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Everything posted by James6

  1. As I think has been mentioned, they'd have Ride Exit Passes, As far as I know, apart from it being the disabled queue, that is the only other thing it's used for.( Also some of those people could have been disabled but not in an obvious way. )
  2. I don't have it, but that is such an awesome announcement :)It sets the atmopshere in the station, I bet if you worked on the ride though, it would get quite irritating!
  3. That was something they did for a little bit during the Summer Holidays I think.Also even if that was the case, it wouldn't be through the exit anyway, it would be through the Express Pass queue.
  4. However much I love theme parks, I still think I would just come home if the queue's were that big...Actually I'd just go to Chessington
  5. Usually it does go quite slowly, and yeah I do miss my visits, but I just look forward to when the season starts again.This year I think will be even slower than usual, previous years I've been looking forward to Thorpe Park opening, even after poor trips and the season usually starts off in a not great way, but this year, I have enjoyed the trips to Chessington a lot more so I think it'll go slower.But I do enjoy seeing and hearing whats going on during the closed season, that keeps me sane
  6. Great TR,Thanks :)Monter Mash whilst walking round Chessington is incredible!
  7. SW6 really is incredibly exciting, there are "Wraiths" running loose around the area, scaring people, getting people in the mood and setting the tone of the ride, I can't wait :)Thanks for the picture
  8. You would have to be very unlucky for it to not be available
  9. It can't be chavy-er than Thorpe Park ?
  10. Definately, if ever I'm there and I think that the normal queue's are too long I would definately consider getting one.
  11. No problem, have a great day.:PSave the money for that Ultimate for a time when you can go for the whole day
  12. Hmm I'd say it depends,Are you going for a relaxing day to experiance Chessington at Halloween, or just to get loads of rides done ?For 6 hours I don't think it's worth getting an Ultimate Express Pass, the first hour at least, even on Halloween, is pretty quiet, and if you plan well can probably get another hour with small-ish queue's, so that's only about 4 hours use you'll get out of that Ultimate, 2 7 ride Express Pass' will be just about enough I reckon
  13. Great to hear you had a good day, and I'm still surprised that the queue's aren't through the roof.P.S Can you please edit and sort out the spelling, punctuation, everything really.
  14. I would highly doubt it'll be open today. I think your going to have to prepare for the worst
  15. Great Trip Report, thanks for taking the time to write it all out :)I must say queue's seem to be much less than previous years, this pre-booking thing seems to have worked!
  16. James6

    This Or That

    Hocus Pocus Hall Bewitched :)Black Forest Haunt or Hocus Pocus Hall Bewitched
  17. Difference between the parks, Chessington can handle the crowds...
  18. James6

    This Or That

    Grass Vampire, during the day, or at night
  19. The people with me , who were buying tickets on the day, on Monday went to the Kiosk and said who was entering and the guy said, I'm sure you'd like an offer ?Or something like that, and it was 2 for 1. But I 100% saw yesterday the advert saying that it was 2 for 1 till Sunday :)I would probably print off the voucher in small as a sort of insurance
  20. I thought that but I'm pretty sure they don't do that type of boat. My first guess was Intamin, but then it would be likely to have restraints. Probably a company we've not heard of before :)Edit: Ah right, thanks Paul
  21. I would think so, but last night on the tube, in a newspaper there was a Chessington advert. And it said 2 for 1 entry till this Sunday, No voucher or anything, just 2 for 1 entry.This is what happened on Monday when some of the people I was with bought there tickets.
  22. Yeah, that would be ridiculous, but I have a Merlin Annual Pass so that is why I used the priority access line. Still I would prefer 1 hour and 30 mins than 3 hours which was apparently the general admissions line.
  23. I visited yesterday, it was my first visit and I had a great time. The whole attraction flowed really well and not once did I lose a sense of where I was supposed to be. I did however think the boat ride was great Does anyone know the manufacturer?Also I was disappointed with Extremis, I had heard great reviews, but there wasn't a wait, obviously because you go round in groups and I don't see why it's therefore so short. One drop towers work when there tall, but shorter towers need a bit more. Does anyone know the manufacturer of this either ?Overall I thoroughly enjoyed it. But a 1 hour and 30 min queue to get in was a bit much, and that was in the Priority access queue!
  24. Gosh, that's crazy, it was nowhere near that busy on Monday.About them not being allowed to get people wet with the fountains, they were on Monday, I would guess its just because of the weather. Any complaints wouldn't be valid as you can see your getting wet before the ride.
  25. Guys! ( And Gals )Remember, you have 2 days left to get your entries in!
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