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Everything posted by themeparkaddict

  1. themeparkaddict


    SO MUCH SICK. So little fun on X. No seriously, three consecutive piles splattered everywhere. I wish vomiting people would have a better aim, maybe not try for the direct centre of the exit queue, or just round a corner where EVERY single person steps in it.If you're sick after Saw or something, bad times, but sick after X.. you have absolutely no dignity whatsoever.
  2. OMG. Hanky panky is in the dictionary... don't ask, but it really is.

  3. Humphhh backatcha. I hope you're not cheating on your favourite ride host by going today [insert profanity here]. I think I may have screwed your profile up by posting that kermit link, everything is just ka-ding-donged. I'm now fully trained on STEALTH (autographs later, k?) but also on X. Best Wed/Thurs EVER on Stealth. Then I had X on Fri with 3 loads of splattering vomit. Ergh.

  4. Bonjour mon gateaux, j'ai un cookie. I have bad nose, *news* I'm not working tomorrow shock-gasp-die BUT Thorpe's had full ride availability for a few days now so FANDANGO SHIZZLE WOOPINGTON. Have amazing fun tomorrow, don't be sick on X, you'd be surprised how many people are... chuckle chuckle

  5. themeparkaddict


    Rich would like to point out how much he thinks that Pokerface is basically Just Dance all over again. It's even got the twanginess.And that's why I reckon it's topped the charts. </rant>
  6. We can be sad together. But not sad sad, obviously. You gave me an extra thrill. Extra reply when I thought things had finished! Woop! Nighty night xx

  7. Thankies, you too, and remember your Sheepieness at all times. I've actually got well excited with the whole New Comment (The Mania Hub Forums)'s e-mails from you, haha, saddo. Anymoo, as the farmer said to the cow, love you Sheeeeepie (now with extra e's). Enjoy your day! (Sorry, I say that to the guests...) Sleep tight xxx

  8. Haha, well we did bananas, sex and wacking. Of course I needed to know. Not that the feelings mutual... dum de dum. Train journeys = ~~ times. 2 hours for you, 80 minutes for me. ****, I work journey times out like queue times. TP is twisting my brain, and I like it. Major smiley huggableness, and erm, mazes drunk 2009 I think so....

  9. I'm guessing the two best ways to do the mazes are drunk, or sedated. Although both could make you scareder (which isn't actually a word). Dons dark glasses *hello, I'm Sheepie* innocent bystander: wait a minute... Are you off to Chessington tomorrow? I also have to get up, but not till sex, *cough* six. Woooooo. I love our jobs. I regard you Sheepie as a legend. Just fantasticalness.

  10. ..bravery. It cut one word off. ONE WORD!

  11. Of course they were a euphemism XP. You are SO brave, I now secretly love you, and am considering identity theft. How can you survive those damn things? I've never worked out why I get so bloody scared in them, I know they're just actors and they're going to jump out. Bad times for having a chav in front of you, but good times for the laughs at him I'm guessing you had. I need your

  12. That so wasn't a rant. It was completely right stuff. Wooooop, bananas are amazing, but WHAAAT you went through Thorpe's mazes? All four? Holy sheeps, you're one uber-brave guy. The Curse involved me burying myself in the guy in fronts back, he was brave at least. I was GROPED by the crazy sailors. FoaTS at Alton (pre 9) was cool 'cos look up and the moon will save you. Tell me mor

  13. ...HPH scared me at Halloween Hocus Pocus, seriously. There was some stripey guy on the floor who sprung back to life. Now imagine what I'm like in a Fright night maze... (Oh, and sorry for spamming up your comments bit xP)

  14. Egotastic stuff. That was poor. *bong*. The guest bit is actually what makes it SO FANDANGO. If you're stuck outside a ride to tell people to poo off, its so fun to have a good ol' natter and they walk away smiling. I love it when you see people round the park later and they come up and speak to you too. Result…

  15. ROFL! Wee and food. I know absolutely no other people who'd stop to say thats where they'd gone so you don't think they've vanished off the face of the earth. You're just lovely, and also rather funny. Good times. =D

  16. I have absolutely no idea what you mean xD. Samurai's upside-downy spinny roundyness is awesome. Every last bit of it. I'm loving guest interaction too. Sheepie makes you sound so huggable and lovely. You're a good samaritan *tumbleweed moment, bad joke*. I managed to actually make someone fall over just from jumping out fron the X box (bag room). Crazy hippos. Is this your 2nd season

  17. ...boo for the 400 character limit. I waffled on about how it'd be cool if Stealth ever opens... *random hugs*. Wack back =D

  18. Oh dear god, I'm so pleased other people end up replying in their own comments I do it a bit too often hehe. I now envy your nickname AND roster! How the heck did you manage that? I'm training on Samurai and X. Guess which I prefer? Tho I've never managed to scare so many people on X. The queueline is almost more fun than the ride =D. They let me go to a training thing on Stealth.

  19. themeparkaddict


    That's one thing I would say is an ickle bit bad. The obsession with water sports, motocross, motor bikes, skateboarding or anything else from this category. Can't they do something a little different?
  20. *Massive high five for Thorpe & Chessie being yummy* So Sheepie (I actually secrely want to steal your nickname) whats your favourite ride at Chessington? And are you a rides man? xD

  21. Well I started at Thorpe on Tuesday and it's smiley AMAZINGNESS boxed. Kelly Clarkson is also way cool. And YOU worked at Thorpe too. I'm not just making links here... dum de dum. Are you still at the eye?

  22. It's cleverly done with the whole above/below water idea, and I know they want to attract families, but for the good old fashioned thrill seeker...? Couldn't they have had oblivion in the background or something?!
  23. themeparkaddict


    During Thrill Chill, day one (with literally nothing open) I noticed the Se7en marquee was still there. Being a very unobservant employee I wondered if they've actually taken it down now. Otherwise I see a walk past the arena on the cards tomorrow.
  24. Then James you clearly need to be in the Samurai frame of mind, only attainable when a certain person is attending on it. You'll *think* it's the best ride ever, or your money back*.(*such intricately worded terms and conditions apply that you'll never get your money back, unless of course you choose to upgrade to an annual pass in which case you'll get your entrance fee refunded).
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