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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. The member previously known as Mr. Hicks

    1. SkySkream


      I shall whatever it is to Colossus :P

  2. I wish to change my username.

  3. I dunno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now, really... Was there any need for that number of question marks? One will suffice. But otherwise, welcome to TPM! We hope you enjoy your stay but please understand there is a hierarchy. Ty very muchly. ;)As for LC12, I don't think anyone can say for sure. Few rumours flying here and there suggests it's a name, most people think the name was revealed last week as WAR. I'm not too fussed about that being the name but I personally think we'll see more of the concept of LC12 tomorrow; a bit of a storyline to keep enthusiasts' appetite tantalised; possibly how it all started, the consequences, who's fighting who in this war etc., etc.But yeah, anyone's guess really.
  4. Sidders


    I really need Coldplay's new album.
  5. Sidders


    Agreed with Lauren. I thought your avatar was you when I clicked on your profile earlier.
  6. Loving a bit of Mr. Fink's music right now :D Noah and the Whaaaaaale <3

  7. My life! I always have a problem. It's been with me for ever since I can remember. But I can't tell anyone about it because it's something I don't want to be associated with or think about myself. So when I'm sad and people ask what the problem is, I'm like gahhhhhh HOW DO I TELL YOU? Especially seeing as I can't tell myself.And so I suppress.
  8. It's hard to say. Obviously there'll be a huge rush to promote LC12 and there'll be loads of hype and excitement about it in it's first one, maybe two years, and for a while Stealth may take a back seat from promotion (TV promotion for Saw advertised Saw alone, and the park's name, of course) and so whilst it may seem like focus has shifted to LC12, Stealth will still be the "icon coaster", though who knows what the 2015 coaster will do to that.
  9. Yes, there will be a new bridge built joining the location island of LC12 to Thorpe's mainland, somewhere behind the Flying Fish.
  10. I had noticed in the past, but presumed there'd be something Thorpe would've done to manage thoroughfare. You can get some perspective of just how narrow it is by looking at the Flying Fish next door to it - the path isn't even as wide as the ride's footprint! And this is why Neptune's Kingdom must go.
  11. Sidders


    Noah and the Whaaaaaaale
  12. Got a lotta time for this one. I have 'friends' who do this. I think I'm too push-over-y to say anything though. In fact the main culprit has invited all my other friends into town today - to do whatever it is they're doing - and I must've slipped his mind. It not the first time either. But I'm alright, I'll just sit at home and pretend I have things to do, ignoring the list of things I do actually have to do.
  13. Aye, this is a problem I noticed when I finally got round to riding Saw (June of this year) - the queue line was horrendous, and the traps and rusty scrap bits of whatever were hardly interesting. Nice to note people were kind enough to throw coinage onto one of them - probably because they thought Thorpe would appreciate the gesture. Looked more like a subtle hint that the general consensus of the queue line was that it needed improving.I vote we get benches in LC12's queue line.
  14. Hmmm... That's a rather large pile driver. Thorpe are taking extra care to ensure the safety of the island land mass, making sure it won't disintegrate over coming years or while they try to put in the station/supports etc.Ty very muchly, Adam
  15. I'm sure I don't know what you mean. I'd love LC12 to be brilliant now rather than later, if that answers your question.
  16. Not particularly. Good ride or not, Thorpe need to prove that they can still stand on their own two feet when it comes to innovation. Which they will do, because this will not be Gears of War - The Ride.
  17. We'll only need to re-iterate that 500 times before August 1 for it to sink in...
  18. I must've missed that.. I thought you meant "this ride" as in, the whole thing: track, theme, name, etc., etc.
  19. What makes you think that? The layout alone - I should say, the drop alone - looks like it could be something half-decent.
  20. I doubt it'll be a Gears of War ride. There are too many obvious - trivial, but obvious - differences that only copyright claims would bother to notice between the two images, such as the partition serif on the A being wider on Thorpe's WAR and the misty haze surrounding the word. Plus, the gear with the skull is synonymous with Gears of War - it's hard to imagine the franchise without it so if the red R of Thorpe's WAR was intentionally meant to mimic it, it would do so with more obvious results, I.e. - it'd look more like the full-bodied gear from the Gears of War logo, and it would have a skull. If Thorpe were going for an official sponsorship deal/IP then things like this can't simply be nuanced in.
  21. That's a very fake poll. Starmageddon? PUH-LEASE.
  22. Or they could be shooting across a long distance No Man's Land? Projectiles shot into the sky are generally launched vertically, but I suppose there's a possibility. I for one would prefer a human vs. human war with only a sci-fi influence, so to remove the realism and controversial insensitivity that would come about with the promotion of war for entertainment.
  23. A storyline? Or maybe we'll be treated to a lovely franchise?
  24. Holly, do you mean Leviticus, 18:22? This: "Thou shalt not lie with another man as one lies with a woman, for that is an abomination"..? Yeah, that's the same book that forbids tattoos, drunkenness, pre-marital sex, consumption of certain animals and Mormonism. It also proclaims blasphemy, eating meat on the Sabbath, or working on the Sabbath is punishable by death or the stoning to death of the transgressors' mother. Funny how those laws have been dropped, no?
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