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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Recently, I was in drama class and made a comment about a film we had watched. I have no clue what I said but it inspired one of the bully type b*tches to turn around and snap: 'are you a lesbian?!'. Now, as pathetic as it sounds, I am terrified of this girl and immediately said no with a bit of a 'how ridiculous' expression. I'm bi and I do feel ashamed to feel the need to hide it. Going to an all girls school really doesn't help. The last girl to 'come out' was bullied out of school and this from a very strong minded girl. I, on the other hand, am completely weak and wouldn't be able to cope at all.Even today some comments were made. One girl in my business class was asked by one of the b*tches if she is a lesbian. The girl said no but was then asked 'do you fancy *another bitchy girl*'. They were all taking the piss and giggling, thinking it was hilarious. I really felt like standing up and saying: 'Even if she was a lesbian, she would in no way be attracted to a self-centered, shallow, rude, bitch like you' ...if only I had the guts :\
  2. Awwh bless! There'll be other chances to meet up, I'm sure! :PI was extremely tired (as any of you who were there must have noticed) and I fell asleep on the train home. It was worth it though xDI had an amazing day! Best of the three tpm meets so far xD Loved dancing in the saw queue with ChaCha and the ERT was really cool!Thank you Marc and Thorpe Park!!
  3. And of course you're glad you remember ;)

  4. Ooh I like the sound of that ^_^

    Yea I heard they're addictive so I plan to have at least two xD can't wait :D Xx

  5. That's cool! I'd love snake bites but I know they wouldn't suit me. Apparently I'm too 'cute' D:

    But I'm going to get tattoos!! Nobody can stop me xD x

  6. yay! :D

    :o that's too cool! I only have my lobes pierced... Which are pretty much closed up now x)

    I believe I read you have a tattoo, what dya have? :) x

  7. Moobsystenopenate.

  8. Oh wait. I just saw it in your sig thingy! xD woo!

    It's gonna be pretty awesome! :D

  9. I was tired, lol. Still am... As always x) how're yooou?

    I am indeed, so excited :D are you going?

  10. Ello :)

    Sorry it's taken so long to reply!! :\

  11. Ellie

    This Or That

    FilmsBen & Jerry's Cookie Dough or Häagen-Dazs Cookies and Cream
  12. Ellie

    This Or That

    Knife, just because I like the fffff sound at the end. :)Black jacks or fruit salad chews?
  13. Ellie

    This Or That

    RCT3'An itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, yellow polka dot bikini' or 'Polka dot shorts, polka dot shorts. Polka dot, polka dot.. shorts!'
  14. Ooh good luck with DiDa! If I had to go through that again, dida HQ would probably find a nice burning bag of excrement on their doorstep. :PThat decision would be easy for me. At first I thought there were three options and then I would've gone for the Merlin AP because 1. It's awesome and 2. You can share it with your friends (not the actual pass but trips). With an iPhone 3GS thrown in, hell yeah!
  15. Ellie

    Bad Injuries!

    Ooh, I love rugby! Except we're only allowed to play tag rugby at our school because it's all girls and theres too much paperwork for it. One time in rugby training last year we were doing passing rounds running straight at each other, dodging last minute... you can see where this is going My friend and me are the biggest and eldest on the team and we had a bit of a thick moment. We both... forgot? to dodge outta the way and ran full pelt into each other. Her cheek bone hit my eye and my forehead smacked the side of her face. We both bounced back and fell to the ground. I was knocked unconcious for a few seconds and woke up laughing. Was pretty cool and apparently it looked and sounded awesome, lol
  16. I love you Holly! :PMy rant is, to join most others, about school. I'm in year 11 now. In year 9 I chose to take Business Studies for GCSE after hearing it was really good but last year the school changed business teacher and we got this arse who, every week, would tell us: 'You need to find a niche market'. We were never taught anything else and I could have taught myself with books yada yada but I didn't even know the criteria for my coursework. This means that although I've supposed to have written about 3/4 of the coursework I've got nothing. Absolute zilch. Which means a nice long piece of coursework to start now as well as learning everything for the test. YAY! Not only this but it's the same situation in IT. Last year we had to do a project called DiDa which was only worth half a GCSE apparently. It was a sh*t load of work for pretty much nothing in return. The teacher didn't really do any teaching and I know you could say 'take your learning in to your own hands' but DiDa is a pile of fudgesmush which nobody in my class could actually understand. However, without a word of warning for students or teachers, that man has left with a trail of rumours and confused students in his wake. We've now switched to the OCR board and are starting the same project as the year 10s. Only difference is we have a year less to complete it, woo!
  17. Maaaaaatttt......... Hi ehehehehe!!

    >:D x

  18. I feel your pain. I'm in year 11 though but tomorrow I have double drama, triple business. Drama sounds like it's 2 hours of not much work but it's usually theory which sucks. And then there's business which is a living hell! And I have a double and triple every Wednesday just to brighten up the middle of the school week. Oh joy...
  19. Ellie

    This Or That

    Chinese foodMonopoly or Cluedo?
  20. Ellie

    This Or That

    Naan bread.Duvet or pillows?
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