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Everything posted by NickD

  1. The outlets at Thorpe are so overpriced which is a right pain, would of been glass house by a country mile but haven't ate there for a while now so shall say the Calypso BBQ. I think it was last time I ate there when I got a nice chicken, was good compared to the same old Burger King that I get week in week out.
  2. Don't really like eggs, unless there of the easter kind. Also, you spelt 'mourning' wrong
  3. Okay, I'm not being funny but can you please notify us when you delete our posts, every time my post goes missing and its beggining to piss me off.
  4. NickD


    Or you could just buy what Seb said, as PS3's aren't as good as 360's. Despite my XBox has currently got the amazing 3 red rings :\
  5. Phill,The old site just graphically looked better and I found it alot easier to navigate, personal opinion would be to bring it back to that style, sure I'm not the only one that thinks it. Also, please try to avoid making every post look like it's some sort of formal letter, this is a casual forum.. talk to me like a member, not some sort of manager.ThanksJack Nicholas Dann
  6. That old design was alot better imo.
  7. I won a grand total of £9And I Lost a grand total of £9Great day out, Thorpe was alright, stealth count almost in double figures , rode front row 4 times... it's boring though.. so we did go to Woking which would have been better if I wasn't poor
  8. NickD


    Crap dinner today.. boiled potatoes and sliced beef... eugh
  9. NickD

    Your Setup

    My RoomMy DeskThats where I live, if you want a picture of the rest of my house... what the hell (Btw... no we have not been burgled, neither are we poor.. its a long story lo [this is what happens 2 days after marc comes round]l)
  10. My feelings exactly... couldn't put it better.
  11. NickD

    Your Setup

    Marc and Ian said my desk/room is really tidy when they saw it yesterday so I will try get a picture of it later
  12. Really good day guys (we got 3 jackpots... ) but the park.. yeah, was , boring.. maybe thats because I'm just bored of Thorpe by now and enjoy chessington more (not they're fault obviously) but I did have one of the funniest days, everything was good.. Lol, I'm so un-well known to the newer members now though (even though I used to own this site) so alot of trying to explain who I am from the forums.. Anyways, Nandos, journey home etc (THANKS MARC LOL.. but I let you use my loo so..) nice to meet new people and talk to some great people who I haven't seen for ages we need to do this more often but in better places =] Mini meets?
  13. Clara and Chrissy aren't coming me thinks, a few others there not sure if they're coming either. Still a lot of big names up there, .. looking to be a good day
  14. Me and Daniel are here an shall be leaving at 8am tommorow to get to staines at about 9am , shall see you all there, hope we can stay in group for a while but I guess we will probs split into smaller groups, dunno who I'll go around with yet though lol. =] will be cool
  15. Can we get a final list of arrangements for tommorow Ie. Final attendants , meeting place ect. Maybe a seperate topic or something ?
  16. NickD


    My 100th Post (even though it's probs about my 10,000th in realit but you cruel lot always delete me even though I was clearly a better admin than.. Marc ) is going to say.. good night.. IT'S THURSDAY TOMMOROW =D .. :(Edit: Btw Phill, have you got any Screenies or anything from the old Tussauds Zone etc. My old Hard Drive is absolutely destroyed so I couldn't find any of it
  17. I find myself stuck in stations alot at Thorpe Seems to be at the final point in queueing when a breakdown occurs
  18. One which is around gay people. Or one with ugly women.
  19. Which is why I don't understand gay people liking what they like...I don't think gays are un-natural, I just believe that the gayness is developed through how you grow up... its the same with everything apart from sexuality, it all happens in the brain and how the brain develops. And no, I don't pay attention in Science Peter.
  20. NickD


    Well, I've never visited the park but as it is now part of our Annual Passes it might see a few more visits from us lot. Posted up on the new Annual Pass website.."Annual Pass holder preview dayWe invite you celebrate the start of the 2008 season at LEGOLAND® Windsor before we open to the general public. Come along…"Anyway, discuss the park etc. in this topic.
  21. I understand how you feel because I feel the same about how you can like willy, I just don't understand it. As for what pete said, no I doubt that it comes naturally.. very much
  22. I'm going ! After selling my Chelsea tickets to a friend at school, and I've actually got quite alot of money for the meet aswell, gonna be quality =] haven't properly met alot of you before so yeah will be cool =]
  23. LOL, it's natural! No chance. being gay comes from how you grow up with the people around etc. I'm straight, never understood how you can be gay (because I'm not) it just seems completely, odd...
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