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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. I'm straight! :mellow:Edit:Hmm... well I was

    I'm gonna ruin the tommy fest!


    You dont know me, lol

    but Hiii

    my names Ellie

    Now you know me! :P

  3. hmm... It was around them that the Youtube video was released...
  4. Tommy, I'm REALLY happy for you! I cant believe I didnt say so before! I look up to you and anyone else whos told their parents (or even friends). I wish I had courage like you. This forum is the first time ive EVER admitted that I questioned my sexuality and I would be terrified to tell my mum.Holly, I know how you feel! When my mum was talking about how she thinks being gay at a young age is ridiculous I gave a fake laugh and decided to keep my mouth shut. I know me saying I know how you feel isnt gonna help you but I find it comforting(?) that I'm not alone in this type of situation. And WOW! I love how everyone on here is so supportive! x
  5. :o Family guy! *sniff*

    I'm great thanks!

    its not letting of post vaguely long comments! :S

  6. Aaagh! In bed already! Sooo bored! Save me!

    lol. So, hows you?


  7. TPM on my mobile! YAY!

  8. Oooh, how about asking for a family day out to a gay pride event? :PAnd I don't think you could have asked for a better response! It's good that your parents are so relaxed about it!*double thumbs up*
  9. I don't know about anyone else but I'm waiting for another video.Oooh and I was thinking maybe there will be clues in each video and you have to piece the clues together to answer a question. Like a jigsaw...
  10. I'm straight.It's interesting that people have said that they're fine with gays. I am too. At one point I was questioning my sexuality ALOT. But, the fact that people say they're fine with gays just shows how many people must not be. It's at the point where people are having to say they're comfortable around gay people instead of it being expected to be comfortable. I hope I'm making sense... :)I was talking to my mum a little while back about my friend thinking she was lesbian. I was hoping for my mum to be supportive and suggest advice but her reaction was- "You're not gay, are you?!"Although I'm not I really lost faith in my mum being supportive towards me. I know my mum wants grandchildren. She said it herself just 'not right now' (duh!!).And when another friend came out as lesbian it spread around the whole school (girls' school). I felt so sorry for her as she got bullied so much she had to leave. It was really sad because in the changing rooms nobody but two other friends and myself would change near her. It was pathetic.She's moved to a mixed school now and she's much happier because she prefers mixing with boys.Here's another thing that annoys me. We had a gay art teacher. EXTREMELY camp! and said FAAABULOUS way too much. WHY was he soo popular with everyone else while my lesbian friend was so... hated. You can call them both gay. So why does it matter? It shouldn't but it obviously does!Tommy, it's great that you've had such a positive response!! ... I think this has gone on long enough! :(Edit: I just noticed how many times I say the word gay in the first bit! Haha!
  11. Just thought id say hi so..

    HIIII :D

  12. mm, English here...plus a strict mum! I hope to make it to one though!!... eventually
  13. Ellie

    This Or That

    ComputerA week of torture or Death:D
  14. Oh no... the first of many :DMy day was AMAZING!! Because homework is SOO much more fun than fright night... :DOooh, I didn't know there was a ninja smiley! This is going to come in handy! :D...I hope there are lots of photos!! (of fright night, not the ninja )
  15. Ellie


    I'm not THAT type of weird... like a stalker :L

    hehe, being good weird is good!

    Yay good weirdos!!

  16. Ellie

    This Or That

    CHOCOLATE digestives!! numnum! :Dlove OR money
  17. Ellie


    well, I'm a bit weird too...

    bit being an understatement!!


  18. ugh, I'm not going at all!!! It's so sad!!my mum says I'm not old enough to walk round the park with just my friends! This sucks!!...maybe next year? (she says doubtfully)
  19. Haha, well that put a smile on my face!!:DI mean.... aww, poor Peter!
  20. Haha, me too!!It sucks! I asked my mum if she'd drop me and a few mates off but she says I'm 'too young'.I can only imagine the never-ending lecture I'd have had if I told her it was to meet up with a group from online!! :DI'm bored...
  21. Ellie


    I have quite a broad range of music. I did like Miley Cyrus' songs but I regret it. :DAtm I'm loving:-Nickelback- If Everyone cared-Red Jumpsuit Apparatus- Face down and Guardian Angel-Colbie Caillat- Bubbly-Iglu and Hartly- In this city-The Killers- All these things that I've doneand then for some strange reason I'm addicted to this hindi song: Pehli Nazar Mein by Atif AslamI could go on but it would take too long!
  22. I voted GREEN because it's my favourite colour EVER!!Woooo! ...ok, maybe I'm a bit over-excited!
  23. Ellie

    This Or That

    LemonPizza OR Pasta
  24. hm... maybe hes on his phone...I really wish I could be there!!!
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