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Everything posted by James6

  1. Oh wicked, To be honest untill just now I had no idea what a Legoland Discovery Center would be like, and I must say I'm pleastly surprised Just a very small Legoland by the looks of it
  2. What's the new colour scheme ?
  3. Yeah I saw this a few days ago, I think it's fantastic. Especially in comparison to Thorpe's
  4. They always do it.I've never been in there, but to me it says something when they place people and are paying people to go and nick customers from the London Dungeons, also funny how actually noone leaves the London Dungeons queue to go to it.To me it does look like it would be a very cheap, guy jumps from behind a door, that kind of thing...
  5. Ha :PAlso, getting rid of the & Zoo sort of makes the Zoo sound included in the World Of Adventures, and with, by the sounds of it the way the park is going to go in the next few years, that will be better. :DAlso considering that if they added & Zoo to the logo it would look crazy.
  6. Hey Mikey, sorry it's taken me forever to reply! I always forget to check my comments.

    Well on that train journey there was like this huge fight on the train with broken noses and concussed old guys... it was crazy :P Still working on organising to get to Chessington by train which will, I'm sure be completely different as it'll be at a different time of day, fingers ...

  7. I must say, in my opinion I think it's better that way, not that it makes the hugest difference in the world
  8. Gosh, I would hate to imagine Air on 1 Train, it's bad enough on 2 Even on 3 it's not the quickest of queues
  9. Great report there Tpkabz! Agree with your thoughts on all the rides, but I must say, don't judge Sonic Spinball too harshly, I rode it on Friday and it was running terribly compared to usual. It's still nowhere near as good as Fury, but usually its a bit closer to it.I especially agree with the Nemesis completely owning Inferno thing :DGreat to hear you had a good first trip to the Towers, and only half the park was open and on half capacity!
  10. Yeah but in the queue, they've replaced the old annoying voice with an even more annoying one, if you tried the single rider queue , you would know what I mean
  11. Just enjoy :PI was pleasantly surprised on my first visit during late 2009.
  12. I loved both, the former was definately the superior though. Something which annoys me about the current one is, there are SO many little things that could get the ride experience closer to the level it used to be can't wait to see any little improvements done over the closed season. Fingers crossed there are any.
  13. I bet if you were working anywhere else you would be saying quite the opposite Mind you I would be too
  14. Yep, there is alot of them :PThey all say...The Ultimate Coaster...Th13teen... Coming in March 2010
  15. Had a good day at the Towers to start my 2010 season! :POne thing, has the park lost ITHOTMK? Because I swear I haven't heard it on my past few visits, if so I can e-mail it to them! It is a vital part of the Alton Towers magic!Anyway, during the journey the snow just kept getting heavier and heavier not creating a lot of hope for most of the rides being open. We arrived a bit later than expected but everything was closed apart from Duel and Hex anyway. Rode Hex first, and yes, whilst the projecter slanted across the wall did look unproffesional, it did the job while the other is repaired. The rest of the ride was brilliant, maybe not quite up to the standard usually set, but still great. Theme Park theartre really is done at its best at some moments. The audio in the vault was hearable, although it sounded as if the main speaker had blown or was switched off as the one which was playing was of poor quality.Headed down through the park and decided to take a ride on Duel, and I must say I had some of the best rides I've ever had on Duel today ( apart from Duel: Live of course) Audio was brilliant and loud, most effects were working, I much prefer the speed throughout the house this year ( not that its changed much), overall I had a great ride and got a new highscore for me of 47,000 :PHeaded down into Forbidden Valley now , and to my surprise, Air was operatonal! However the crew really were poor at the getting the trains through and the queue moved extremely slowly taking 45 minutes. It also followed the usual trend of breaking down, which has happened everytime I've ridden Air.Nemesis by now had opened, from the Air queue I could see it testing and it looked terribly slow compared to usual, was barely making it over the loop, and barely back into the break run, by the time I got onto it though it was back to normal, and Nemesis on one train, with a longer queue took less time and moved quicker than Air on 2 and a much shorter queue!By about 12:30 or 1 , everything was open and to compensate, the park extended opening till 4:30Next was Sonic Spinball, and whilst the paintjob looks great, stickers with bubbles under don't. Spinball Whizzer was certainly looking tired last year and something needed to be done, but really, some of the changes made are dreadful. Such as the new logo being stuck 3 times on the ceiling bumpers in the station.Anyway next, moved into X-Sector to ride Oblivion, the 2 shuttles with new restraint's look fantastic and ultra sleek. The area still however looks very run down. Also Oblivion was walk-on even with Air and Nemesis at least 40 minutes each.Had a couple more rides on Duel and Nemesis etc and that about rounded off my day. One breakdown on Air which is to be expected and even that was less than 5 minutes.The park however doesn't look to have had much work whatsoever over the closed season and I look forward to seeing the needed freshening up which will be needed if Alton's 30th year is going to be as good as it could be.
  16. James6


    I do, although for sport and theme parks I try and wear contacts
  17. James6


    ...still wouldn't be too bad whilst improving guest satisfaction
  18. If it wasn't reduced prices, I'd agree, but I'm taking a friend with me on Friday and he can get in for £15, and with the majority of the "main" rides open, even with the some of the rides not being completely ready, it's still definitely worth it and will provide a great day out :PIf you look forward to it as if its going to be a "normal" day, you'll be disappointed, but if you look at it like a quick top up on the ol' adrenaline, it'll still be a great day. I also find it quite interesting to look at the park now, and then when the park opens in March, see the usual vast improvements and touch-ups around the park.
  19. I agree, but Alton, in the past, have been fine and the rides open have actually been in operating condition, which doesn't sound the case for a good few rides this year- Nemesis, 1 train- Oblivion, constantly breaking down- Hex, few effects working- Duel, Same as Hex- Runaway Mine Train, Running extremely slowly etc etcI do hope things improve for Friday
  20. Gosh sounds pretty dissapointing to be honest. Hope you still had a good time though :)I must say this February Half Term opening sounds more like one that would be at Thorpe, and strangely enough, last year there really was barely a break down during the same event.
  21. And the Winner isMonsterDan5!Well :DGreat entries those 3 who entered.Dissapointing week in terms of the number of entries this week, which is one of the reason why we are a going to have a 1 week break this week :)Will see you all in a weeks time
  22. Be sure to have a look at http://live.towersnerd.com/Has some live updates from the park.It seems Sonic Spinball is nothing more than a re-paint as most expected
  23. Sorry, delay in voting opening, :(Will open later, so anyone who's not entered may as well
  24. Remember guys, voting opens tonight
  25. James6


    You think it lasts to long? :(And how could you be bored on a ride like Rush!
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