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Everything posted by JamesT

  1. Looks like RELOAD has gone from the website...
  2. Thats pretty amazing! Hitting Nemesis Standards....need to get out to italy this year!!TPM Garda Trip??
  3. Dont think it stands out that bad! The green area which backs on to Storm Surge is already proving a popular area to sit and hangout so I dont think plonking it there would of been a good thing, I'm sure it will grow on us
  4. JamesT


    I'm presuming square footage.
  5. JamesT

    Pirates 4D

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_4DThe film has been duplicated in many places
  6. JamesT


    She actually appears in all three blipverts
  7. JamesT


    "In the hall of the mountain king" is also remixed in the oblivion ad, Be it a very short and techno remix its still there. Must say I love the Alton Adverts, they have always pulled out the stops with most of them, ditto with thorpe back in the Colossus and Inferno ads
  8. I presume this is some reference to This Story that a trainer at the SeaWorld park in Orlando, Florida, has died after being attacked by a killer whale.Tragic and really does open up the debate do such attractions simply go to far and ask too much from animals.
  9. Tried going to Alton Towers yesterday, but they closed the park due to the snow :PAlas went to Pleasure Beach instead which was a refreshing change...
  10. JamesT


    Hmmm not really a fan of Alex Reid!But the new trains look sexy! And if the "sidekicks" are going to be at the bootcamp, count me in
  11. No worries fella.

  12. has not set their status

  13. Support lodged! Good luck to the park, I really think it would be detrimental to the park and local area if the ride were to be removed.
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