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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Yay! :D

    Battered cod tartlets with a creamy potato sauce. :)

  2. :o You viewed my profile and didnt leave a comment!

    How dare you! :P

    I are boreded

    Where be yoooou?


  3. Ellie

    This Or That

    Indiana Jones *hums theme* :)Pancakes or waffles?
  4. Ellie

    This Or That

    Erm.... vegetarian option? :)A five pound coin or a one pound note?
  5. Ellie


    So people (like your good self) can waste their time thinking about it
  6. I'll most likely be attending this meet with two friends I'll drag along.Yaaays! Can't wait!!
  7. That is-- wooow.Thorpe, take notes!! :PThey're doing DVDs?! Does anyone know how much they are gonna cost??
  8. Haha, wow! I could never get something like that done and have it looking so good! Well done!
  9. Oooh, wow!! I love it!!That's so awesome!I can also imagine a computer monitor as the frame although that isn't really a typical ride photo frame. I think it would be quite cool. xD
  10. Ellie


    Lol! :D

    Hi btw xD

  11. Hahaha! I wouldn't try that with the people at MY school. xDI told a friend yesterday that I'm bi. She was really accepting and I felt so much better for telling someone from my school. I thought it would have pushed my friends away but it has made my friend and me closer. I'm pretty sure she's told a couple of our other friends as I've had a few questions... and attempts at some more. But to be honest if they don't accept me for who I am they don't deserve my friendship :PIf it spreads to the moo cows... well, we'll have to see if it happens and how bad it gets but for now I'm pretty comfy.
  12. Haha! Thanks :PI imagined you chasing them down the road Muahahahahaa!And I REALLY know what you mean by the 'populars'. They're usually intimidating with lots of intimidating friends and are pure evil! We have a ton of those. I'm more concerned about the HUGE bully that waddles around everywhere and could knock anyone out with one punch... She's someone I trust dearly. But yer, thanks!! x
  13. I don't know why but thinking of live actors I just thought of someone breaking down in the queueline... but meh. xDThe actors could be really good, I can't wait to meet them, haha.
  14. Ellie

    This Or That

    They both suck but BBC Breakfast news is less annoying imo. :PiTunes or Spotify:P
  15. Awws! I'm bi too and only some friends from tpm and one person at school know. I go to an all girls' school as well and I don't want to end up going through the same thing that another friend went through. It didnt even end after a few months, she eventually had to leave because it got so bad. I don't plan on coming out publicly or even to my parents. My mum would kill me if the -female dogs- don't first. I'll be torn apart alive if they'd dare come anywhere near me. =\And even if I told some close friends I don't think they'd take it very well. Most people were scared that my friend might fancy everyone in our school and people refused to change near her in P.E. I'm worried that they would just be scared about changing around me or hugging me even if they didnt mean to let it show. I might tell a few close friends soon. I should be able to trust them if they are true friends... it's just taking that step... it's hard. :SEveryone else who has done it already, well done!! It's harder than you'd think. =\xx
  16. Aww, that's awful! Dw, true friends will stand by you. I absolutely HATE this tbh! You shouldn't have to get used to it! It's not a nice thing to go through but people are left to get away with it?! It's disgusting that some people are intimidated or feel they have to hide their true self because of how others react.As long as people are comfortable with themselves and are happy, isn't that all that matters? Well it should be... Grrr... I could happily punch anyone who thinks being gay is something to be made a joke of ...and it's pathetic that people think you fancy everyone.I'm calm.
  17. LOL! Weeell, Martin did say take lots... so I did.... and then some more just to be sure.
  18. LOL! When we were actually sat in the bbq place while you were munching xDYesterday was sooo much fun!! Thanks Marc and Mark9 () for the lifts!And thanks everyone for your amazingness!!Definitely gonna try and go again!!xx:(
  19. Ellie


    Sugar Honey Iced TeaA man is coming to look around our house tomorrow (no clue why). He's going to look into my room which is, of course, spotless ...I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  20. Ellie


    I didn't just cheat 8-)

    I own your comment sidebar! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    I shall poke it because I'm EVIL!



  21. I love the seaside sooo much!!I have flippers and a face mask and when I'm on holiday with my mum I go snorkelling alone every day for at least a week each year.I love the sea tons and this year am getting scuba diving lessons for my birthday and then get to go out scuba diving in Portugal...not that I'm bragging
  22. LOL!

    I was about to collapse after the fourth though xD

    Having fun at school? :P


  23. LOL!!

    I think he gave up! xD

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