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Posts posted by JoshC.

  1. I understand where you are coming from, but Thorpe seem to always have that 'first' or 'best' element in their rides.X No Way Out - FIRST blackwards coasterColossus - FIRST 10 looping coasterStealth - HIGHEST launch coaster in Europe (also, one with the fastest acceleration?)SAW - FIRST horror-film themed coaster and STEEPEST free-fall drop in the world.Notice the trend? Although not everything is like this at Thorpe, I can very easily see the 2012 coaster to have some sort of 'first' or 'x-est' to them (if you get what I mean).

  2. That's fair enough if it doesn't really suit Thorpe in your opinion, but it's more of what the customer wants, and what Thorpe think would fit in well. We're all looking to try new types of rides. With a sky swatter, an air-powered swing, a 205ft high launch coaster, a 100ft drop tower, the world's first 10 looping coaster Europe's wettest water ride, these aren't exactly your everyday rides at a theme park. Thorpe have a lot of "some things different", and to put a flyer in would not only top it off, but I am certain it would make the place more popular.

    That's a valid point yes. However, with better technology nowadays, the public are more accustomed to seeing steel coasters, so no matter what type it is, the public would see at as something which is more like the ordinary. A woodie, however, would be something different and something which is less seen, nowadays - by which I mean less are being built, especially in the UK! It is something majorly different!
  3. It wasn't evacuated. And whats TPNews?

    Ah, sorry about that. I heard they were evacuated.As for TPNews, I got a bit bored so I tried making my post sound like a News Report. TPNews (Standing for Thorpe Park News) was the name. It was meant for a random, pointless joke though which was why I put it in brackets along with the smilies. If anyone wants me to continue TPNews, just say. :) (Which is intended as a joke unless there's huge popular demand...)
  4. Anyone noticed that with some of the Ride DVD's sold by Picsolve, they are speeded up by about 10xHeres a good example:

    And, unless I'm mistaken, the sound is perfectly fine? Oh dear...In other news, SAW broke down to at about half past 5. An evacuation had to occur on all cars, one which was on the lift hill. Furthermore, it is rumoured to be troubles with the break run, as opposed to the outdoor MCBR which some people may fear.(That is it from TPNews. I've been your host. Goodnight :o:))
  5. Yes, they'd be good options. However, another B&M ride would surely mean less theming (I know we had Inferno, but still, it would mean less theming?), which I think has proved a definite hit with SAW!I'd be happy with a woodie for 2012 (with some good theming of course), then we can bring in another B&M for 2015/6. :)

  6. But then again, it can be really tempting - especially for chavs - to bend the rules and go underneath the small chain to get into the main queue will no one is looking, or just jump some of the fences. In the end, only chavs can be blamed though, because they are rather idiotic.Oh yes, and great news about how SAW is on 8 cars and the MCBR is as forceful as it was on opening day. :)(Oh, and Ricky, where are the car numbers of the SAW cars - I can never find them?)

  7. Thorpe have gotta get a flyer though.

    I disagree. A flyer, while it can be forceful (especially pretzel loops I've heard), it doesn't (in my opinion) suit Thorpe's target market. Plus, considering AT already have a flyer and there are so many other choices available, do we really want Thorpe to be coping AT to become a mini-AT?
  8. So will it ever be back on 8 cars?

    I don't actually know the answer to that question. I can only assume that the problem is being fixed and hopefully 8 cars will be running soon. There had been some rumours that 8 cars were going to be on the track a couple of weeks ago, but that got delayed...
  9. Due to the changing of the MCBR (which has lead of course to reduced capacity) the second car has to wait until to first car hits the final brakes before it can go up the lift hill. Before, it could go shortly after the car had dropped (when 8 cars were on the track).

  10. Also, I do believe that the second car has slightly longer to wait at the bottom of the lift hill compared to the first, yeah?I must say, honestly, I feel that SAW is going to be one of those rides that will get better with age. I mean, at the moment, we've got a roller coaster which is meant to be set in a derelict warehouse, yet everything feels new - because it is new. In 10 years, say, the ride might seem much better as the overall theming has had chance to 'wear' a bit, and thus go into the slightly more darker theme...

  11. Apparently, the idea of the ride being quick is to stun people. A bit with Stealth, the chavs and others realise it is over and think 'OMG!!!11 I jus wen over dat so quick!!!111' It feels quick so the chavs and others think 'Woah, dat ride waz intense nd quick!! I cant believe I jus did all dat so fast! Nd OMG!!!111, dat body waz soooo cool and dat puppet was real freky!!!!!'It does make sense when you think about it...

  12. Yeah, Ewan was on SAW on preview day. He really added to the experience, especially when he hides round corners and walks in front of you. Very good. Plus, he is just helpful and an overall nice guy. Oh yes, and Alfonso deserves a mention for being informative and his niceness - always good to chat to him. (Did you know that Alfonso has only been on SAW once - on the 14th March?)I think Thorpe also deserve a mention for working with fanboys. I mean, recently, we have had Behind the Loops, a decent themed ride (even though everyone really wanted that) which also had a great build up towards it, all the YouTube vidoes (like the FN Thriller one). In other words, the park has been listening a lot more to improve the park.Okay, they might need to improve reliability, but the park is still very good. Anyway, I'm preety sure that will be fixed and is one of the main priorities of the park.Overall, you've pleased me. :P

  13. Take note of this...If you don't mind going by yourself on SAW (ie - Single Rider) and don't mind mising on the experience, etc. and you want to use SRQ for a minimal wait, go at the beginning of the day. Not many people know about SRQ at this time of the day (or know if it is open). Therefore, queue is empty practically. You can therefore get a good two rides in about 15 minutes. You could then also do Samurai at the beginning of the day before it gets long queues. This then means you get SAW and Samurai out of the way. Then, go over to Stealth / Inferno, the queues will probably only be 20 minutes max, but likely to be near walk-ons.

  14. I just think it's great that even when heavily drunk I can still spell Colossus correctly, a word which many, (MANY), people have failed to do. :D In fact the only wrongly spelled word is the is.. it's supposed to be an as :D

    You missed capital letters for all the ride names. I know you're heavily drunk, but that is no excuse for missing capital letters. :huh:
  15. I just wanted to say that I secretly think Thorpe is the best theme park in the entire world and even though you can go and have stealth, Colossus, saw, slammer, samurai, loggers, rumba, banana ride and carousel all closed at the same time, it easily beats Alton Towers is the UK's best theme park.

    I think there might be a bit of sarcasm there, I'm just not sure. :huh:
  16. Some families just prefer to go there/

    I guess prefer wasn't the word I was looking for - what I meant was that where travel is an issue (for people who don't have cars / people trying to save money / etc.) some families will just go to the nearest park possible, which could be Thorpe. Plus, Thorpe - to some of the general public - is seen like a family park with rides for everyone. Also, the amount of families that still go to the park for a family day out is still quite a lot.As for the whole 'It's a Eurofighter' thing, it is a Eurofighter yes but, in the end, I wouldn't be surprised if the money Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures contributed went mainly meant to go to theming - so that leaves Thorpe to sort out everything else and if the ride goes over budget, then money from LG might of had to have been spent on the ride, as opposed to the theming.Anyway, I've had my say. I might not be expalining what I mean very well. I see where everyone else is coming from, but there are reasons why outdoor theming may not have happened - in defense of Thorpe, they've got a very good ride and it seems people are now just looking at the negatives rather than the many positives. So, can we just end this mini arguement now before it gets out of control and say both sides have a fair point?
  17. The point is, this is suppose to be the worlds 'scariest' ride, and the park wants to be known for its thrills. So I can't see them giving priority to CCR.

    Although the park is focusing on become a Thrill Park for Thrillseekers, many families come for days out. Even the Cheesie is close, some families just prefer to go there. So, the park would want to try and keep all guests happy by making a young children's attraction suitable for children.I do agree the ride could have more outside theming and more effects added. However, the park have made their choice and I guess they more wanted the ride to be one part theming, the other part roller coaster. Thus, in comparison, the inside seems even better.Also, I do believe the ride went over budget (which would explain why the second entrance is incomplete) so yes, they could have done more, but there's a point when the actual ride has to come before the theming.
  18. My point is more theming isn't going to be around the rest of the track due to CCR, not just headchopper effects. As for the actual headchopper we've got, it is more an onlooker effect as opposed to a on-ride effect. You CAN see it yes, but it looks much more imposing off ride than on ride.

  19. I hope people don't mind me repeating myself...Theming the outside isn't going to happen. SAW has VERY close interaction to CCR, and CCR is designed for young children. So, having headchoppers that young children will come close to is a bad idea (yes, there is the first one, but that is easier to avoid or for parents to explain. Plus, having headchoppers around the course would be pointless because you're going to fast (unless you have one just after the MCBR). As for the trench, I don't know why that hasn't been filled in, but possily someone who does know could say as to why. In other words, the outside won't be themed because of CCR.However, I do agree that a mist effect when you come out and some sort of fire inside would have been worthwhile (and, afterall, Mystery Mine has it).

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