Seriously? Those schools must suck, our teachers generally thought they looked cool, a couple weren't too impressed when people were pretending to shoot up in lessons but they wouldn't ban them.Thought it would be best to mention here, I had some chavs behind us queuing for saw, they were noisy gits, they were like 13 smoking, trying to start on us until I pushed one back and he tripped over his friend (they shut up then and just grunted a bit) but they were staring at these girls infront of us who were like 12 or 13, I'm 15 so I noticed their pretty faces and 'potential' but they were perverted little *****s. The tallest one who was about 15 as well I think, hadn't hit puberty so that was funny as well but no word of a lie, they actually spat at the people in the fast track queue, we were so close to turning round and beating the scrawny little ****s up.