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Everything posted by meme5053

  1. I consider myself lucky! I saw you on Thorpe's opening day meetup back in '09!

    But I didn't say hi to you all because I'm socially awkward when it comes to stuff like that :P

  2. SAW was brilliant yesterday, 90 min queue at about 12 o'clock and then what should of been 55 mins turned into over an hour on the second ride at about 5:30/5:45 due to 2 break downs. All effects are working, blood squirting body is back on, blades are swinging and the crossbows were brilliant!
  3. Long time no see, people!Me, my dad, my uncle, my mum and my nan will most likely be going to Thorpe Park on the 24th and I was wondering if anyone else will be there? Maybe arrange a small meet up perhaps? I don't know how to end this post so I'm just gunna end on a joke.What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes? A.
  4. Argh! I was up till 2:30 this morning down the hospital with a bad hand. I had a fight and the hospital think I may have a fractured bone in my thumb and this stupid cast is driving me crazy!
  5. meme5053

    Bad Injuries!

    A Few years ago, I jumped off a 2 metre high climbing frame and hurt my toe. Silly me! My dad came to the play centre I was at where I hurt it and I thought I was fine and I did it again! Couldn't walk for a week.I have Osgood schlatters disease, it's where the bone in your knee grows too fast, still hurts.I hurt my thumb in a mucky fight a few months ago by punching someone in the back with the thumb pointing out, still doesn't feel right.Jammed my finger in a futon a few years back, it swole up.Was having a drum-roll competition using my fingers on a solid wood table, as hard and fast as I could for 5 minutes, one finger swole up and bruised REALLY badly and also cut one finger, blood was flying everywere!Got finger jammed in door when I was a baby, fire brigade had to be called out.Twisted my ankles a fair few times.I have such an unlucky life!But have never broken anything! (Touch wood)
  6. I was at my local fairground, Barry Island, and guess what I heard blasting out of the park radio? None other than the Nemesis Inferno theme! I was with a nonfanboy friend and I suddenly burst out laughing as soon as I heard it! I looked like a right idiot!
  7. meme5053

    This Or That

    Billy the puppetThis or That?
  8. Not really film related but, on simpsons last night
  9. Re-winding something?
  10. meme5053


    Drums and keyboard, I teach myself keyboard.
  11. meme5053

    This Or That

    Huss top spinNightwish or TenaciousD?
  12. Almost finished my 3D model now, just need to add fences and signs and stoof!
  13. ^ *Facepalm* The ride is working, just not the swinging blades.
  14. I wanted a small-ish project to keep my brain off of NL:
  15. Put it this way, the more SAW is closed, the more the GP are less likley to come therefor fewer* chavs...!*Happy now, Subculturehero?
  16. Yeah but the profit gained might not be much due to the lack of people on the island, so if they close it, they dont need to pay the electricity bills or staff
  17. I have a vid of the guy taken on saturday being a tad flirty:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7wT4IkZ2fg
  18. Soo sorry I didnt come over! I saw you but I was a tad too shy! I think I recognised Holly though!
  19. No, it wasn't on the lift, I was in the queue at the time and had a brill view of all the sections from were I was, the car originally stopped on the MCBR.
  20. I shall be leaving soon and try to persuade my dad to get us there for 9:30!Change of plan, I shall be wearing blue jeanes instead
  21. Off topic: Is it sad that I have NOT been on Samurai or Loggers Leap?On topic: If you see a nerdy, spotty and tall person wearing blue jogging bottoms and a green "Kickflip" hoody, it will be me!If you see me feel free to approach and say who you are, I'm freindly!
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