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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Blown up maybe, but it could certainly still do the job... Credit to Graeme Donaldson for the photo.
  2. Hey Crafty! Welcome to the Thorpe Park Mania Forums. I'm glad you think we're a nice bunch and decided to join at this hugely exciting time for us and Thorpe. And, with being the official Thorpe Park fansite, to say there's no privileges on the way for The Swarm would be a lie so stick around and make yourself at home, or drop into the Chat Room (accessed via a tab at the top of the page) is you want to get to know the other members a bit more!
  3. Sidders

    Snowy Pictures

    Poured some form of carbonated/still liquid on the ground? That fifth photo is amazing, Jack.
  4. Please make sure that you have the guide's permission to take the photos you wish to take. We wouldn't want Thorpe to stop giving us updates if any unauthorised images appear online!
  5. I don't know how you want me to respond to that?On-Topic: Go Swarm!
  6. Since when did this have anything to do with opening late? You've jumped into this too far; it's not about that. We're not looking at whether the ride in question is a B&M or not; we're looking at whether Thorpe will open their new ride for Annual Pass Day or not. Looking at FORP'S ridiculous shamble last year with Storm Surge, they might hold back with The Swarm. And they might not. Excuse me for being oh-so-balanced in this argument but this fence is ever so cosy.But then of course I don't believe you're just an enthusiast.
  7. I'm not one for open cynicism here, but... "'Cause it's Thorpe" should suffice your question.
  8. Leviathan's nearly finished.Credit to CF.
  9. Anyone remember the original version of this photo, and how it looked straight out from the apex...? Doesn't it look high and exciting when the camera's tilted towards the ground a wee bit?!Original Version: I like the new one more.
  10. Wodan news update:The trains have arrived.Snowy Wodan.One of the three Blue Fire Megacoaster interactions.That station is enormous...I spy a magnificent pop of air-time on the exit of that banked turn in the distance.Credit to GCI's Facebook.And in Shambhala-related news: Credit to Coaster Friends.
  11. I agree with Jamal! I want to see some burn marks and damage to the fencing, otherwise, as he said, it'll just look like it's far too carefully placed to be spontaneous destruction.
  12. So it does, Maxy! Urgh, just can't get over Sky-Rush's lift-hill... Look at the photo Luke posted - that drop is so gradual! Old Intamin would've practically forced their riders into a nose-dive after reaching the apex, but Sky-Rush looks like a wet sap of a drop in comparison. It pulls out almost as soon as it hits the steepest part of the drop!
  13. I do hope they theme the paving blocks... make it look like something rather weighty has hit them or have minor explosion marks/craters like the Calypso Quay buildings have. Otherwise it'll just be like Saw's Island... which feels like the hospital waiting room of Thorpe.
  14. Bansky's latest work appears less satirical than his previous political/social taboo-orientated work. I love it all the same.
  15. Is it bad that in the first ten seconds I'm sat here expecting to hear "FENTON!"?
  16. Odd thing is... it seemed to suit Intimidator 305! I think it's the retina-burning yellow that does it for me... Makes it looks so industrial and purpose-built without appearances in mind. It's like the politician of rollercoasters. Ugly as sin but it supposedly does the job until we realise it probably doesn't do the job as well as it first promises. Naturally, hips will ache after this.
  17. I clearly have a fetish for floating animals, having posted the two previous images on different occasions.
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