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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Sidders

    News Desk

    It's easy for the two topics to be confused with each other and obviously there'll be cross-over posts where part would/could fit into either/both sub-forums. But as you say it'll all completely bottleneck if in the coming weeks we gets a lot more information or possibly even members who might not follow the rules as other members do. So I'll do my best from now on, Sheepie.
  2. On a more serious note, the amount of fire advertised in concept images and the two videos we've received should seriously make Thorpe consider pyrotechnics. It'll be nice to have that level of rider-scenery interaction which has been missing from UK coasters in recent years. Too often we have disappointing/half-finished projects and lack of consistent themes. Let The Swarm change that Thorpe. ;)EDIT: Sorry Sheepie I be good now.
  3. Sidders


  4. LOL Dan! Classic...IT'S THE SWARM!Keep yo head twistin' and yo arms rexin'! The Flying Fish!
  5. Ah, thanks for the Adam - I did a little searching moments ago and found this at Total Thorpe Park: http://www.totalthorpepark.co.uk/features/future.shtmlWhich explains it all nicely. The 2015 coaster will indeed be the one to "not exceed 50m".
  6. Nah, that's alright, I'm well-adjusted anyway! But I thought Inferno was 95ft? Ah well, I guess only the people with the blueprints really know the exact height.But on the subject of ride heights, wasn't The Swarm meant to be taller than 38.6? I'm sure the MTDP specified "no taller than 50m" or something like that? That leaves quite a considerable gap that could've been used up if it were allowed.
  7. It'd be great for thrill-on-the-side if Thorpe built a relief walkway under that section of Stealth's track to The Swarm's island. But of course, I'd imagine that wouldn't be entirely practical because of the engine/hydraulics room being so near? Plus, noise and potential damage to hearing may be an issue Ahh, thanks Ian. I knew I read it somewhere but I just couldn't remember - it is uncanny how they state Inferno's height as Detonator's, as often the ride's heights are spot on or rounded up (I thought The Swarm was 126.1/2/3/4ft or something and so would be rounded down) . It may just be a a misprint as you say. I'll email them and see what they have to say about it.
  8. Presumably we cannot vote for ourselves?
  9. That's another vote for the fake account suggestion. And at least then all the Mods and Admin can vote as one of them won't need to collate all the votes themselves.
  10. But naturally, if someone votes for a member who hasn't ever posted or been in chat or signed in since 2007, then we can safely say the Moderators will do the right thing and ignore that vote?
  11. We'll have to make this poll public, so all members are aware that their opinions are going to be heard. And we'll need to designate who to PM and we'll also need a way of upholding this "Mods Have The Final Word" style selection, otherwise more breakouts could ensue.EDIT: Agreed with Benin. There needs to be justification behind votes to prevent favouritism/reasons like "They're cool and really really nice". We don't need "nice" Moderators.
  12. Mark's suggestion seems like a fair one, so at the discretion of whoever's in charge (Admin?) I think a Moderator trial would be a worthwhile investment of time.
  13. *resurrects*So, who's got an opinion on the Moderation issue that arose in the Chat room a few moments ago?And let's listen to each other from now, please.
  14. Use Photo Bucket because Facebook links don't work; members who don't have Facebook couldn't retrieve them anyway.
  15. Find the URL of the image (the page where the only thing displayed is the image - they're not too hard to find. :rolleyes:Then put the URL in the comment box surrounded by tags.
  16. This cat is just loving life right now.
  17. I agree with this. It's almost like we're somehow riding the alien as it "destroys" Thorpe.
  18. 'Twas a joke Adam. I get the name of the ride, and I get the concept. Oh, and I don't think it's crap.On another note, I just watch a video of Raptor off-ride and those trains look brilliant. Though I couldn't help notice how, possibly because of their enormous weight, that after the first drop the ride is quite pedestrian? Good to see that The Swarm have a lot of near misses and potential G-Force spots or it could very well be quite a dull ride (if we exclude themeing).
  19. Not to mention, don't Merlin own Gardaland? I'm pretty certain they have the right to film Raptor in place of LC12 if they want to give viewers a better (cough) glimpse of the ride in action.EDIT: I just called it LC12. It's official. The Swarm is a crap name.
  20. Well, do you remember the SAW videos from last year? When there was meant to be thirteen mini-clips leading up to the coaster's opening date? They stopped after two... maybe three? I'm guessing that was when plans changed (SAW contract) and the poor building who terribly unfortunately got eaten by the box with the number 13 on it weren't needed anymore, so they buggered off the Towers. I hope that doesn't happen here and Thorpe actually stick to the theme religiously. It's going to be 126ft, but I reserve the right to be a pedant. Thorpe also claim Inferno is 115ft, which is a 20ft exaggeration on it's real height.
  21. Those trains actually look half impressive, if not completely ripping off Raptor in grey, rather than green. It'll be interesting to note if they can even get the red lights for THE SWARM's (gotta do the capitals, obv) eyes.
  22. Lying already, Thorpe? If you're going to do it, make it a decent exaggeration!
  23. The Swarm? Dear God. I got woken up 'Parklife' style and find I've overslept (THIS DAY WAS SO IMPORTANT TO ME LIKE WOOT) and then I get a video that won't load because so many people are trying to access it and.... THE SWARM?Beware to toxic bees, guys.
  24. Well this just highlights how often Thorpe's ineptitude overcomes their goals. They aim to produce one thing but often do something completely different half-way though (Stealth's lack of grand-stand, Inferno's unfinished volcano and Saw's building). Don't forget Saw was originally thought to be an abandoned saw mill, so who knows at what point during planning permission did they seal the deal with LionsGate. They could've already specified dimension and materials for the building before the contract was signed, thus leaving Thorpe to pretend the saw mill idea was fan hype and it was meant to be for Jigsaw all along.
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