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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie

    This Or That

    Cheese!Peas or sweetcorn?
  2. Wow, that's a coincidence! I went on the 20th July as well and walking towards Inferno a shoe fell from someone who just left the lift hill which landed about 3m away. It wasn't that close but it just proves that you should wear sensible shoes.
  3. Weird thing is it was in Coley. It's a bit better than Whitley but you do get the odd idiot here. For example: I was verbally attacked by some 8 year olds. Fools.
  4. I'm very good my AMAZING sudoku player friend ;D How're you? :) Xx

  5. Ellie

    This Or That

    Depends really. Both can be really good or lousy. But just for the fact that some can give an amazing experience, films.A PJs day (with the typical films, warm beverages and a duvet) or a snow day (with coats, gloves, hats, scarves, snow angels and snow ball fights)? :DEdit: Damn, AeRo beat me to it. :)Right please.
  6. People can be arses, you just have to ignore them. To avoid embarrassment just delete their comments? Or you could leave a quirky response to make them look foolish. But why do you have these fools as friends on facebook if they're mean? I don't accept any friend requests of people that I don't like or are evil, you never know what could happen.All in all... they suck. :)And now for a rant of my own:I had to meet my mum near where she parks her car to take me to a shop. I was a bit early so had to hang around for a bit but it's the same area that I live so I felt pretty comfortable. I was slowly wandering around the childrens play park when men in their late 20s were walking towards me, one pushing a bike. They seemed to be talking to each other so ignored them and was talking to a mate on msn with my phone. Then while they were about a foot away the one pushing their bike and said to his mate (so that I could hear) that he was gonna kill me, steal my phone and cut my hair. He then walked casually passed me. After this I went and sat at the bus stop where, strangely, I felt safer. Why do idiots feel the need to intimidate and scare people like that?! I hadn't even looked at this man! And the fact that he's just strolling past a children's play area worries me quite a bit. Twazzack.
  7. Ellie

    This Or That

    Train! Gotta love 'em. :)Hammock or Sun Lounger?
  8. Ellie

    This Or That

    Memory Card :)The Macarena or The YMCA*dances*
  9. Ellie


    Thanks for your compliments! :DUnderItAll, Pepsi is beautiful! And that first picture makes her look a bit like a fox.
  10. Ellie


    Ooh, I love telling this story! This might drag on though.:(Sooo, for work experience I worked at a dog rescue. It was extremely easy. Walk dogs, drink tea, walk dogs, drink tea. We were allowed to play with the dogs whenever we got bored and I love dogs so was with them quite a bit. My favourite breed are Rottweilers and there was one there but she was overweight and needed a lot of dedication so we couldn't home her. But I fell in love with a Jack Russel cross called Pip who was brought into the rescue as a stray. She wasn't up for homing while I was working because she had a hernia. I showed her to my parents and they adored her, giving in saying we could adopt her. We waited until she had her operation and brought her home. Absolutely perfect, everyone who met her loved her. So calm and sweet. Not a typical terrier, she's quite calm and loves sleeping in the shade Then she started putting on a lot of weight. We treated her with turkey and stuff and worried we were over feeding her so we cut most treats and stuck to her dog food allowance. It was evident something was wrong and we had a good guess. We took her to the vet and it was confirmed; my dog was preggers and not far off due. Looking at the ultrasound you could see so much detail: ribs, spine, skull and even the beating heart. :(The dog rescue took her back to help with the birth. On the 29th June my tiny dog gave birth to 5 healthy pups.We saw them for the first time aged just 4 days old and they were adorable and because Pip trusted us we were one of very few people to see them. We all caved and even my strict stepdad caved and said he wanted one.Yesterday for the first time we held them. We all agreed on one of the puppies and are now eagerly looking forward to getting Pip and our new puppy home. The chosen one: We have to wait another 4 weeks for Pip and around 9 weeks for the puppy but it's going to be worth the wait!
  11. ..ery nummy!! xD

    Did you get anything for easter? x

  12. Hey hey hey mr moose! Been a little while since I spoke to ya :D

    How's work at thorpe park? :D And yoooou? OMG I got a chocolate lamb for easter.... and I just finished it, lol. First I broke off the legs, then crushed its body, bit off the back of its head. Then it's ear fell off and I ate the rest of it. It did slowly get munched over the two days though! Ahahaha.... was ver

  13. :o:O THAT IS AMAZING!! Wooow!

    Not quite sure how you found that out, lol! :P


  14. LOL! :o

    Turns out I can't go today... Long story >_>

    But I've never been sick on a ride! xD

    Feel sorry for anyone who has to clear that up. ;)

    Hmmm... I wants a cookie now. xD x

  15. Oooh! When I went on this with my friend and her Mum, her Mum wouldn't stop screaming!! It was embarrasing but hilarious at the same time! :PIt definitely is a good little ride! Small and mighty!
  16. Hiiii!! :D

    You have no comments?! :o

    Well, you do now!

    so yea... hiii!! xD

  17. Ah, damn!

    Well I thought when you watch the tv you'd be looking... at the tv

    I got some good shots from it though!

    some... interesting angles too :P


    Aaaare you working on sunday??

    Coz I'm going wooo

    If you are and I see you I may just have to say


    xD x

  19. YO DUDE!

    Did you see me earlier? I mean, I was trying to hide better... without leaves this time! (Y)

    Bad stalker is bad. :)

  20. Ellie


    I was sat at the end of the episode thinking 'Oh, is this the last episode?' :PIt didn't really feel finished until they did the little recap bit with the credits.And Emily was definitely my favourite character! Her story was perfect! The rest were average. =\I just hope next series it picks up again to how good it was before!

  22. Ellie

    I knooow! Idiot chavs! xD

    Although, there is a place near mine that's chav free. xD

    Can't gurantee the cows wont be there, lol

    Moo? :D

  23. Ellie

    Ooh, kl. I'm in coley >_>

    Schoolings in whitley! D:

    Niightmare, lol.

    There are TOO MANY chavs in Reading xD

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