like they cover up the metal structure as they did with the exposed beams on The Swarm's station, because the wooden look was what made this ride so sinister - that this devastation has happened so far away from something that resembles a big city (the church is easily the kind you'd find in a quaint little British village), so yes, it would be nice to see that. :)EDIT: This photo...This is where the caravan is going isn't it? The caravan that acts as the control room?
  5. Good to see the SUDs and controlled ponds around the plane and the fire engine have been filled Hopefully they've done the helicopter pond as well, ready for that piece of themeing.I'm in love with the detailing on the church's façade. It really is one of the most convincing things already! The smashed glass, the cracked concrete, the burnt wood... oh it's just lovely. And I don't care if people moan about open-top stations! Firstly because, in the rain the drama and excitement of being on a rollercoaster - especially with this kind of theme - is only heightened, and secondly because well, it's better than Stealth's station.**platform
  6. I heard U2 got up in arms. :mellow:Who knows?
  7. I hope you're not suggesting The Twilight Zone has less right to remain at the park than Twister or Jaws, Adam... I'll set Mark on you
  8. Sidders


    Whenever she sings she makes me want to do that, Mark! God, and I can't stand the way she's always out feeling everybody's pain yada yada yawn.
  9. Sidders


    Jessie J has really let herself go... It's tragic, really.
  10. Sidders


    It'll be a celebratory post most likely, and so will the next ten as everyone tries to post at the same time.
  11. Sidders


    Yes Neil They were announced on December 18! Here's a link to the topic:http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/9458-the-tpm-park-forum-awards-2011-the-results/And looking at the board statistics, it looks like we're going to hit our 100,000th post very soon! This is the 99,992nd!
  12. Sidders


    I really don't get Lana Del Rey? I've said before that I think she has the voice of an angel and could sing the phone-book and it'd still have the untouched beauty of a siren's call, but by she doesn't half sound like the most bored person on earth when she sings. 'Video Games' was just tedious balladry and 'Day At The Races' was downright bizarre!I've grown to like 'Born To Die' though, if I'm not watching the video; her obsession with American fantasy is a little irritating.
  13. ^You haven't seen the building! Apparently it's being left unthemed!
  14. Sidders


    *sigh* I still have quite a soft-spot for X:No Way Out. Naff as it's become over the years, it's still a fun ride. I think the best thing about it though, is that now Merlin don't take it all that seriously by marketing it as some kind of ultra-thrill monster. Some would say they've given up, but I think they've just realised that calling it something is not isn't fooling anyone anymore, and for some reason even first-time riders expect less from it. But I think that's part of the charm; it's such an understated little ride now.
  15. I'm sure U2 do In hindsight, I think The Edge was a tag bit corny as a ride name, but then again the themeing on Stealth is as good as corny nowadays. I think Stealth is a better name, but neither are particularly suited to the ride. Oh god... damn you winter months! You make me sound like such a pedant!
  16. Sidders


    Good grief what have the done to KISS!?
  17. :mellow:He didn't even make it to 2012. Shall we take a re-vote?
  18. Mind you - they're huge! You need ground-space equivalent to just a bit more than Rush to fit one in, and that's without the queue included.
  19. Sidders


    Screw dubstep; right now it's all about The Sound of Arrows.
  20. HUSS Jump2? That could work very well as an addition to Thorpe's selection. I could see it themed easily as well, because HUSS offer as-standard themes to go with their rides. Of course, should Thorpe need another theme to what they offer then it's entirely possible that they make an order to fit the theme they desire.However, whatever they add, I don't think we'll see it until 2014 at least, or possibly even later if the next flat they're planning is for Island A - they wouldn't want to open it up then, considering they've a coaster to build for the next year.Only other option is that they remove some of their existing flat rides. Or add no new flats at all. The MTDP is only a guideline, after all. How about they don't waste any money on a flat and actually get to widening that entrance bridge they've been meaning to do for the past seven years?
  21. GCI for 1993? Oh please Thorpe! Let's go back 18 years!Also, it's interesting to note that the original plans for a B&M Flyer where SAW now sits included a "drop which consists of half a pretzel loop". The birth of the "Thorpe Park Inversion", anyone? Would certainly answer who thought it up, Thorpe or B&M... My money's on Thorpe for this one.
  22. I agree that a high-capacity flat ride would be a nice balance for the ride, and will disperse a bit of crowd into two different queues rather than everyone on the islands darting for just the one ride, but I doubt that, with the current island as it stands, there's any room. I don't really see where one could fit unless they were to infill more.
  23. Sidders

    This Or That

    BACON! I love bacon :DBacon or eggs? This ones too hard for me to answer...
  24. Sidders


    ^This was one of my main irks with 'No More Idols'. It was an ambitious project, and considering all variables Chase & Status did a damn good job with the tools they had, but it sounds much more like a UKF compilation album than any kind of cohesive effort. Almost every song features a guest act who provides the vocals for Chase & Status' productions, Graw. There are only two members of Chase & Status, but an entire album of vocal-less tracks would only segue into an hour-long marathon of electronic synthesisers and drum machine loops. I guess the overuse of the guest acts are to achieve the slightly more commercial sound for a good section of the album, and then keeping their own style for the rest.
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