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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie

    This Or That

    Ipod classic. I find the ipod touch kinda... sharp on the edges?The Simpsons OR Futurama
  2. Wow, thanks for this!! This is going to look amazing.Tbh, this is my first time criticising the ride but I've started to realise how out of place it MIGHT look being so themed in comparison to the rest of the park.But, there is no doubting the excellence of this ride!! So excited!! ...oh and I just noticed that on the plans theres a wind turbine... cool!
  3. Ellie

    Post Your Desktop!

    Yer, it always gives me a smile. And it loads fine... without ANY error messages! Hmm... that must be some interesting time you have then...
  4. Ellie


    Lol, phew!! I'm just like that... I'd hate for someone to have a go at me for something stupid I'd said!! :DAnd yer, I spose it was good for the younger ones (not that I'm much older )
  5. Ellie


    DEATH TO CORKSCREW!! That ride was the most boring ride I've EVER been on!! Worse than flying fish!!I'm not surprised they're taking it down! The queue is so short because nobody bothers with it!Sure you think it's more fun but I was almost asleep! Personal opinion though...
  6. Tbh, I haven't found that the male to female ratio is out of balance. But even if it is I don't feel shunned because I'm a girl!

  7. Ellie

    Post Your Desktop!

    oooh, okiesI hope this works...YAY!!
  8. Well, if it's a coincidence it's a pretty big one!I mean, they could have picked any name. Project Ellie for example! :PLot's of names in the world and they just happened to pick one that ties into the films... I want to wait a little further until I decide on my opinion... this might be explained by any later videos?Just and idea...Edit:Ooops, ima keep my hands off keyboard on this subject then
  9. Thorpe Park is full of some great sounds!!I LOVE:- Colossus on and leaving the chain lift!!- STEALTH at the beginning as the coaster rolls back slightly before launch. I think it's the gas cylinders when they hiss... - DETONATOR when it makes the 'clunk' sound before the release!!When there was building work near where I live there was a crane which made the sound just like Colossus' chain lift. Every time I heard it I smiled. Music to my ears!
  10. Ellie

    Post Your Desktop!

    erm... :S how do you upload a picture?I'm clueless!!
  11. Oooh, COOL!!Thanks :PEdit::S... wrong quote, sorry! Dunno how to change it but I was replying to the response as to where the nemesis chair was on the minisite!
  12. Oh, I just remembered...It's a silly question really but oh well...I've seen some people mentioned about there being a nemesis chair dripping with blood on the mini-site. Can anybody point it out to me please?
  13. YAY!! I reckon this could be something amazing but everyone else is soo pessimistic!!I completely agree with Jason!
  14. Wow, the re-theme of CC is a pretty hot topic. I'd quite like a re-theme! I think it'd be much better!! YAY,, so glad they're doing the competition!! I entered the stealth one but was unsuccesful. I hope I have better luck this time! I wonder what they'll do with the ride for next years fright night! Any ideas?...
  15. Phew!I hope they do a competition to be the first to ride it like they did with stealth!!
  16. lol, yer!!It's nice to see I'm not the only one excited! heheI'm just the crazy fan girl grinning!! I can't get onto the website though. Something about the domain default page...Am I the only one?
  17. Nobody was expecting this!!You can't even say you thought it might be!!
  19. Ellie


    Haha, I don't scream on vortex either... I don't get why? I just smile! But anyway...I love the lap bars aswell because the feeling you get when you are falling feels so... safely insecure?That sounds really really weird but what I mean is if you were flat back against the chair you DEFFINATELY wouldn't get the same feeling!!
  20. Ok...I've checked both youtube and the mini site but nothing.Dammit... I guess we're gonna have to wait till after school/work. (Don't rub it in if you don't have either )
  21. HAHA!!Or how about Macbeth?? That'll be one for the superstitious!!
  22. Lol, I was thinking tempest sounds a bit odd but then... windmill ...just thinking, hehe
  23. I agree with Will!!Thorpe's big fun machine!!!Perfect!!
  24. Wow, mixed opinions on when this video will be available...I suppose we'll just have to keep checking. Midnight, before and after school (AAARGH school...)
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