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Everything posted by James6

  1. It would definitely improve your quality of life if you did take it down a notch. Not stopping completely, but if it is starting to influence things like school, I think that's when it gets a bit serious.
  2. It's a very understanding ( for the most part ) community, you'll be fine Your problem isn't really a problem, it is normal but I would say that 10 times is alot.As tpkabz has said above, it's just unusual, I do doubt though that it can be good for your health.
  3. 1. Yes this is going to be much more organized challenge also as stated in the first post, this challenge will not be completely based around pictures with some challenges being about something completely different. This challenge is also going to be easier for you guys in that entries,voting and the result will, as best as possible, be announced the same time each week, also, voting is going to be improved through the use of a poll 2. And you ARE allowed to add photos to the advert, but they must be small-ish and the focus really must stay on the given picture.
  4. Ha, why thank you! I can't take all the credit though, AeRo is helping out a hell of a lot "Behind The Scenes"Remember guys, any questions, feel free to ask
  5. At full swing 65ft ( I think)Rush 75ft
  6. The ChallengeThe Challenge for this week is...To turn the above image into an Advert, the advert can be for the actual ride ( Dragon's Fury) or you can create your own new ride.*You can edit your images in any program you wish. For people who don't have a editing program installed but wish to take part, I recommend using Google's Picasa program, easy and simple to use*Good Luck Everyone! Let The Challenge begin...Edit: Dan that has been thought of, and when enough challenges have been created, there will be a seperate section just for these Challenges.
  7. This is...The ChallengeThe Challenge will run weekly, each Challenge will be revealed Sunday Evening and will end the following Friday Evening, ready for voting between the Friday and Sunday Evenings.Voting will now be done through the way of a Poll to make it easier. This Challenge will also, not be solely around Pictures and Photography.Also, each Challenge will get a new topic, so be sure not to post in the previous weeks topic.Good Luck
  8. Just thought everyone should know, Nemesis has been rated the best looping coaster in the world my Mitch Hawkers Poll, Of the ones I've been on, I certainly agree!Link to results
  9. It didn't need to be specified which photo won, just who took the best photo, or the best photo's together
  10. Thanks very much to everyone who entered and to everyone who voted. This week was, probably the best ever Despite me getting a bit naggy about votes :DThe winner is...Sheepie!Well Done Sheepie! *Round of Applause*There is now going to be another short break before the next challenge, which hopefully is going have a few great little changes James
  11. I have left the voting open for so long as there have been so few!I must say I was so pleased when we got so many entries, but the number of votes isn't exactly great...You can still get your votes in, the voting will close tomorrow where a winner will be announced.
  12. Ok, Voting is of course, now open!(My computer has died the past 2 days which is why it wasn't started when first planned, my apologies )Remember guys, to vote , send me a message with the name of who you think entered the best picture.
  13. The area does look incredible, Thanks for the update Sheepie :)Anyone else noticed the awesome chimney in the second picture?
  14. Quick reminder everyone :)The last chance you can get your entries in is New Years Eve.
  15. Such a great range of pictures! :DThose voting really are going to struggle when it comes to deciding
  16. Hey Mikey :DWelcome to the Forums :DOut of interest, what did you do around Chessington ?
  17. Well I did say it was just my opinion from what I could see Even though it's still not 100% confirmed,But yes, hopefully it is a Short Term thing. And thinking about it, if the ride is re-themed to Sonic, Sega are more than likely to be funding it, meaning we get a better themed ride but one where the budget isn't going to be taken away from Thirteen and/or Ug Land re-theme. This will also mean the last of "Tussauds' bodge jobs(Rita and Spinball Whizzer)" is at least glazed over. I do doubt how much of a "re-theme" this will be, probably just a re-paint and quick name change. Hopefully it is still going to be open for February Half Term despite being re-painted at the very least.
  18. I would expect Monkey Swinger and Tuk Tuk Turmoil to be on the Ultimate Express Pass, but I do hope that Kobra isn't involved with Fastrack. It's a particularly high throughput ride to start with.
  19. That'll be a sad day , when it comes. I do love a relaxing ride on the Skyway.But carrying on about the theming, if the whole Zoo had a continuous theme running through it, I think that'd be incredible. If executed well
  20. James6


    It's almost over, and it's very random ( thus suited to this topic) but Merry Chrismtas Eve Eve
  21. No... :DIt could just be a much needed re-paint.I personally hope it's not a Sonic re-theme, I think the Pinball theme is great, it just wasn't implemented very well.Also the ride is supposed to be re-located soon as pointed out in the Medium Term Development Plan.They might do but I don't see why they would when it's well known that management don't like the ride, especially it's location, as it takes away from the view of the Towers. Also it's just going to make an already garish ride, even more vibrant. As well as this we all know Spinball Whizzer seriously struggles with the queue's, why would they spruce it up, which would result in yet a further increase in popularity. Yet more evidence against a re-theme is the fact that it is advertised to open for the February Half Term event, and it's advertised to open as Spinball Whizzer. No re-theme happening in my opinion, but that's just my opinion.
  22. I agree completely. :DI don't even get to vote and I still can't decide
  23. Difference between a Safari Trail and more rides is, a Safari Trail is going to be pretty quiet, and seeing as Chessington's residents hate noise ( In particular Vampire) I doubt any attractions in the space where this area is planned would be accepted. Although, this space may be the opposite side of the residential area, which would be great, opening up a big space for more attractions.
  24. I didn't realise the scale of this Safari Trail!22 acres is a big area, space I didn't know Chessington had free!Nevertheless it's exciting, and I hope it develops into an attraction like Kilamanjaro Safari at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom.Would really help combine the Park and Zoo together in my opinion
  25. Ha, I know what you mean, it is a difficult choice!
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